Chris Matthews To Protester: Why Did You Bring A Gun To Obam

William Kostric has a gun and a sign "The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants. " And he brings them to the Obama rally. Chris Matthews doesn't miss a beat in the Hardball interview. August 11, 2009. Eight minutes short.

ya this interview is pretty stupid. Admittedly I'm not a fan of Chris Matthews.

having been in various combat situations, i can tell you merely having a gun is not a show of force. Drawing down would be an appropriate example of show of force.


CAN WE JUST SACK ALL THE TV PEOPLE IN USA I MEAN WTF lol amerce has the worse "professional" TV people in the world.

also the idea that having a gun makes you free is so dence , I bet you that owning a gun puts your life in more risk than not owning a gun.


Im sure Americans would love to see all countries with nucular weapons its , under the same logic that it would be safer if everyone has a gun . This is why The us has allowed countries around the world to freely follow there own nucular programs.


All these videos concerning U.S. politics and health care just have me weeping into my hat at the viciously partisan politics.

That other vid with the woman in the crowd yelling "watch glen beck" just made me so sad that someone takes an opinion clown as an authoritative source on anything.

Turn off the tv and read a book that makes you think instead of just confirming everything you already think. -sigh-


>> ^vaporlock:
These people are scary... After 8 years of the most corrupt president EVER (who they supported). They are now worried about their rights.

Do you honestly think this guy or those like him were sitting on the sidelines while Bush was eliminating habeas corpus, or blowing our national wad in the Middle East? Who are "they" anyway? Are you assuming this guy's a republican because he believes in the Second Amendment?

I absolutely agree with this guy's statement: exercise your rights or you'll lose them, simply because it's virtually impossible to reclaim power from the government once it's been surrendered. In my current home state – Wisconsin – bringing a gun to a presidential rally would certainly be excessive, but I'm more concerned about the guns I don't see (and there are far more than you might think).


also the idea that having a gun makes you free is so dence , I bet you that owning a gun puts your life in more risk than not owning a gun.

I believe that's incorrect. People are far more likely to use force against someone who is unarmed. No fear of being hurt themselves. Gun ownership is a great deterrent against crime. Believe me, if we could wave a magic wand and confiscate firearms only from thieves, rapists, and psychopaths, I would. But that's fairy land.

On a larger level, the amount of guns in this country makes it virtually immune to invasion, too. Unfortunately, we didn't need any help from anyone else to ignore constitution and destroy our economy. I'm a Ron Paul guy, but I prefer to just watch the country unwittingly vote the dollar into oblivion. If people can still convince themselves that it's best to ban competing currencies, price fix interest rates, tax one legal behavior more than another, let them do it. Then there will be no one left to point to but themselves when it comes crashing down for real.


>> ^Rotty:
If you are going to watch American television, you should probably focus on Sesame Street.

Well at least desame street is more interlectual than the majorty of what passes as "news" and "news" bradcasting in USA, infact Sesame Street makes more sence evan when everything is tripping out.


To me it's the sign that puts him in the wrong. His point about people carrying guns in NH as being normal is well taken, but once you start holding a sign that directly references the killing of people... yeah, you lost my sympathy.


>> ^vaporlock:
These people are scary... After 8 years of the most corrupt president EVER (who they supported). They are now worried about their rights.

"These" people? He didn't even vote for Bush. You sound like a media brainwashed paranoid nitwit.


When is it a crime to bring a gun to Obam?

Wow, Mathews is being a douche. That was completely out of line, imo. New Hampshire has an open carry law, so he wasn't doing anything illegal or even ethically wrong. To Mathews I guess open carry is a sign of force, but to those in New Hampshire it is a show of self defense. *fear politicking from this ass.


