David Hasselhoff - True Survivor

First song from the Kung Fury Soundtrack

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The movie trailer itself is *related=http://videosift.com/video/KUNG-FURY-Official-Trailer-AKA-Best-Movie-Trailer-Ever


I don't think it'll be in theatres. It's not a feature length film (they didn't hit their stretch goal for that). They keep mentioning about releasing it on YouTube, as well as submitting it to some festivals.




This is a bit more specific than just general 80s kitch. Even the video effect was very Blood Dragon, along with the dude riding a dinosaur


this kitch 80s/early 90s aesthetic has been around for a lot longer than blood dragon.


the video effect is bad chromatic aberration which is an artifact of a bad lens. it's standard for movies and TV shows with no budget. blood dragon was just drawing from the same influences (80s-early 90s action/fantasy movies/TV, foreign action fantasy movies, taiwanese movies, hong kong movies, telugu movies, possibly nigerian movies) and the underground popularity of synthwave, chillwave, even italodisco, and chiptune. kung fury could have pull some influence from blood dragon but both are based on 30 year old cliches so that influence is a bit meaningless since the source material is so redily available.


This is a bit more specific than just general 80s kitch. Even the video effect was very Blood Dragon, along with the dude riding a dinosaur


The bleeding colors aren't aberrations - it's misplaced colors due to bad post-processing (or rather copying) of the video. Chromatic aberrations would be the same effect pointing out to each corner - this is just all the colors bleeding to the right, for not to mention the VHS tracking artifacts.


the video effect is bad chromatic aberration which is an artifact of a bad lens. it's standard for movies and TV shows with no budget.


@kir_mokum - I take it back - there is also strong chromatic aberration.


The bleeding colors aren't aberrations - it's misplaced colors due to bad post-processing (or rather copying) of the video. Chromatic aberrations would be the same effect pointing out to each corner - this is just all the colors bleeding to the right, for not to mention the VHS tracking artifacts.

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