Bitcoin Is Super Safe, Not Insane Thing to Invest In

Seth takes a moment to share a commercial he recently saw that explains what Bitcoin is and how it works. -yt

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Bitcoin is perfectly safe. 1 bitcoin is worth$20000US. No wait, it's $11000US. No wait it's $14000. Whatever, it's still the perfect time to jump in with both feet.


Unfortunately, that would have been several years ago. That ship has sailed. I'd have gotten in on it, but at the time and still I'm on board with the skeptical woman in the video.


Bitcoin is perfectly safe. 1 bitcoin is worth$20000US. No wait, it's $11000US. No wait it's $14000. Whatever, it's still the perfect time to jump in with both feet.


Several years ago (2) it was under $500
One year ago it was around $1,000
6 months ago around $2,500
3 months ago around $4,300
1 week ago it was almost $20,000
Today around $14,300


Unfortunately, that would have been several years ago. That ship has sailed. I'd have gotten in on it, but at the time and still I'm on board with the skeptical woman in the video.


I still wish I had "mined" some when that was a possible thing. Now, wiki says a normal computer would take 1367 years to mine one, and during that time difficulty will increase making it take even longer.


Unfortunately, that would have been several years ago. That ship has sailed. I'd have gotten in on it, but at the time and still I'm on board with the skeptical woman in the video.


I bought 32 bitcoins throughout 2012. Now worth close to half a mil. I bought about 4 or 5 grams of DMT over the next two years... each 20 mg of DMT - in my mind - is worth at least $1,000,000. Regardless, even when I started putting money in, there was serious paranoia about the volatility that exists today but isn't as bad as it was back then. You could not trust any of the bitcoin banks or markets back then. A lot of them would just close down and take off with your motherfucking bitcoins, a lot of them would get hacked or say they got hacked, so I always just wanted to get the money transferred out of the bank to a market and released to a trustworthy vendor as fast as possible. So, if you're thinking woulda coulda shoulda - you too probably wouldnah. That on top of the fact that bitcoin transactions took dayyyyssss sometimes, it was fucking slow and a lot of it was through cold hard cash not debit/credit cards...


I guess it wouldn't become worthless by inflation, since there are a finite possible number of bit coins, most of which already exist.

But would some amazing code breaking computer allow people to somehow copy or spoof or otherwise steal bitcoins? Shit's confusing.


...then someone creates a stable, proven-theory quantum computer in their garage and bitcoins become worthless.

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