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Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

rogueWRX says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

I've been pretty anti-establishment watching these types of videos lately; but in this case, I felt myself empathizing with the cop more than with the driver.
Who gets out of their car and and does a "representin'" pose when they are being pulled over?

Agreed completely.

This guy is given instructions over and over and over and OVER and over and then some more for THREE MINUTES. I couldn't count how many times he was told simple things: get back in your car, turn around, hands on your head. He refused.

The cop doesn't know that he's unarmed. We see dashcam videos of shootouts from this same perspective.

I've been pulled over half a dozen times in my life for speeding or minor infractions. I stay in the car, roll down the window, keep both hands on the steering wheel, answer questions politely and make no sudden movements. I GET OFF WITH WARNINGS AND THANKS FROM THE OFFICER.

Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam

rogueWRX says...

>> ^marinara:

>> ^rogueWRX:
Currently the best explanation I've seen is that his wife basically precipitated the situation, screaming about "men with guns" and getting her husband into a defensive state of mind, thinking his family was being threatened... for no reason.

Meh. Should his wife had had combat training also? Maybe she should have learned battlefield hand signals in order to deal w/ the police. If Mr. Guerena really did sleep through the sirens, exactly how could he have reacted differently.
I don't have the answers. Sounds like just another random government shooting of a citizen.


Let's not make this a "government vs civilians" thing. And no one said the wife had to have COMBAT TRAINING. I'm not combat trained, but I know what 20 cops with cars and lights and "POLICE, SEARCH WARRANT" means.

Pickup driver tries to kill a motorcyclist

rogueWRX says...

That's a fairly open road and the pickup was hauling ass. A sportbike can get away pretty easily through traffic or maybe on tight roads, but out there the truck can just floor it and keep pace (apparently).

This looks to have only happened a few days ago. I'm very interested to see the results, if anyone can find more information.

I'd think the motorcyclists open themselves up to prosecution for their dangerous riding, maybe a suspended license and a big fine. Pickup driver, as noted, should be attempted murder. I'd go for 10 years. What an insane maniac.

Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam

rogueWRX says...

"No verbal warning?"

We can hear them shouting "POLICE SEARCH WARRANT" several times before they kick in the door. The audio is obviously from the helmet cam inside a car, so it's a bit muffled, but still... turn up your speakers.

They announced themselves.

Currently the best explanation I've seen is that his wife basically precipitated the situation, screaming about "men with guns" and getting her husband into a defensive state of mind, thinking his family was being threatened... for no reason.

Stop Torrenting!

Portal 2: Bot Trust

Robot Chicken- Boba Fett in all his awesomeness!

Do you need any more reasons to watch Community?

Justin Bieber gets nailed

8 year old explains The Expendables

8 year old explains The Expendables

Restaurant brawl in Manhatten

Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

rogueWRX says...

In fact, I'm downvoting. I don't like the sarcastic tone the submitter here used, like we'd all smile and nod knowingly because we agree that she was a victim of something or other. She was there to annoy people and make a scene, she did that, she got a clear, firm, easy to understand warning and (presumably) kept it up knowing the consequences.

You might as well go stand in front of a telephone pole, look at it, then walk into it and look surprised when your face hurts.

Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

rogueWRX says...

Why was this edited so heavily?

What did we miss?

I agreed with the cop 100% here. He spoke plainly and professionally. She was trying to antagonize the police, she was there LOOKING for a reaction, and it's moronic to try and spin it any other way.

Her cause might be just, but she's just there acting like a child at that point.

The officer tells her if she keeps it up she's going to be arrested. The dumb look on her face at 1:08 pretty much sums it up: she's looking to get a rise out of the police and make a scene, and she doesn't know how to do that without continuing to be annoying.

Firefly Intro - The Awesome Edition

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