Bill Maher Talks About Marijuana & Michael Phelps Scandal

Bill Maher on CNN's Larry King talks About Marijuana and the Micheal Phelps Scandal

I can understand why Maher is miffed Phelps didn't stick up for himself and tell us to shove it, but you don't get to be an athlete of his caliber by breaking out of the mold. He was taught nose to the grindstone discipline and that has worked for him.


>> ^csnel3:
wait a second.. So, smoking pot leads to eating fruit loops. Fruit loops leads to diabetes.
So...pot = diabetes.

I dunno, when I smoked I tended to eat things like carrots.

Oddly enough, I hate eating while high... I never feel like I've eaten enough so I just avoid it.

But yea, can't believe this is even a story. Phelps got high, oh no. I guess this proves that he's a loser who will never amount to anything.


An even bigger scandal than this is the 4 sumo wrestlers who were arrested and kicked out of the sport for tesing positive for THC. Combine a Japanese sport which is steeped in Shinto religion and a a bit of weed, now that is a scandal.


Meh, I don't care about pot smoking, I really don't.

I personally don't do it, but I don't disapprove of it either.

However, people such as Michael Phelps, the "Role Models" are "Role Models" for a reason. People actually look up to them, and it's not so much that he's using a drug that has little to no harmful effects, it's the fact that it's still illegal in most/all of the states.

If you get caught walking down the street with pot, the bare minimum is a fine, and in some states (And i'm most likely WRONG about this, so if you correct me, please try not to be condescending as I'm admitting it) I believe there's jail time involved.

He got a slap on the wrist, and a sponsorship taken away. I would agree that taking away the sponsorship may have been a little harsh, but can you REALLY blame them?

He already was convicted of a D.U.I. in 2004, and gave essentially the same speech then too, "definitely let myself down and my family down...I think I let a lot of people in the country down."

So, I truly don't feel so bad for the guy.


To me, it's never been about "role models" or losing some sponsorship, it's that he's being punished for an unjust law. Laws and social norms exist for a reason, and they are not there to cater to our backwards beliefs and stigmatize a drug that has been scientifically proven to have no negative effects on the human body. Public opinion and laws need to change. I'd sooner ban alcohol than stop people from smoking pot.


I just don't understand the logic behind punishing the man for smoking pot. The fact that he smokes pot doesn't change the fact that he won a fuck ton of gold medals at the Olympics. It doesn't change the fact that he broke world records and was a national hero. He's still the same person he was, now we just know something about him that some of us don't approve of, so he's suddenly blacklisted. It's silly.

The man is a Olympic hero, let him smoke in peace. The dude earned it.


I think it's great that Kellogs didn't care that he was driving while intoxicated but smoking little weed with his friends is suddenly the most terrible thing in the world.

"Now operating a vehicle under the influence with the risk of seriously injuring others or yourself? That's okay.


He is right that the guy was harmed far more by being dipped in chlorine for the past 8 years more then that bong of pot smoke. He's also right that you shouldn't drink tap water unless it's from a well as it's assuredly had a tun of chlorine dumped into it to kill off any contaminates, though it's not as good at it's job as other more benign, though more expensive, methods.

I personally have a water cooler with a local companies spring water. Not only does it taste far better then my tap water but it's free of chlorine, which is a significant cancer causing agent over long periods of use. It's also been known to increase chances of strokes and heart attacks.

My point is the chlorine in the pool he swam in every day for 8 years was significantly more detrimental to his health then the bong he smoked. I swear every year the outrage over pot criminalization grows. IMHO it should be up to each individual state whether pot be illegal or not. This is the United STATES of America after all. I think, when it comes to medical use at any rate, President Obama agrees with that statement and it won't be long before he puts a stop to federal raids that waste billions every year.


>> ^Schattdaddy:
An even bigger scandal than this is the 4 sumo wrestlers who were arrested and kicked out of the sport for tesing positive for THC. Combine a Japanese sport which is steeped in Shinto religion and a a bit of weed, now that is a scandal.

The irony here is that THC intoxication from primitive Shinto ritual offerings is probably what prompted the invention of sumo wrestling in the first place some millenia ago. I mean come on, look at the size of these guys! What do you think made them that way?


Phelps had the opportunity to come forward and be a major advocate for marijuana use. Imagine the anti-anti-marijuana PSAs they could've done using his face. Unfortunately, he sold out. Is it because he's a bad person? No, it's just because it's easier...

Poor guy, I hope he doesn't have to suffer through anything else because of this.


>> ^Shepppard:
However, people such as Michael Phelps, the "Role Models" are "Role Models" for a reason. People actually look up to them, and it's not so much that he's using a drug that has little to no harmful effects, it's the fact that it's still illegal in most/all of the states.

But that's the real injustice, the fact that it's illegal without warrant.

I see nothing lofty about either enforcing or obeying bullshit laws.


