The titular description is right at the end of the clip. It's worth it.

" the President, whether you voted for him or not."

Though I appreciate his realistic assessment of the last administration and the political landscape, this rhetoric is EXACTLY the reason why it was allowed to get as bad as it did.


>> ^BoneyD:
" the President, whether you voted for him or not..

The last part being the operative of that sentence, what he is saying is NOT "Support the president, no matter what he does". Those of us that were opposed to most of the stuff Bush did still didnt WANT bush to fail. Ideally for me, would be a 2-week long Iraq war with minimal casualties and a democracy in place. That would have been fantastic. I was against the war because I didnt think it would work like that, and I was right. But I never wanted 6 years of sensless murder and chaos. Ideally Bush should have proved me wrong.

Should people be critical of Obamas plans? Of course. Do people have the right to directly oppose Obama's ideas? Of course. But anyone who likes the country, the rule of law, democracy, prosperity, and even those rights mentioned above, should hope that no matter what Obama eventually does, that he succeeds in his efforts to save the economy.


Jake: He feels truly righteous for the first time in his life and is itching to get his word out. It's kinda cool I think, I'd do the same.



Republicans asked the same thing of Democrats when we were going to war with Iraq, to support and trust your president, whether you voted for him or not.

So now, here's a democrat asking the same question to the republicans.

Let alone if this would actually come true or not, but does the argument stand? WHY would they trust anyone that they didn't trust? Democrats certainly didn't, and they proved to be right in the long run.

So there's still a chance that republicans could be 'right' about Obama's failure.

Nobody can answer for certain. We cannot ask them to blindly trust the opposing party. We would have to do the best darn job we could possibly can, and wait for them to convince themselves.


^ I think he's saying that Republicans should act the way Democrats did with the Iraq war, not try to kill it by defunding it, but try to shape the policy by asking for timetables with the money.

It was like talking to a brick wall, but at least they tried.

Now, we have Obama quite openly asking for constructive input in helping shape the policy, and he gets calls for either 100% tax cuts, or nothing, rather than a more moderate compromise.

It's like talking to a brick wall, again.

Overall though, I think you're right. The last thing we need is for Republicans to unquestioningly support Obama. However, we need that opposition to be constructive in nature, rather than entirely focused on trying to drive Obama's unfavorables up, without any semblance of honest attempts to formulate good policy.


I like this quote about the republican party better:
"Actual conservatives, let alone the educated classes, have long since fled."


Don't recall any folks on the left ever saying, "We support President Bush though we didn't vote for him." If I remember it RIGHT, the left was daily hoping not only Bush would fail (while assaulting his character) but that the troops would fail in Iraq. So this obtuse pleading for mercy on behalf of Barack Alinksy is unwarranted when it's been made crystal clear it's his idiotic socialist policies (the numbers don't lie about how they're failing) that the other HALF of Americans oppose, not the chameleonic man himself.

Don't know who the non-Black jagoffski in the video is and don't care, it takes no balls to be a leftist shill in Whoreywood, but when I see shit like this which blindly insults HALF of the nation, presented in color on television, I wonder how some liberals in Congress are pissing their pants in terror over conservative AM talk radio.

A LOT of Democrats who voted for The One are starting to wake up, minus the drones in Whoreywood (even after California was run into the ground by liberals).


>> ^Enzoblue:
Jake: He feels truly righteous for the first time in his life and is itching to get his word out. It's kinda cool I think, I'd do the same.

Sure, and he sounds really into it and all, but I have never heard anyone refer to "MY FATHER" so much, like they were actually there at the time.


^QM I sure hoped i was wrong, so I supported Bush after 9/11 even though i did not vote for him. But, i was not.

Now, I support Obama, even though i did not vote for him and I hope my fears are wrong.

and, btw, I'm pissed that you made me post serious. I never do that.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'dl hughley, james dobson, religious right, ideologue, fundamentalist' to 'dl hughley, james dobson, religious right, ideologue, fundamentalist, frank schaeffer' - edited by kronosposeidon


Boy - the left wing of the political class sure does think that everyone is incredibly stupid.

