Soft White Underbelly video and portraits of The Whitakers, an inbred family from Odd, West Virginia.

I just came across this and want to post but you beat me by a month.

Very interesting and sad at the same time.

Some think they have it bad but I don't think I've see much worse.

May peace and love surround them.



Thanks Bob.


I just came across this and want to post but you beat me by a month.

Very interesting and sad at the same time.

Some think they have it bad but I don't think I've see much worse.

May peace and love surround them.



Yo, you can't self promote just because of white power or something.


I just came across this and want to post but you beat me by a month.

Very interesting and sad at the same time.

Some think they have it bad but I don't think I've see much worse.

May peace and love surround them.


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