Bill Clinton in major showdown with Fox News anchor.INTENSE!


i dont agree with clinton on alot of things but at least he knows how to comunicate. + you can see how it could be good for the movers and the shakers in the bush goverment to have a compleat retard as there front man.


They don't call him "Slick Willie" for nothing. Bill Clinton is a wonderful orator who disgraced the Office of the President and did jack squat for national defense. Were it not for Perot, he would've lost in '92 and much of today's hells might've been avoided. History will recognize Clinton for promoting an upward cigar trend and getting sugary soft drinks out of government schools. Good for him!


<Were it not for Perot, he would've lost in '92 and much of today's hells might've been avoided.>

It's very easy to look back on things today and say how much better things would have been if he hadn't been president, which by the way, I don't agree with. Although his promiscuity will forever disgrace his presidency, it can't be ignored that he did more for America and its relationship with the world than Bush can ever claim.


Fooling around with an intern vs starting an illegal war which has killed ten of thousands of innocents. Only the lazy intellectual class of the United States could conclude the former is worse than the latter.


This journalist starts out being hostile toward his guest...what a wank. And he's constantly cutting Clinton off.

"Nice little hit conservative job on me."

How come no one brings up the fact that Bin Laden's family and the Bush family used to be friends????

And quantum, that is incorrect. Perot took votes away from the Democrats (correct that...he took them from across the board). You're statement should be, "If it hadn't been for Perot, Clinton would have won by a larger margin."


"Fooling around with an intern vs starting an illegal war which has killed ten of thousands of innocents. " - cardboardhut

Yeah, but starting a war on false pretenses doesn't get you impeached. [Which President's] the idiot now?
/sarcasm off

(Edit, in "[ ]") Didn't want you to think I was giving shit to you, cardobardhut


Clinton did nothing for national defence. HA, ROFL, Source please? The right will want you to believe that the "Bush doctrine" to protect America is new under Bush, but Clinton always had America's security first and took preemptive actions whenever he could (remember, he didn't have 9/11 to justify illegal action), in the interview he cites situations where this is/was true including the attempted off of Bin Ladin and creating defence against terrorism, it was the inaction of the right when they took office that allowed for 9/11 to happen. Not to mention Bush has failed to find/kill Bin Ladin even when deploying the armed forces in an illegal war and invading two countries, has lied about much worse things than fellatio including torture and inhumane treatment, pretences to invade a country and kill thousands of innocents and our soldiers, and his campaign policies. He has alienated the entire world KILLING any hegemony that Regan, Bush Sr, and Clinton established during their presidencies, created NCLB which does nothing but hurt the public education system, and has done jack shit with the economy except raise the national debt. I would go on, but anyone who doesn't get the point will never be swayed.

"Were it not for Perot, he would've lost in '92 and much of today's hells might've been avoided."
Were it not for the electoral college, a flawed election system that is based on 18th century paranoia GWB wouldn't be president and ALL of today's hell might be avoided.

He didn't just kick ass in this ambush because he's a good orator, he also spoke the truth and not some partisan bull shit that CNN and Fox always spew.

I can't wait for someone to say that he's fiscal policy only worked because he was riding Regan's econ policy...

/edit - the full transcript... I think it isn't translated perfectly, I read it via another website and they used this as a source and the english was broken at places but it's still there.


"Clinton did nothing for national defence. HA, ROFL, Source please?"

THANK you. This is the most annoying part of any person's argument - no matter what "side" they are on. People spew out supposed "facts" without anything to back it up.

Don't be a sheep. Verify your assumptions. And above all else:

Consider your source!!!!

(Thanks for the transcript link.)


i wanna know why everyone is hung up on his cigar/intern fiasco... this kind of shit happens ALL THE TIME in big business, and no one cares. not to mention the fact that his infidelity is an issue for him and HIS WIFE, not the entire country. tell me the last time ANYONE has been indicted for something of this nature.
i think that International War Crimes far surpass Infidelity on the 'Sins against mankind' list.


