The world's largest airplane landing!
WikiPedia: The An-225 Mriya is a strategic airlift transport aircraft which was built by the Antonov Design Bureau, and is the largest airplane ever built. The design, built to transport the Buran orbiter, was an enlargement of the successful An-124 Ruslan. Mriya (Мрія) means "Dream" (Inspiration) in Ukrainian.
The Antonov An-225 is commercially available for flying any over-sized payload due to the unique size of its cargo deck. Currently there is only one aircraft operating but a second mothballed airframe is being reconditioned and is scheduled for completion around 2010. (Airliner World January 2009)
With a maximum gross weight of 600 tonnes (1,323,000 lb), the An-225 remains as the world's heaviest and largest aircraft, being even bigger than the current double-decker Airbus A380. The Hughes H-4 Hercules, known to most as the "Spruce Goose", had a greater wingspan and a greater overall height, but was considerably shorter, and due to the materials used in its construction, also lighter.
On 23 May 2001, the An-225 received its type certificate from the Interstate Aviation Committee Aviation Register (IAC AR). The type's first flight in commercial service departed from Stuttgart, Germany on 3 January 2002, and flew to Thumrait, Oman with 216,000 prepared meals for American military personnel based in the region. This vast amount of ready meals was transported on some 375 pallets and weighed 187.5 tons.
Since then, the An-225 has become the major workhorse of the Antonov Airlines fleet, transporting objects once thought impossible to move by air, such as locomotives and 150-ton generators, and has become a valuable asset to international relief organizations for its ability to quickly transport huge quantities of emergency supplies during disaster relief operations.
StukaFoxsays..."And that's how New Zealand got there. The end."
DarkhandI wonder how many mutha f***in snakes can fit on that muth f***in plane?
ThrobbinThat's a huge bitch!
rychanI'll upvote when he buys a tripod., its not THAT big.....
phelixianWhat exactly is wrong with that guy at the beginning? Does he actually say, "Here's a present." ?
siftbotTags for this video have been changed from 'antonov, landoing, an 225, largest airplane' to 'antonov, landing, an 225, largest airplane' - edited by calvados
spawnflaggerGOD DAMN!!!
that's a big plane.
I couldn't even count how many wheels it had.
I wonder how much it would cost in fuel to transport a 150 ton payload?
kronosposeidonSIX engines? Holy shit. Does any other aircraft, military or civilian, have six engines? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
dmacsays...>> ^kronosposeidon:
SIX engines? Holy shit. Does any other aircraft, military or civilian, have six engines? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
Sarcasm Fail?
B-52, B-36, Corvair XC-99, The Spruce Goose, B-47 - there are truckloads of 6 and 8 engine military and civilian planes out there. This has massive lift capacity but by no means thrust dominance.
wraithsays...Why is this in the Top 15? Wake me when you have a video of the Hughes H-4 Hercules landing at a port.
EDDI agree, this is clearly an overrated case of false sensationalism and has no place in the Top15. I need to see a Space Shuttle colliding with a dragon mid-flight and then with complete engine failure being landed on a puddle. Only then will I even consider upvoting.
come on haters, it's a plane that can carry a train ffs, that's literally awesome.
alizarinImagine how many clowns you could fit in there
pipp3355question: how do you know if a vid should make it to the top 15?
answer: when the vid makes it to the top 15
rottenseed>> ^wraith:
Why is this in the Top 15? Wake me when you have a video of the Hughes H-4 Hercules landing at a port.
Because what you don't know that the rest of us do, is that the plane is full of kittens.
RyjkyjI've never bought a video camera. Can someone tell me: Is there a form you have to fill out that proves you're a palsy victim? Why is it that EVERY homemade video is like that? Just hold the god damned camera. Jesus...
kronosposeidon>> ^dmac:

>> ^kronosposeidon:
SIX engines? