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eric3579says...Rileys droppin' knowledge!
siftbotsays...Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, December 24th, 2011 9:32am PST - promote requested by original submitter eric3579.
eric3579says...First 5-year-old to break through the matrix -yt
shuacsays...>> ^eric3579:
First 5-year-old to break through the matrix -yt
What's that in the background? A guy in a Toys-R-Us smock quietly speaks into a handheld radio, "Code red, aisle 12. I repeat: code red, aisle 12."
HugeJerksays...Sounded like she was channeling Andy Rooney.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Kids) - requested by ant.
quantumushroomsays...Plump-cheeked urchin, boys' and girls' brains are wired differently. You'll be hearing enough "we all the same" when you're placed in your first
government indoctrination centerschool.
dagsays...Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
She speaks the truth. Corporate marketing reinforces outdated gender roles.
oritteroposays...There was an article in the newspapers recently about Hamleys toystore in London (one of the, or the, best toystores in the world IMHO ) succumbing to pressure and removing the pink and blue labelled floors for boys and girls, and instead grouping toys by type:
dystopianfuturetodaysays...You and I have been inculcated by decades of advertising propaganda. This little girl has been exposed to far less propaganda. She has a much less biased opinion on this matter than we do. Do you think it's possible that a young person like this who hasn't yet been beaten down by the system might have something to teach us?
I'd like to know why the issue of gender roles is so important to you. Why you are bothered by a little girl questioning your status quo? I don't get why you dismiss her natural feelings of gender unity in a culture that strongly enforces gender roles, and then claim she will later be indoctrinated by the government to believe "we are all the same", which is what she already believes in the first place - honestly the cognitive dissonance of this comment makes my head hurt a little. Why do you have a strong partisan political opinion on something probably better left to psychology to research and explain? I'm fascinated with how the conservative mind works and I feel like the answer to this question could be a key to a deeper understanding. >> ^quantumushroom:
Plump-cheeked urchin, boys' and girls' brains are wired differently. You'll be hearing enough "we all the same" when you're placed in your first
government indoctrination centerschool.
ex-jedisays...She will lead us all one day. And I for one welcome our new adorable non gender biased overlord.
lordhaywiresays...I'm so tired of quantumushroom's comments.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Controversy) - requested by MrFisk.
Diogenessays...granted i'm a cynic...
but give me five minutes chatting with my four-year-old son, then one minute of edited video... and i could have him dropping 'natural' philosophy as well
TheFreaksays...If you believe there's no difference between the genders you're trying a little too hard.
There's no doubt my son and daughter fit easily into seperate genders. We've given them both the same opportunities to pick their interests. Bit when my son picks up a stick it becomes a gun and when my daughter picks up the same stick she'll use it to train her horse. They both cook and clean and work to earn money that they have to manage but there's no doubt that there brains are fundamentally different.
You may argue that we have unconsciously reinforced roles for our children or that media and corporations have influenced their development but that ignores millenia of societal structures across the whole planet by cultures that in no way influenced each other and certainly were not influenced by modern media. It's obvious that corporate marketing reacts to gender roles rather than fabricating them. The idea of a conspiracy to suppress or elevate one gender through recognition of that genders inherent traits is horse shit. The inequality between genders in any culture is not a product of the difference between the genders themselves but a result of the values of that culture. Denying gender differences does not solve the problem of inequality in any culture, it only demonstrates a lack of real understanding of the problem.
My children can be anything they want. My son does not need to be encouraged to be something he's not in order to satisfy someone's intellectually dishonest bias that he is somehow no different from his sister. If you want to tackle the violence and suppression of the female gender in some societies then you have to address the political and social issues at the root. Pretending that making less pink toys is the solution is lazy and ignorant.
swedishfriendsays...Yes boys and girls have differences in their brains. But! There is at least as great a difference within a gender as there is between the genders.
quantumushroomsays...You and I have been inculcated by decades of advertising propaganda. This little girl has been exposed to far less propaganda. She has a much less biased opinion on this matter than we do. Do you think it's possible that a young person like this who hasn't yet been beaten down by the system might have something to teach us?
>>> Adorable she may be, but she has far more to learn than to teach.
I'd like to know why the issue of gender roles is so important to you. Why you are bothered by a little girl questioning your status quo?
>>> I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that I'm "bothered" by this at all. I'm annoyed that Pops has no good answers for her. And the confusion that awaits in government indoc. Maybe Pops doesn't know that there are real biological differences between male and female brains and that even if there were no obvious physical differences between the brains, they are each "pickled" in different biochemical baths in male or female bodies.
I don't get why you dismiss her natural feelings of gender unity in a culture that strongly enforces gender roles, and then claim she will later be indoctrinated by the government to believe "we are all the same", which is what she already believes in the first place - honestly the cognitive dissonance of this comment makes my head hurt a little.
>>> I dislike moral relativism, the sacrificing truth for convenience. There will be days when the indoc center will assure her that "people are all the same" in areas of life where it's simply untrue. There will be other days when she'll be segregated and her differences highlighted, in order to wrongly gain from others (political correctness) or preyed upon by others (political correctness).
Why do you have a strong partisan political opinion on something probably better left to psychology to research and explain?
>>> Why wait? Everything is political. Eveything. You really think the shrinks aren't "influenced" by who is paying for their research grants? Science--honest science--recognizes there are differences between boys and girls, men and women. Gender roles may be part societal, but AFAIC, it's 95% biological.
Opus_Moderandijokingly says...>> ^TheFreak:
They both cook and clean and work to earn money that they have to manage but there's no doubt that
theretheir brains are fundamentally different.fixed.
DarkenRahlsays...That's a funny joke.
>> ^quantumushroom: I dislike ... sacrificing truth for convenience.
legacy0100says...Little Lisa Simpson
siftbotsays...2 more comments have been lost in the ether at this killed duplicate.
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