Hindsight is always 20/20. It's so easy to turn around post 9/11 and blame Clinton for not dealing with Al Qaeda.

Whatever you can say about Clinton, the fact is that he brought a time of peace and economic stability. Sure he got off with a intern, but after going to war with Afghanistan and failing to capture Bin Laden, going to war in Iraq under false pretenses, ruining the US economy from one largest budget surpluses to the largest budget deficit, restricting civil liberities.

It doesn't look that bad.

'Fair and Balanced' my ass.


The Onion had it exactly right in in their January 1st, 2001 headline:

"Bush: Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over"

"My fellow Americans," Bush said, "at long last, we have reached the end of the dark period in American history that will come to be known as the Clinton Era, eight long years characterized by unprecedented economic expansion, a sharp decrease in crime, and sustained peace overseas. The time has come to put all of that behind us."

Bush swore to do "everything in [his] power" to undo the damage wrought by Clinton's two terms in office, including selling off the national parks to developers, going into massive debt to develop expensive and impractical weapons technologies, and passing sweeping budget cuts that drive the mentally ill out of hospitals and onto the street.

During the 40-minute speech, Bush also promised to bring an end to the severe war drought that plagued the nation under Clinton, assuring citizens that the U.S. will engage in at least one Gulf War-level armed conflict in the next four years.

I've been trying to find the article, but Spy magazine had a list of "101 Reasons Not To Vote For George H. W. Bush". Reason #1, on the front cover was "He Cheats On His Wife" and named the woman he took with him on his trips to China (not Barbara). Men in power attract women. American's are so hypocritical about sex. From all appearances, George W Bush doesn't cheat on his wife...I'm not sure how many lives that is worth.

Edit: I found a reference to Bush Senior's mistress, Jennifer Ann Isobel Patteson-Knight Fitzgerald, in the Times of London. That this might be the first time you've ever heard of this belies the whole idea that the press has some sort of "liberal bias".,,2092-1268535,00.html


did jack squat for national defense

I am so tired of this argument. the US spends utterly obscene ammounts of cash on the military. we spend more than the next 20 highest spending countries combined.

The US accounts for 47% of global military spending. how utterly wasteful.

Why do we need this? how is is that every other country on the planet can spend so much less on military than we do, and yet survive? why do we have to be saddled with such an insane burden?

here's a report written in 1999 on why we didn't really need the increase in military spending that Clinton authorized.

This "Strong National Defence" rhetoric serves one purpose: To increase defence industry shareholder value.


Clinton did take a lot of flack from the right for his anti-terrorism strategies, and his desires to kill terrorists with our special forces.

It does make this a very surreal tactic for the right to play.


Good shout k8 - Kitty Kelly's book also mentioned the whole adultery thing. Of course the Bushes slammed her to the ground harder than... (someone complete the simile for me please, I'm tired).


Verify sources and consider them. Ye'll find a LOT of sources on this interview here:

Just go to the bottom of the page for links to over a dozen articles and analysis.

All I really got from this was that Clinton can't take tough questions. He's used to having interviews like on Larry King et. al where the toughest questions asked of him are "do you agree that Bush is bad for America?" Can anyone say 'softball'?

Bush is repeatedly and regulary excoriated in the most disrespectful and insolent manner possible by almost everyone he is interviewed by and 'hostile' questions/comments come up repeatedly by the snarky interviewers who almost always suffix it with 'why won't you admit your mistakes and confess that this war/your presidency is illegal/illegitimate?'

But let one interviewer ask the crowned King-William Jefferson-Blyyyyyyythe-Clinton-III if HE did anything wrong and he blows up. Note he was not asked to 'admit his mistakes'. But he responded as if he had been.

Always the same song and dance. Wagging his finger in our faces and saying "I did NOT have sex with that woman. I never lied - I never told anyone to lie." Chewing on his bottom lip as if he were the one who had been horribly wronged. Furiously attacking everyone who disagrees with him, but if he is ever criticized it's: "Hey - no attack.... ever fed... a hungry child."