Bush had about - and I'm being generous - two days of VERY begrudged relative silence from the Democrat party after 9/11. During the election Bush was assailed relentlessly as a moron/drunk/fratboy. Immediately after the election he was relentlessly assailed as illegitimate because of FloriDUH. The opposition from the Democrat side immediately after his election was staunch, persistent, and rather personal. There were contant calls for his failure, and for knee-jerk resistance and rejection to any and all of his policies. "Tax cuts for the rich" anyone? I - unlike too many people here it would seem - have not forgotten that in 2001 it was the DEMOCRAT party that was the "Party of NO!"

Then 9/11 hit, and for about two days the Democrat party had a reluctant, bitter, and resentful cease-fire. But even then they were clearly chomping at the bit to lite into Bush, and they couldn't help themselves entirely. Even in those dark days there were Democrats and left-wing media pundits saying it was all a Bush conspiracy. And there were constant jibes at Bush for his 'handling'. Whining about him reading to the kids... Insinuations that he was a coward for staying on his airplane... It went on, and I (unlike some of YOU) have not forgotten it.

Then Bush started moving at Iraq and the party of "NO!" came back 100-fold. And since that day the Democrat party resisted everything Bush did, called for his failure, worked to aid and abet our enemies, and generally did everything they could possibly do to cause Bush problems and ensure that Bush 'failed' in the polls.

I - unlike some of YOU - have not forgotten that 99.93151% of the Bush administration's term was 100% pure partisan contrariness. I haven't forgotten that the left wing hoped for, prayed for, called for, and (most importantly) WORKED for Bush failure. It is pure sophistry for some of you to imply that Democrats somehow were hoping Bush succeeded as they were actively torpedoing his administration, and calling it a complete failure every day in the news.

Now - here's the point... I - unlike YOU - am not a hypocrite. I don't have a problem with people wanting Bush to fail. I was no fan of Bush, and I WANTED many of his policied to fail completely. His big spending agendas... He toss-away liberal policies... His terrible management and domestic agenda... His pointless persistence in Iraq... I WANTED them to fail, and I wanted them to END because they were BAD POLICY. There is nothing wrong with wanting a stupid man's BAD policies to fail because they are bad for the country.

And you know what? Obama's plan to socialize America, tax productivity, cap & trade energy, and otherwise turn America into "Euroloserland" is also BAD POLICTY. I want all of Obama's BAD POLICY to fail and fail hardcore. And I will do what I can to aid and assist in the resistance to Obama's bad policies. I will march against Obama like some of you marched against Bush and for the exact same reasons... Because he's a terrible president who is enacting idiotic policies that will cause incredible damage to this great nation for years to come.

You see - I'm not a slave (like some of YOU) to a 'party'. Those of you that mindlessly hew to party politics must dance to the tune of your pied piper. You don't mind selling out your honesty, fairness, and common sense because you have whored them out in the name of partisan fanboism. I - as an intelligent principled person who stands on pure philosophy am not shackled by such limitations. And so for me there is nothing inconsistent in my PRINCIPLE BASED resistance to both Bush's and Obama's bad policies. You - sadly - are party slaves who have no choice but to surrender your integreity when your messiah snaps his fingers. I pity you. But fret not. Those of us with a stiffer spine and more courage will fight the good fight with our without you...


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Sr. Pennypacker has a point...I for one, didn't support President Bush (after a number of fuck ups). Why should those who didn't support Bush tout supporting Obama to those who didn't vote for him? So far Obama's pissing me off and I did vote for him. I'll continue to give him a chance and hope for the better, though. I guess this back and forth is just signs of the failure in our bipartisan methods. Why would anybody be rooting for the "other guy" to fail when it's our country he's running? Tribalism, that's why...


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
You see - I'm not a slave (like some of YOU) to a 'party'. Those of you that mindlessly hew to party politics must dance to the tune of your pied piper. You don't mind selling out your honesty, fairness, and common sense because you have whored them out in the name of partisan fanboism. I - as an intelligent principled person who stands on pure philosophy am not shackled by such limitations. And so for me there is nothing inconsistent in my PRINCIPLE BASED resistance to both Bush's and Obama's bad policies. You - sadly - are party slaves who have no choice but to surrender your integreity when your messiah snaps his fingers. I pity you. But fret not. Those of us with a stiffer spine and more courage will fight the good fight with our without you...

Right, you don't follow anyone's message. Rush Limbaugh is now telling you Bush was a liberal, and that it's now okay to just assume Bush was a Democrat, so that Democrats are still responsible for everything.

This is literally like a scene from 1984, in the middle of a massive celebration of Oceania's alliance with Eurasia against Eastasia, they suddenly swap to an alliance with Eastasia against Eurasia, and start tearing up their decorations, blaming the Eurasians for a plot to undermine the celebration of their eternal alliance with Eastasia...

Conservatives are doing this with Bush now, and then accuse Democrats of being mindless followers, and not people with principle who have their own issues with Obama (though far fewer than we had with McCain or Bush).

You guys have no idea who we are, or why we too are ready to fight you morons tooth and nail.


Wow. I love it.

Though I do have to disagree with 'support your president whether you voted for him or not.'. Though I did ultimately vote for Obama (though I was a Ron Paul supporter), all presidents should constantly be treated as if they were on probation. They need to be watched, checked, held to account, and criticized. A total lack of oversight and criticism is a huge danger in any democracy. Criticizm IS healthy, even the wacky crazy off the wall fundamentalist criticism coming from the neocons/evangelicals. Heck.. it also gives us something to laugh at on occasion.


Right, you don't follow anyone's message. Rush Limbaugh is now telling you Bush was a liberal, and that it's now okay to just assume Bush was a Democrat, so that Democrats are still responsible for everything.

A Rush Limbaugh? Is that some sort of sandwich?

Those of us who are not slaves to such partisan boobery do not need pundits to tell us what to think. Nor do we need talking points to be recited to us over a teleprompter. We have philosophy based principles, and we stick to them no matter who is in office.

I'm a small government fan. I think central government stinks. I believe government screws up things at levels far more broad and devastating than anyone or anything else could ever hope to. That was true when Bush was President and screwing everything up. It is even more true as Obama tries to give government even more control over the economy, industry, and your freedoms. And for the record, I was criticizing Bush's lousy policies from the day he took office because he was always increasing government instead of cutting it. Tax cuts were fine. Everything else was lousy and I said so for years. It is only recently that other people on the so-called 'right' finally caught up with me on this point.

Blind, slavish, unthinking partisanship. Beware of it. Scary thing is, most blind partisans don't think they are partisan even when they most definitely are.


exponential growth of tech and world population = none of what you think now will be relevant in less then ten years.

the game is changing fast.. it's deadly serious now.

we all know what is meant by republicans and democrats. the definition is engrained in history for all to see.

it's time for science and math to do the dirty work, not idiots like the above poster.

BillO go home.


Why would anybody be rooting for the "other guy" to fail when it's our country he's running?

Because it's Obamunist policies that are running the country...INTO THE GROUND.

People do not trust Obama, including, it would seem, many on the left. Nor should they. The money don't lie, and since taxocrats already think YOUR money belongs to THEM, no one is going to invest.


it's so old dude. you're wrong. accept it and move on with your life. why do i always see your comments before i can re-log in to ignore them. ug.


I like to leave the neo-con trolls off my ignore list, for the same reason I often listen to Neil Boortz and Rush Limbaugh, when you're fighting a war, it's always helpful to know the enemy's strategy. Even when it's a culture war against an army of nut-jobs, idiots, and zealots.

Small minded, anti-social, greedy people are all that remain in the conservative movement. The quicker it dies off the sooner we'll all be better off.


"People do not trust Obama"

Published 5 days ago
From the article: "Gallup has measured national satisfaction daily since Barack Obama took office, and also did so in late October through December 2008. In the latter part of 2008, satisfaction ratings ranged from a low of 9% in Dec. 12-14 polling to a high of just 14% in the first few days after the election and after Thanksgiving.