>> ^Shepppard:
However, people such as Michael Phelps, the "Role Models" are "Role Models" for a reason. People actually look up to them, and it's not so much that he's using a drug that has little to no harmful effects, it's the fact that it's still illegal in most/all of the states.

This is exactly why I'm so frustrated by Phelps punking out and apologizing. It's not like he's going to stop smoking weed, so rather than being a bitch, he should have taken the opportunity to contribute to effort to legalize it. As a "Role Model", olympian, spokesperson, generally successful person, he's an excellent example that smoking weed doesn't turn you into a loser hippie.


My mom brought this up as a good example of why nobody should smoke weed. Because it gets you into trouble. This is why I learned years ago not to discuss real issues with my mom... she is one of those pod-people who parrots anything a "conservative pundit" says on TV.


no, that's wrong. Swimming 5 hours a day is MUCH healthier then smoking weed, AT ANY POINT, IN ANY POOL, in comparison TO ANY WEED.

I've been a toker for about 5 or 6 years, everyday, excessively and I've had to stop recently because I became a pathetic, lazy, non-contributing member of society, not to mention socially awkward, and often paranoid, and I doubt I could say the say if I spent all that time exercising.

I'm not going to say that chlorine isn't bad for you, but you can't say marijuana's better for you than TAP WATER, when you have no scientific reasoning to back it up, sounds a little religulous doesn't it?

By the way, I agree for Phelps not saying anything about this, lets remember, he himself did not apologize, his publicists did, and besides that, I don't think Phelps should become a marijuana advocate, because he doesn't know any god damn thing about it. I agree with the legalization of ALL drugs, but I am a even stronger supported of EDUCATING people about drugs, like Bill maher.

PS, please don't say I don't know what I am talking about, a couple of months ago, I would be shouting at the comments I just made, but we can't just blindly follow lifestyles because someone else is telling us not to, we can keep being dogs.


>> ^AceOfKidneys:
no, that's wrong. Swimming 5 hours a day is MUCH healthier then smoking weed, AT ANY POINT, IN ANY POOL, in comparison TO ANY WEED.
I've been a toker for about 5 or 6 years, everyday, excessively and I've had to stop recently because I became a pathetic, lazy, non-contributing member of society, not to mention socially awkward, and often paranoid, and I doubt I could say the say if I spent all that time exercising.
I'm not going to say that chlorine isn't bad for you, but you can't say marijuana's better for you than TAP WATER, when you have no scientific reasoning to back it up, sounds a little religulous doesn't it?

By the way, I agree for Phelps not saying anything about this, lets remember, he himself did not apologize, his publicists did, and besides that, I don't think Phelps should become a marijuana advocate, because he doesn't know any god damn thing about it. I agree with the legalization of ALL drugs, but I am a even stronger supported of EDUCATING people about drugs, like Bill maher.
PS, please don't say I don't know what I am talking about, a couple of months ago, I would be shouting at the comments I just made, but we can't just blindly follow lifestyles because someone else is telling us not to, we can keep being dogs.

Nobody is here saying you should sit on your ass all day and toke up for years. Pot, like anything else, yes even swimming 5 hours a day, can have detrimental effects from over-use. And yes even swimming will have negative side-effects long term. Nobody is saying that swimming for 5 hours is worse then smoking pot for 5 hours. But over long term their is a plethora of scientific research that shows that it can, particularly with Chlorine. Obviously a glass of water isn't going to hurt you, but consuming gallons of chlorine over years is VERY bad for your health as Chlorine is one of the most dangerous carcinogens that we consume, most of us multiple times daily.

Mahr is a major advocate for legalization, I'm sure he knows a great deal about the subject. Again I agree with you that Education is very important, though personally I would be against voting for all drugs personally. But there is zero sense in the criminalization of personal use of pot. In moderation of course.

Shit when Phelps got in a car accident after drinking and driving 4 or 5 years ago there was less of an outcry and he got into less trouble over it. He didn't even loose a sponsor. But a picture of him smoking a bong some years ago.. thats the worst damn crime he could have committed apparently.


>> ^Psychologic:
wait a second.. So, smoking pot leads to eating fruit loops. Fruit loops leads to diabetes.
So...pot = diabetes.

I dunno, when I smoked I tended to eat things like carrots.
Oddly enough, I hate eating while high... I never feel like I've eaten enough so I just avoid it.

But yea, can't believe this is even a story. Phelps got high, oh no. I guess this proves that he's a loser who will never amount to anything.

Now THAT'S funny.


>> ^Xaielao:
Shit when Phelps got in a car accident after drinking and driving 4 or 5 years ago there was less of an outcry and he got into less trouble over it. He didn't even loose a sponsor. But a picture of him smoking a bong some years ago.. thats the worst damn crime he could have committed apparently.

Yeah well that's because drinking an driving is as wholesome as watching NASCAR and beating your wife. Oh and let's not forget that he was underage to be drinking at the time of his little road trip as well.


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