The wagging finger is almost a sure sign that he's lying. He lied right there in that interview. He said Richard Clark was removed before 9/11 from his post - hinting that this 'led' to the attacks and that if only he had remained there, they might have been prevented. He even cited Clark's book as proof of it. But if you actually read his book, Clark says himself that he REMIANED the terrorism 'czar' until AFTER 9/11 and that he changed posts not at the insistence of the Bush admin, but because he wanted to be in charge of the new department.

So who was lying? Clinton, or Clark? Because if Clinton was lying, that's no surprise. But if Clark was lying in his book, then Clinton is doubly at fault, because he lied in citing it as the truth.

This is not a man who is quick on his feet or a great stateman. He's an immature beaurocrat who's used to having the media covering for him, and was flabbergasted that they didn't. If any of these other 'news' networks had any salt in them at all, they'd be asking him tough questions like this. Remember, this is the guy who fought to stomp on the ever-beloved 1st amendment by threatening Disney and ABC to cancel "The Path to 9/11". For once, thankfully, they didn't pay any attention to him.



Slyrr, Bush is the current President...being asked questions about what he is or is not doing is his JOB. When Clinton was in the White House, he was NOT treated with kid gloves. Or have you conveniently forgotten?

The more you seperate America with your "college football rival" mentality, the worse America is for it.

And I, for one, am glad that there is at least one spokeman who will fight back. We are told that Democrats have no backbone, then when one finally FINDS his backbone he is called "crazy."

Pick a side and stay there, Republicans. Please.


Wow. Fox talking head definitely tried to hijack the agenda here with his bullshit little planted question, Clinton was certainly taken aback and responded with emotion, but he did so in a very measured and articulate way. You americans certainly can take pride in having elected such an intelligent and reasoned President.

So... how do you explain the current guy?


Ask his brother, Jeb. He was the Governor of Florida during the 2000 convenient that Florida was the state that one Bush the Presidency.


Clinton not treated with kid gloves? Have you forgotten that Michael Issikof, the Newsweek magazine editor who had all the facts of Clinton's Lewinski doings, spiked and covered up the story to protect him - until it was exposed by Matt Drudge? And the many interviews with Billary, in which she was allowed to say it was all the doings of a 'vast right-wing conspiracy' and the hosts all smiled and nodded? The "Pretty in Pink" press conference? Hillary being allowed to get away with saying nothing but "I can't recall" during her grand jury testimony about the mysterious documents that proved ill business doings that remained hidden in her office until AFTER the stature of limitations had expired? Clinton blaming the torching of the Davidian compound on Janet Reno and the media accepting it without question? Clinton ordering Peter Jennings - "Don't go there!" (using the same finger-wagging) at the first hint of questioning his legacy? I could go on and on. But all of it - conveniently forgotten - by the left.

And you (saying "you" as a general descriptor of those in favor of the political left) are still going back to the root of your Bush hate - "His brother was governor of Florida in 2000".

You still think the election was 'stolen' from you. Gore demanded and got over three recounts - and he lost them all. Yet you still think you were robbed. I guess it all goes back to that. You think the only way Republicans can possibly win is by cheating and stealing. It couldn't possibly be that they're better at persuading the American people. It couldn't possibly be that people didn't want to elect Gore. It couldn't possibly be any of those things - could it? After all - no intelligent person would vote Republican - would they? They have to have been tricked - or disenfranchised - or discriminated against. That's the only possible way Gore could have lost.

How convenient indeed.

Thanks to Gore's arrogant refusal to accept his rejection, he started the current trend of Democrats running to the cameras after they lose elections and demanding recounts because they can't accept defeat in the arena of ideas.