Little seemed to change when Obama first took office -- in Jan. 21-23 polling, 14% of Americans said they were satisfied. After showing a brief improvement in late January, the percentage who reported being satisfied with the state of the nation settled back to 14% by early February. But since that time, satisfaction has shown a slight but steady improvement, and has been 20% or higher each of the last seven days."

Nothing says "America doesn't trust you!" like steadily climbing approval ratings eh??????

And also, don't blame a bad economy on a guy who's been in office for less than two months. It's're a jackass.


>> ^JiggaJonson:
And also, don't blame a bad economy on a guy who's been in office for less than two months. It's're a jackass.

Yeah! Besides we all know the current economic crisis is all Bill Clinton's fault.


Small minded, anti-social, greedy people are all that remain in the conservative movement.

Heehee. You have to wonder sometimes if people think about what they say - or if they have to capacity to even see hypocrisy in themselves any more. Well, that is what comprises the predominant mental landscape of the left-wing of politics nowendays, alas. Unwilling or unable to engage substantively on the issues, it always seems to redound to name calling, prejudice, and bias of the lowest, coarsest, meanest sort.


People were against Bush policies because we knew they were evil, bullshit, neocon lies that would do nothing but light the middle east on fire, rape our constitution and drain our treasurey -- which exactly happened.

The modern GOP of the Rush Right are opposed to Obama's policies based on nothing but partisan bullshit and grand standing.


>> ^bleedingsweethrt:
What the hell is DL Hughely doing with a show on CNN??

They broadcast The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on CNN International also, so it doesn't surprise me that they got another 'newstainment' show with DL Hughely, but am pretty impressed though, I thought it was going to be way worse.


This pssyass excuse on Obama's part that he "inhertited" a bad economy is just that, an excuse. He wanted the fking job, then filled the slots with tax cheats and other incompetent morons who have only made things worse. Dn't blame conservatives for this clusterfk, Team Obama is the one pissing napalm on a forest fire for two months now.

The magickal polls about The One's enduring teleprompularity say one thing, while the people who actually make the economy run are voting with their dollars: they don't trust Obamunism's jobs and wealth-destroying higher taxes and big government schemes. Many people who are for these scamulus packages doubt their effectiveness, or are starting to.

As for "know your enemy", I'll be doing my part to help the ailing economy by picking up a used copy of Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinksy.

Alinksy was the communist sociopath who 'inspired' both Shrillary AND Barry O. It's the moonbat playbook of the modern taxocrat party.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
You have to wonder sometimes if people think about what they say - or if they have to capacity to even see hypocrisy in themselves any more...
...Unwilling or unable to engage substantively on the issues, it always seems to redound to name calling, prejudice, and bias of the lowest, coarsest, meanest sort.
You see - I'm not a slave (like some of YOU) to a 'party'. Those of you that mindlessly hew to party politics must dance to the tune of your pied piper. You don't mind selling out your honesty, fairness, and common sense because you have whored them out in the name of partisan fanboism. I - as an intelligent principled person who stands on pure philosophy am not shackled by such limitations. And so for me there is nothing inconsistent in my PRINCIPLE BASED resistance to both Bush's and Obama's bad policies. You - sadly - are party slaves who have no choice but to surrender your integreity when your messiah snaps his fingers. I pity you. But fret not. Those of us with a stiffer spine and more courage will fight the good fight with our without you...

It might have helped your argument to not resort to name calling and had instead written: "You see - I'm not ENSLAVED by a 'party'... blah blah blah

It would have helped also to simply not go on this rather biased, mean, coarse rant of yours and written more constructively, there for providing an atmosphere where people could more substantially engage on the issues.

At least you can spot the hypocrites.


Oh, and incidentally, everything Frank Schaeffer said here about how the right would react to Obama's Presidency turned out to be 100% correct.

And he pretty much described the Republican Tea Party as we all have gotten to know it in the last couple years.

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