Dolphin Massacre in Japan


Every winter, thousands of dolphins are confined and brutally killed in small towns across Japan. Fishermen often injure a few captives by spear thrust or knife slash to retain the group since dolphins never abandon injured family members. Dolphin meat are later marketed and often mislabeled as whale meat. Very Graphical. --From
Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, this powerful video shows the annual massacre of dolphins that takes place in Japan.


hang on japan is a fishing culture so its not suprising that thay eat dolphins just becuse in western culture we have alot of pro dolphin propaganda to make us look on them more favrably than chikin you shouldent get all angry and upset by filming of farming.

i think that maby if possable if u can rate creatuers on there inteligence then you could farm them acrodingly from what i understand dolphins are fairly intalectual (i could be wrong) so maby it would be better to eat less of them. just as maby in the western world we should eat less cows ore whatever comparatable anmial we have hear.
as its unlinky for that to happen anny time soon i think what the most important thing to do would be to work out a way to capture and kill the creatuers humainly( ore as humanly as posable). thay should be paralized with electricity and then shot though the brain i think its pritty obvouse that cutting them open isent a very fast way of killing something. incadently this a nice reminder that culturally acepted activties ore methods of doing things arnt often the best ways.


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Fuck you Japan. FUCK. YOU. Really. All of you and your entire culture can burn in the same nukes that take out all of motherfucking China as far as I care. You're all the fucking same.

All I want from you is a Nissan GTR R35. Other than that, you're useless.

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