Gore got less votes. He lost. In order to overcome that simple truth, the left has to come up with conspiracies of voter fraud, intimidation, discrimination, butterfly ballots, hanging chads, and now malfunctioning voting machines. And the rumblings are already starting among the left, gathering teams of lawyers to 'contest' the upcoming mid-term elections in case they lose those, because they are no longer sure they'll win.

College football rivalry? You're still cheering for the team that lost in 2000.

In the sound bites from this press conference, Bush the 'dumb cowboy hick' spanks the insolent reporters using the "war in Iraq created more terrorist" line. Not only that - the President of Afghanistan himself stomps on them as well. But what does he know, right?


Slyrr, please check your facts.
Bush 50,460,110 - Gore 51,003,926
Gore got more votes - Bush won despite having a smaller number of votes thanks to the Electoral Colleges. Unless you were implicitly referring *only* to the results in Florida, and only going with the 'official' version.

Vice President Al Gore came in second in the electoral vote even though he received 543,816 more popular votes than Bush. Such a close national contest contributed to the controversy of the election. This was the first time since 1888 that a candidate who clearly did not receive a plurality of the popular vote received a majority of the Electoral College (see United States Electoral College#Losing the popular vote). (Due to the unusual ballot in Alabama in 1960, it is unclear how much of the popular vote in that state can be attributed to Kennedy and hence whether Kennedy beat Nixon in the popular vote.)"
Did I ever mention how flabbergasted I was to learn about the excessively complicated voting system in the US? In Canada we mark an X for the person we're voting for. It's super-simple. I'm still shocked that things could be screwed up so badly.


slyrr, I'm sad for you that you cannot look at the facts of this administration. The entire system is corrupt in America...and that includes BOTH sides. But to say that Clinton was not a good President simply because he got a little nookie in the Oval Office is a disservice to the American people.

It is hard to argue that things took a nose-dive when Bush took office. Hundreds of thousands of people died for various reasons that could have been avoided. And time after time the administration looks for a scape-goat. Corruption? Take a look in your own house. DeLay...Enron...Abramoff...Halliburton...Rove.... Incompetence? Katrina...9/11...walking out of the U.N. Climate Change Conference because Clinton was speaking...EVERYTHING in the Middle East.... Those who throw stones in glass houses....

That link you gave is a RIGHT WING web site. That's not a good source to back your points. You really should never use a biased source during an argument. It's sloppy and discredits your claim.


The Right believes that the media is too liberal...the Left believes the media is too conservative...someone has to be overdoing it a bit. Is it so hard to believe that BOTH sides are going too far? The Left AS WELL as the Right?

I am not a Democrat. This system is too corrupt for me to align myself with any side. But when I see a job well-done - a balanced budget, a strong economy, good relations with the rest of the world - I call it a job well-done. And when I smell shit, I call it shit.


"Clinton did nothing for national defence. HA, ROFL, Source please?"

My source is the 1990s (when you weren't born yet.

I won't bother listing the roll call of attacks on America and her interests because the Clintonian response to all of them was the same: nothing.

Clinton annoys hell out of me, not because the people who bought into his line of BS are dumb, but because silver-tongued Bubba allowed them to feel good about taking the easy road and ignoring the harsh realities of our world. We're partly paying for his NONfeasance now.

"The left proclaims to be for expressing all points of view, then is SHOCKED when others do."


Please attempt to make an argument.

You were soooo very close to swaying me, but then I realized it was all opinionated ignorant bull shit.

"The left proclaims to be for expressing all points of view, then is SHOCKED when others do."
A common wise republican saying, but you forgot:
"If your right eye offends you, talk about Clinton's left eye. If your right hand is covetous, talk about Clinton's social spending.
And then freely spend much, much more; for your cronies deserve their due."
"Marrage is one man + one woman, anything else is just damnation."
"Kill a fetus, go to hell"
"In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans"
"Feminism encurages women to leave their husband, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."

Sooo much wisdom!