>> ^BansheeX:
I believe that's incorrect. People are far more likely to use force against someone who is unarmed. No fear of being hurt themselves. Gun ownership is a great deterrent against crime. Believe me, if we could wave a magic wand and confiscate firearms only from thieves, rapists, and psychopaths, I would. But that's fairy land.
On a larger level, the amount of guns in this country makes it virtually immune to invasion, too. Unfortunately, we didn't need any help from anyone else to ignore constitution and destroy our economy. I'm a Ron Paul guy, but I prefer to just watch the country unwittingly vote the dollar into oblivion. If people can still convince themselves that it's best to ban competing currencies, price fix interest rates, tax one legal behavior more than another, let them do it. Then there will be no one left to point to but themselves when it comes crashing down for real.

U.S. firearm fatalities in 2000, 10,801 homicides. The European Union experienced 1,260 homicides, Japan only 22.

Where do people have the most guns?


First of all, why are the American people scared of socialism? The most prosperous countries in Europe are socialist countries. How can those republicans be so stupid? They are enormously stupid. There are 50 million uninsured Americans, and the cost of medicare is getting higher every day. The profit of insurance companies has risen 800% in the past 10 years. Why isn't the Single-Payer method on the table? The only reasonable one at this point.


Chris Matthews was on a witch hunt. While this type of interviewing might work for getting people to speak their agenda, in this instance he came off rash and unprofessional. The guy in the interview came off more rational than I think Chris might have wanted.


>> ^westy:
the idea that having a gun makes you free is so dence , I bet you that owning a gun puts your life in more risk than not owning a gun.

Riiight. And I'm sure that going for a walk at night with a pitbull would make you a bigger target for robbery, right? Brilliant reasoning there. Of course carrying a gun makes you safer, particularly if it is exposed. That anyone would try to debate that is mind-numbing.


>> ^jubuttib:
U.S. firearm fatalities in 2000, 10,801 homicides. The European Union experienced 1,260 homicides, Japan only 22.
Where do people have the most guns?

Where do people watch the most Sesame Street? Case closed. Correlation is not causation.


Guns should be outlawed for ordinary citizens. Only law enforcement should legally be able to carry it around. Then everyone else carrying a gun could easily be identified as a law breaker and avoided at all costs.


>> ^gwiz665:
Guns should be outlawed for ordinary citizens. Only law enforcement should legally be able to carry it around. Then everyone else carrying a gun could easily be identified as a law breaker and avoided at all costs.

Yes, because if it's the law, everyone will obey it. Otherwise, only criminals would carry guns, and... hey, that's pretty much how things are now, isn't it. How about instead of taking away everyone's right to defense, civilians are allowed to carry weapons for defense, and more people will think twice about attacking someone.

Mutually-assured destruction? That's some silly, paranoid, goofy shit. You'd rather the victim not be able to defend theirself?

People will not be so quick to go out in a blaze of glory as you seem to think, and if they try, more people will be prepared to stop them. Knowing that a large number of civilians may be armed is more of a deterrent than no civilians being armed.


>> ^Xax:
>> ^westy:
the idea that having a gun makes you free is so dence , I bet you that owning a gun puts your life in more risk than not owning a gun.

Riiight. And I'm sure that going for a walk at night with a pitbull would make you a bigger target for robbery, right? Brilliant reasoning there. Of course carrying a gun makes you safer, particularly if it is exposed. That anyone would try to debate that is mind-numbing.

If you were the only person to have a gun then yes you might be at an advantage but if everyone has a gun the fact is you having a gun is negligible, whoever has the element of surprise is in a far better position and well the guy mugging you is always going to have that advantage.

also if sum one was going to mug you and you don't have a gun they wont perceive you as a thret and i beliver they would be less likely to kill you/harm you just take stuff from you , in the case of a muderor thay would have killed you ethor way as they would have had the tachtical advantage.

^Xax a pitbull is not very analogous to a gun for many reasons and actually yes walking around with something that looks intimidating or asocaits you violence/ criminality can draw attention to yourself and make you more likely to be attacked in some places. fact is most people would keep a gun hidden so it would not work as a deterrent and it would also not attract atentoin.

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