Barney Rubble Slips One By The Censors

The network censors must've been out late the night before.

this is from S02E14 where Barney inherits a big ugly stone head from a dead uncle. He tries a whole bunch of ways to get rid of it, including leaving it on the doorstep of a museum, and eventually decides to make it into a coffee table.
..ok, so I'm just making this up, but I'm sure that it was something like that


>> ^roguewrx:
>> ^Krupo:
That was SLY! Precursor to the woohoo goodness we now enjoy, I say.

I've been on the Interwebs too long. I thought this was new l33t spelling of "silly."

Yeah, I was using the cryptic videosift invocation to associate the video with the Matt Groening & Friends Appreciation channel.


Awesome. I've been searching in vain for the Pebbles commercial that had Barney disguised as an angel where he says, "The Devil made me do it." Anyone else remeber that one from about 10 years ago I think?


No fake here. I took the liberty of digging up and watching this episode. Barney just pops that one out of the blue. There was no back story or anything to explain his line.


The great Gazoo dinna wear panties on that show, and one time when Wilma was a Slaghoople, she bent over and you could see some bush...That 's when Fred fell for her.....swear!! Flintstones was a big no-underwear show....
Gina Loadabricks
Ann Margrock
Tony Curtis was on there with no skivs.....

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