I still don't understand why the world's most developed and richest country can only afford a 2 party system of political discourse, while even the most backward countries of the world managed to have multiparty alliances.

The way things are going there is never going to be a moderate field of politics anymore, everything is so easily labeled Red or Blue, Left or Right. Funny it will be if we move from racism of color to racism of ideaology.


"The left proclaims to be for expressing all points of view, then is SHOCKED when others do."

A common wise Republican saying,

>>>>> (It's not lefty politically correct, but it's so very true).

...but you forgot:

"If your right eye offends you, talk about Clinton's left eye. If your right hand is covetous, talk about Clinton's social spending.
And then freely spend much, much more; for your cronies deserve their due."

>>>> Clinton is an attention whore who deserves to get beaten down for his disgraceful performance as a pollster President. While some conservatives find it convenient to mention him because his 8 years of spineless moral nihlilism has left lasting damage, I personally see no need to drag him, as a topic, into arguments...the modern moonbat left is on par with his lameness. The problemo is, Bubba never shuts up, including speaking out against the acting President, which is not illegal but uncouth, uncalled for and delights our savage enemies.

>>>> I condemn Bush's left-like spending spree. Spending time trying to compete with victicrats in Wasting Tax Dollars wastes both. At this point, Bush could push universal health care and the left would still whine like a baby turbine.

"Marrage is one man + one woman, anything else is just damnation."

>>>> I only question why 97% of the American population be forced to break with centuries of tradition for the other 3%? There are a lot more dope smokers than gays...legalizing pot seems like a more pertinent issue to me.

"Kill a fetus, go to hell"

>>>> Some fundamentalists believe this. What of it? You can go to hell for any number of reasons. Hell is an impermanent state anyway.

"In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans"

>>>> That's true. There's no national unity when you've got a loose collection of hyphen-tribes. But the left draws its strength from creating more internecine class warfare, racial prejudice, religious prejudice and gender-based bitterness all so they can keep their power. Read up on the idiots in the Balkans.


"Feminism encurages women to leave their husband, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."

>>>>> You're quoting Pat Robertson here. That's his opinion and he's allowed to own it. BTW is it any worse than that black asshole professor who recently suggested the entire White race be exterminated AND NO LEFTIST CHALLENGED HIM? Cowards.

>>> I disagree with Pat's assessment of feminism. Feminism merely encourages less attractive women who worship the Goddess of Patchouli to blame men for their personal failings. It's also created a bunch of kollij knitting circles posing as legitimate curricula known as "Wymyn's Studies." The worst part is, the classes these wymyn really need, like 'Kill Your Inner Yeti and Shave Your #@! Legs' aren't offered.

>>>>> Robertson's suggestion that we assassinate Chavez was spot on! Plus Robertson's bent earlobes make him look a bit like a fundamentalist Yoda.

>>>>> mecca delenda est.


Only a right-wing nutbar like slyrr would give Rush Limbaugh links, (and be serious about it), to back up his "arguments". You are right daphne... sad, however, it's really mean of you to try confusing him with facts, IMHO. It's like "they" all finally realize Bush is an embarrassing, shit-witted numb-nut and the only reaction they can muster is a collective "Oh yeah! Well, yer a dummie-head liberal!" I can kind of relate though, putting myself in their shoes. When you are as far gone as some of these lemmings, reacting negatively to someone like Clinton, someone who can actually form complete sentences, and speak effectively and logically when arguing a point, seems understandable. I wonder what Dr. Phil's opinion is on Dittohead interventions... Don't judge them, people. They just need help.

BTW, looking for more laughs, I clicked on slyrr's name so I could find and read more of his extremely amusing right-rage rants. The only other times I've laughed as hard are when watching O'Reilly or Limbaugh spew their equally self-righteous, wholly manufactured dross. Go check it out peeps. Click on his name and read his other posts. I found his Lara Logan clip comments especially telling and hilarious. Funny stuff! There is still time, slyrr. Just walk into the light. That's it... just follow my voice. Walk into the light... you can do it! I'm here to help.

