F1 Double Pitstop


probably because the Paoli pneumatic wheel guns cost ~$7,000. (pit crew has 8 of them, primary and backup per wheel)
Couldn't find a modern price for the wheel nuts, but they're 1-time use and were a few hundred dollars each 10-years ago.


So, why do they need my car for a full hour when I need new tires?!


The first car had a set of scrubbed tires put on, the 2nd car had new tires put on. All the tires look like the 2nd set when new because the molds that are used to create the tires are chrome plated.


Why the new tires of the 2nd car were so shiny, almost like covered in plastic?


Even this pit crew would need to take a lot more time to drain the air, pull the tires from the rim, re-install, re-inflate and re-balance with weights then re-install on car I'm thinking:)


So, why do they need my car for a full hour when I need new tires?!

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