Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

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The Australien Government has made an ad about its Climate Change Policy and it's surprisingly honest and informative!

And you party is nothing but a party of fear mongers. They created this hoax, snowflakes and SJW..

25 NASA Scientists Question the Sanity of the Global Warmists


I'm sorry you can't understand actual science, but why am I not surprised you being the Trumpanzee you are. The GOP has become the party of idiots.


Did you mean, "You and your party"?


And you party is nothing but a party of fear mongers. They created this hoax, snowflakes and SJW..

25 NASA Scientists Question the Sanity of the Global Warmists



Bob....you just.....omg. the tears are streaming, buddy. You got us. The total, complete, utter lack of self awareness......thanks. I think everyone needs a good laugh today, nice of you to make yourself the butt of a joke for us.

Yep, Bob, that's right....Democrats are a party of fear mongers, snowflakes, and hoaxers, not Trump Republicans. *facepalm

Omg....I can't breathe. Good job, Dimitry. You ARE learning to be funny at least.

SJW, I suppose the left must take responsibility for them....in the same way the right must take responsibility for alt right neo Nazis and the wave of racist right wing terrorism. Guess which is a more pressing and destructive problem.
Guess which party, by it's own definition, is also a violent terrorist organization....go on, guess.


And you party is nothing but a party of fear mongers. They created this hoax, snowflakes and SJW..


You are losing your shit there Newt.

So sad. I’ll come visit you you in the psych ward.

I’ll come cheer you up and bring you a TRUMP button.



Bob....you just.....omg. the tears are streaming, buddy. You got us. The total, complete, utter lack of self awareness......thanks. I think everyone needs a good laugh today, nice of you to make yourself the butt of a joke for us.

Yep, Bob, that's right....Democrats are a party of fear mongers, snowflakes, and hoaxers, not Trump Republicans. *facepalm

Omg....I can't breathe. Good job, Dimitry. You ARE learning to be funny at least.

SJW, I suppose the left must take responsibility for them....in the same way the right must take responsibility for alt right neo Nazis and the wave of racist right wing terrorism. Guess which is a more pressing and destructive problem.
Guess which party, by it's own definition, is also a violent terrorist organization....go on, guess.


I am. You are becoming too funny. What happened to Dimitri? He was never that clever to just say 'black is white' and sit back. What's your handle, comrade?

A chronically ill informed fear mongering right winger claiming the left is the fear mongering and hoaxing party is just so over the top hilariously ludicrous...the left's leaders aren't convicted criminal frauds who's entire platform is "they're coming to get you and only I can save you by protecting unregulated gun sales, banning im'grants, saving Christmas, and fixing some fence....i mean getting Mecxico to build that wall.", it just wouldn't work on the left, only the right celebrates known lies.
Before Obama, I might have agreed about the left being the snowflakes, but absolutely not now. You babies are so thin skinned, snowflake seems too adult, you melt over nothings daily.

If I thought for a pico second you honestly meant it and weren't just angrily projecting and trolling I would suggest an immediate brain scan, because that's so incredibly irrational that non professionals are simply not qualified to deal with that level of clinical dementia.

Funny you didn't contradict the neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue....I guess you must agree the right is now, by their own standards, a violent terrorist organization, and a more pressing issue for the U.S. than other terrorist organizations as the most active by far, outpacing to the point of replacing Islamic terrorism.


You are losing your shit there Newt.

So sad. I’ll come visit you you in the psych ward.

I’ll come cheer you up and bring you a TRUMP button.


Pot calling the kettle black aren't you? Your orange daddy is fear mongering to build a wall at the southern border for an "invasion" that actually doesn't exist.


And you party is nothing but a party of fear mongers. They created this hoax, snowflakes and SJW..

25 NASA Scientists Question the Sanity of the Global Warmists


neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue.... Non existent .0000000001 % of Conservatives are nuts jobs like you describe. You side is way worse.


I am. You are becoming too funny. What happened to Dimitri? He was never that clever to just say 'black is white' and sit back. What's your handle, comrade?

A chronically ill informed fear mongering right winger claiming the left is the fear mongering and hoaxing party is just so over the top hilariously ludicrous...the left's leaders aren't convicted criminal frauds who's entire platform is "they're coming to get you and only I can save you by protecting unregulated gun sales, banning im'grants, saving Christmas, and fixing some fence....i mean getting Mecxico to build that wall.", it just wouldn't work on the left, only the right celebrates known lies.
Before Obama, I might have agreed about the left being the snowflakes, but absolutely not now. You babies are so thin skinned, snowflake seems too adult, you melt over nothings daily.

If I thought for a pico second you honestly meant it and weren't just angrily projecting and trolling I would suggest an immediate brain scan, because that's so incredibly irrational that non professionals are simply not qualified to deal with that level of clinical dementia.

Funny you didn't contradict the neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue....I guess you must agree the right is now, by their own standards, a violent terrorist organization, and a more pressing issue for the U.S. than other terrorist organizations as the most active by far, outpacing to the point of replacing Islamic terrorism.


Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.


neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue.... Non existent .0000000001 % of Conservatives are nuts jobs like you describe. You side is way worse.


The law to build a wall was passed years ago. Way before Trump came along. Our government never had the balls to fund it. Lip service is all our government is. Trump, love him, hate him is actually doing something about it.


