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blankfistLet's try out NetRunner' new channel, shall we? Add this to the *news channel, will ya, Siftie?!
blankfistUm... *news. *News. *media. *new. What gives?! I think Siftbot is asleep at the wheel.
spoco2This is just stunning stuff. How anyone could view that ad and think 'yeah, I think Obama is the cause of high petrol prices' is just... wow! But I bet there are some, they play on the fact that so, so many people don't think very deeply about these things, and don't stop and think about the logical fallacies and problems with what they're being told... they just go 'someone important is telling me this is true... must be'.
One would hope that for more people it would make them think 'Dear god McCain is desperate if he's coming up with outlandish crap like this'
charliemsays...Rachael is slowly restoring my faith in journalism.
This is what the media's job is....speaking truth to power, not letting them get away with this kind of shit.
11807says...Thanks for a good laugh Blankfist.
braindonutsays...Yeah... the worst part of it all is that this attack spot is probably going to work on a bunch of people...
schmawyShe reminds me of Xeni Jardin just enough to annoy me.
Fortunately the people who believe ads like this are that 20-30% of the public who don't understand anything that's going on in the campaign. They'll mostly vote for McCain or stay at home due to apathy on voting night. There's little or nothing Obama can do to sway such wilfully ignorant people so there's no point in trying to reach them. What I'm trying to say is the ad is completely ineffective, anyone who believes it probably already believes all the bizarre rumours about Obama so their votes are not worth competing over.
honkeytonk73trailer park politics in action
choggie"Fortunately the people who believe ads like this are that 20-30% of the public who don't understand anything that's going on in the campaign."
supposin' most folks here believe they are in the alternate reality of, 70-80%...HAH!!! Puny humans.....
10801"i'm john mccain and i'm fucking desperate!"
brycewi19Rachel Maddow does a great job filling in for Olbermann. I actually enjoy her viewpoints just as much as his.
It's weird, there's even times where I think they look the same, as if brother and sister. Maybe it's just me.
Payback^Ever notice you never see them at the same time?
PaybackObama started off this whole raising gas prices thing after he bailed out of the plane he was flying into the Pentagon, or at least that's what the New Yorker said.
kronosposeidonCan I blame Obama for the Padres?
deathcowThis video takes the cake.
entr0pyI must say I like the new Keith Olbermann much better. She's not nearly as smarmy or irritating.
9058Not insult the sift population or America in general (I am an American) but i think its a little to high and mighty of anyone to assume that no one will buy this. She says the low info voters...thats the majority of them. It is already known that majority of people who vote for president really dont starting paying attention to the candidates until a month or two before the voting. I am not taking the classic "americans are dumb rednecks" approach i am just saying we shouldnt act all superior and surprised that people fall for this. Do i think the ad is effective? Hell yes it is because it appeals to everything American voters love/hate about politics. Finger pointing with fast editing. Its what we have been using for decades and some how they are acting like its this retarded new strategy that McCain is foolishly using. Hey i dont like McCain more than anyone else but this is typical election year bullshit, nothing new. So dont underestimate dirty tricks with no evidence to back it up (works every time) and dont over estimate the American voter for being able to see right through it.
budzosThat hairstyle has got to go lady. Yeeeuch!
10128The wrong thing to take away from this is that McCain being an idiot neo-con automatically makes the Democrats being the right answer. The fact is, both parties have blocked nuclear for thirty years, and the bulk of Democrats voted AGAINST drilling for the past ten. If they HAD voted back then, we would be experiencing lower prices NOW. You can't perpetually use the "we only take seriously immediate answers" strategy with peak oil around the corner and no practical immediate solution. Last time I checked, we still need gas, deisel, and jet fuel in the interim. It's kind of impossible to run an airplane on solar panels. Government's best idea this whole time? Appropriate money from its citizens and give that money to big corn companies under idealist socialist subsidy bills for ethanol. That made people less able to afford investments in alternatives, it raised the price of corn and everything that eats corn negating fuel savings, and lastly did nothing to reduce emissions since it takes almost as much energy to create ethanol as you get from it. BRILLIANT! And you idiots keep electing these people to intervene in the market. Why? Elect a libertarian or something this time for christ's sake, neither of these parties knows how to do anything but collude with big businesses and sling mud at each other for political power.
And even though I freaking hate McCain, the stupid lady in this video has no idea how markets work. The market is very emotional, it prices in what it thinks politicians are going to do in the future. Just the ANNOUNCEMENT of drilling would be enough to alleviate prices a certain amount, you don't necessarily have to wait years for an effect. And yes, stupid woman, that oil shouldn't necessarily go to Americans. It's called free trade. We import 70% of our oil right now, how would we like it if other countries nationalized theirs you stupid bitch? We'd have chaos. The way you win the global bidding contest for this finite resource is to preserve the value of your currency. You can't do that with a central bank, no gold standard, and bunch of spendthrift socialists under any part name who can't resist the temptation to inflate. Even now, they're trying to prop up an artificially high market (created by the central bank, btw) that needs to collapse and reallocate to something that's actually exportable (unlike housing and services), because that's the only thing a weak currency is good for. It's the equivalent of giving someone who's high more shots instead of letting them go through withdrawal. We're going to kill the patient (the dollar) with either option. Pick your poison, they'll both do it.
MINKi don't need "high info" to realise mccain is a bumbling old man without an original idea in his head. of course barack "let's surge afghanistan next" obama is not much better. but he isn't a bumbling old man.
quantumushroomThe ad is correct.
Obama's political party wants Americans dependent on big government even more than on foreign oil. They hate private property and free enterprise, so of course they oppose drilling, oil exploration, etc.
Obama is singled out because he's McCain's opponent in the Presidential race. B. Hussein's neo-marxist record is there for all to see.
AemaethI hate voting for Olbermann videos because he uses the same emotional tactics that you see on Fox News. The video is pointless because anyone who can follow the reasoning presented therein will already have done so on their own.
BansheeX, I agree with you about nuclear energy and off-shore drilling. I'm not sure I agree with off-shore drilling being forced to sell US. Think about the worlds biggest oil exporters: if they stopped exporting oil, what would they have going for them? Iran would just be some crazy-potential terrorists in the desert if it weren't for the money they make from us in oil trade. With that in mind consider what would happen (the assumption is made that oil is cheaper in the US than other places):
A. Oil sold in foreign markets: drillers make more money. Supply in the world economy increases and the price reacts accordingly (if at all). Most Americans would not see a benefit.
B. Oil sold in domestic markets: drillers make less money. Demand in the US decreases (since we have more domestically and rely less on foreign oil). Price reacts accordingly.
Seems to me if the oil is forced to be sold domestically, Americans would get more benefit from it.
MrFiskIf the Federal Highway fund is deficit, can we have our .10 BAC levels back?
choggieI dunno man, her hairdo makes me hot as fuck....specially when her mouth is moving with that smug hither come ass-handin' look....
choggie*dead, terms of use
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siftbotAwarding geo321 with one Power Point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
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