Constituent Rips Into Congressman Over Health Care

"You have been the single greatest threat to my family in the entire world!"

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beat me to it eric!
have you noticed how many congressmen are now trying to video chat their town halls now?

it is because they do not want to face americans like this face to face.


Macarthur must have been terrified of being primaried by the Kochs---so F--ing terrified---to decide to back the second round of the Ryan/Trump bill knowing that this would be the result.

However, he did the 3rd district of NJ in 2016 60-40% versus a Democrat--that's basically a landslide---And Trump won it 51-45. So, he's probably going to win again in 2018 (I would predict with a smaller margin, but nonetheless, he should win)

But for some other marginal Republican guys---this might not end so well.


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