Chevy Truck Jump Fail

"I jumped my 95 chevy truck and amazingly walked away from this crash with only a few stitches in my lip and a slightly fractured nose." - YouTube

He should've loaded the bed with a lot of weight, then it would have worked. Pickups are too front-heavy for that kind of jump.
By "worked" I mean he'd only have to replace his entire suspension, instead of totalling the whole truck.


>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^FishBulb:
Was that a friend running to offer help? Don't often see that.

Seriously, where was the overzealous laughter at their friend's shortcomings, only to later express concern for his well being.

Seriously, wtf were these people thinking? Concern and help? No schadenfreud? MADNESS!



"I jumped my 95 chevy truck and amazingly walked away from this crash with only a few stitches in my lip and a slightly fractured nose." - YouTube

"I derp my 95 Derp truck and Amazingly DErp away from this DERp with only a few DERP in my lip and a slightly Super DERP nose." - YouDERP

Ok, fixed the quote for ya.

physics, teaching Special Ed kids that engine and cab of truck will out weigh an empty truck bed by lots.

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