Pot calling the kettle black aren't you? Your orange daddy is fear mongering to build a wall at the southern border for an "invasion" that actually doesn't exist.


Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.


Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.


It's a great feeling. I've had nothing left to lose for a long time. It's kind of empowering.

It is a bit rough getting there though. It don't come easy.


80 years then I'll snap. I'll have nothing left to loose.


You misread. I'm blaming radicals for drinking mountain dew, which hypes them up to the point of being ready for race war. It doesn't make radicals, it energizes them.

Sadly, no. The right has abused and ignored their constitutional duties as a party, handing supreme power to one man over and over while ignoring and actively hiding his multiple crimes and appearances of crimes and actively obstructing the investigations at every turn.....advancing their cause so no investigation should be undertaken, no charges levied, and certainly no punishments for what are real, treasonous felonies....dozens of convictions about subversion....collusion....but you still believe they are the patriots?! You still claim they care about the constitution, as they wipe their asses with it?! Explain.

Come on, Bob, it's ok to admit they aren't perfect and that you don't support at least some of their crimes. I wish you would consider how you would feel if Obama stayed a third term (which Trump hints might be his plan often) and/or bypassed congress to add trillions to the deficit while cutting the military by over half (note, Obama increased military funding consistently, contrary to the lies Fox and Trump tell you).

Democrats want to save the union, granted some of their ideas are poorly thought out, republicans from the top down are itching for a civil war because your side believes the other side isn't armed and will be easy to eradicate.....they're wrong, and totally unpatriotic.

Bob, it's not "one proud American", it's tens of thousands who aren't proud, anyone who MAGAs is saying America isn't great now, and right wingers want to completely reimagine the country as not a melting pot, not a place of refuge, not a place of fairness and opportunities, but a place where rich get richer and the poor pay for it, and where white privilege is codified law, nothing else really seems to matter any more than as a rallying cry, or Republicans would have funded the wall when they had total control.

Um....when republicans step out, it's quite often with a gun or swastika, when democrats do it, it's with an egg or a paper peace sign. Hardly the same thing.

Also, tell that to Senator Stewart Smallie (among others)....he was good enough, he was smart enough, and dog gone it, people liked him, but because of one non G rated joke as a comedian, he resigned....never in million years would republican resign for any such thing, one became president by bragging about actions similar but 100 times worse. Democrats actually hold themselves to their own standards, not Republicans, not anymore, not one tiny bit...

Good people on both sides. Yeah....except good people don't stand with Nazis and white supremacists....EVER.

Edit: again, since you persist in your insistence that the left is worse than the right, I ask you to list the left wing terrorists of late....because we can list quite a few right wing terrorists since Trump was elected, including multiple mass murderers and multiple mail bombers.


Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.


Who told you that?!
You mean the law that allows some border barriers when they are useful and don't violate other local, federal, or international laws? That did not authorize what's now proposed, and didn't pay for it either.

Btw, you do know he hasn't built a single foot of new wall, right? So far he's barely repaired old fences, but he tells you he's built hundreds of miles of new wall. You deserve to not be lied to. You don't have to sit still for that disrespectful abuse. Call him out when he lies to you. If the wall is really important, why allow him to get away with faking it?


The law to build a wall was passed years ago. Way before Trump came along. Our government never had the balls to fund it. Lip service is all our government is. Trump, love him, hate him is actually doing something about it.


Oh Bob...
2017 extremist related murder numbers are out....
71% were by right wing extremists-many neo Nazis
26% were by Islamic extremists
And those numbers should only include the murders, not the myriad of failed right wing terrorist acts like the multiple failed right wing mail bombers and caught in the nick of time right wing Coast guard terrorists.
Not sure how you plan to make a case that egg wielding left wing extremists are the real pressing danger, but I'm all ears.

In 2018, every single terroristic attacker in the U.S. had ties to right wing extremist organizations, although one had converted to Islamic extremism before attacking that doesn't mean (and there's little evidence that) they abandoned their right wing politics or philosophy.

Try to absorb that information instead of just being defensive and ignoring it....please.


neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue.... Non existent .0000000001 % of Conservatives are nuts jobs like you describe. You side is way worse.


Sir, you will pry my Bartle Skeet from my cold, dead hand.


You misread. I'm blaming radicals for drinking mountain dew, which hypes them up to the point of being ready for race war. It doesn't make radicals, it energizes them.


Meh. I learnt it from watching Cleetus MacFarland. Those good ol' boys are addicts.


That will make it easier.

(I had to look up Bartle Skeet....do people not know what "skeet" means? Nasty....and who's this Bartle guy anyway?)


noun: skeet;
noun: skeet shooting
a shooting sport in which a clay target is thrown from a trap to simulate the flight of a bird.

I think you're getting confused between the sport, the windowwww, and the wallll.


That will make it easier.

(I had to look up Bartle Skeet....do people not know what "skeet" means? Nasty....and who's this Bartle guy anyway?)


So, you're saying the energy filled liquid often consumed warm is called "skeet" because it resembles clay pigeons, not Lil John slang, and also not Mr Ulrich?



noun: skeet;
noun: skeet shooting
a shooting sport in which a clay target is thrown from a trap to simulate the flight of a bird.

I think you're getting confused between the sport, the windowwww, and the wallll.

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