Do you want an explosion?

Because that's how you get an explosion!

I remember when we used to dump boxes of sawdust on the fire out at the lake. Good times. Fewer eyebrows and hair, though.


I picture a teen slasher movie on your horizon.

Revenge of the Killer Trees.


I remember when we used to dump boxes of sawdust on the fire out at the lake. Good times. Fewer eyebrows and hair, though.


Anyone else happen to notice the gas can at the bottom right of the screen? A little less about the leaves and a little more about the petroleum accelerant I think.

Love the effect though.


Title of video:

Gasoline-Doused Pile of Leaves Explodes While Setting on Fire


Anyone else happen to notice the gas can at the bottom right of the screen? A little less about the leaves and a little more about the petroleum accelerant I think.

Love the effect though.


I'm glad there are people out there that will record video to answer the question we all have sometimes, even though we know the answer but, can only imagine; "Wonder what would happen if..?"


As much as I hate to applaud stupidity, that was actually
a) really awesome and
b) quite aesthetically pleasing.

Kudos, idiots.

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