BTW, how can a guy be a member since 8-13-2006, yet have no published posts, or even votes for that matter?


Fletch, we have lots of wingnut trolls. 0 videos submitted, and often 0 voted fors.. but tons of spew. Like quantumshroom.

Hey shroomy, you know what "delights our savage enemies".... The US gov't spying on its own citizens, creating an order of magnitude of anti-US foreign sentiment, more soldiers dead in Iraq than any terrorist attack ever, legislation to nullify Geneva convention and allow US troops to be subject to torture, a US gov't that makes the Taliban's view on torture downright tame...

Show me any data that supports a 'left' federal fiscal spending outpacing any Republican Congress in the last 20 years. Show me once where a modern Republican budget has NOT increased the federal deficit. Your buddy Bush has increased the deficit ceiling to 8-10 trillion. And name one non-DHS, non-military thing he has spent it on. Name just one.

Seriously, they have raised the age of enlistment to cover just about anyone you can think of. So.. assuming you are 18 yrs old, enlist now, or STFU.


Clinton got a blowjob, then he lied about it. How many puppies did your God kill because of this? None. so noone died, noone got hurt. the republicans then used that to raise hell over nothing just to get him impeached.

Bush, partially because of his complete incompetance, got a 9/11, then he lied about it, and used it as an excuse to attack a country and dictator who in bush's own words had NOTHING to do with 9/11. he lied about it all, and anyone with the slightest objection was an unpatriotic, terrorist-sympathising, anti-american piece of shit.

So far, 45000 people (possibly much, much more) and counting have died because of BushCo's pack of pure lies including 2700 americans, all for nothing, absolutely nothing.

Admit it, America, after 9/11 you thought it would be safe to pick up the soap while showering with the corporate-run administration, but as we expected, you got fucked.


I take this victricrat stuff very personally shroom, because it is people like you than enabled our rubber-stamp Congress to pass this total bullsh%t legislation like today's Military Commissions Act which suspends habeas corpus, losely defines who is now an enemy combatant, redfines torture, allows for rape and sexual abuse on detainees as not being torture, and removed Geneva Convention protection for US citizens and soldiers abroad.

So f-you. You are some 0.001% responsible for my Constitution getting raped today. You and your pro-torture parroting of 'conservative' talking points.


Personaly, I am not for Bill, but he!!, what the frick was fox news and the media thinking when they said Bill "went outa control" at this interview? It doesn't take a jackass to know the difference bewtween an ex-prez being a "gentle" and "controlled" interviewe and a "mad, crazy man outa control". I say "Kick a$$ Bill!!" But that's just me.

And another thing, about the war. On 9-11 somewhere around 2700 americans were killed. For the past 5 years about that same number has been killed. In Vietnam, America tried it's "best" to protect southern Vietnam from the communist Viet-Cong. A huge number of americans were killed, and America failed in its duty. In WWII only about 2% of Allied soilders captured were brainwashed. In Korea, nearly 47% was brainwashed, and in Vietnam nearly 80%(if not more) were brainwashed. thats a time frame of 1939-1946(WWII)9 years later(Korean War) and then about another 8 years later(Vietnam War). Between then alot of things happened, of which i have no more time to tell. Now I wrote this pretty quick so I might of made a mistake. If I did then please correct me.


> "I did NOT have sex with that woman.

Slyrr... who cares? Something like 1/4 of men admit to infidelity at some point in their marriage.

How many men send Americans to die on foreign soil on a complete lie just to pump up corporate profits? And I'm sure Bush would say he "didn't do that."


No Deathcow, it wasn't Bush's failure it was the failure of intelligence of the CIA and FBI, and it wasn't the CIA's or FBI's fault it was more the fault of Al Qaeda not being forthcoming with reports on their activities since they were venture finianced by the CIA in Afghanistan, so it was Clinton's fault all along.

/Sarcasm hat off


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