How many trashcans can this little kid jump on his bike?!

...and this is how we learn. I was that kid at one point.

Listen to the douchebag saying "ROFL" at 1:55. I don't think I will ever say anything like LOL or ROFL or whatever other silly internet acronym in the real world without a heaping dose of sarcasm, and I certainly won't say it in regards to a little kid's suffering.


>> ^doogle:
Who the hell has 5 identical big green trashbins?
How much garbage does the kid's family take out every week?
upvote on the wearing of the helmet

They probably just took one from each neighbor.
and yes kiddies, helmets save lives!


The day my body flies over handlebars and lands inverted on my back against a concrete curb, dont even bother saying "Just get up!", just tip one of those green cans over and try to push me into it.


I'm gonna let this go because he's a little kid, but normally i think, if you pull a stunt like this, where you keep getting bigger and bigger, you're not allowed to cry when you wipe out at the end of it.


Peer pressure at its finest. The older kids should have stopped him, or should get beaten up by the kid's brothers and/or father. Fuckers.

And if you say rofl out loud you fail at life.

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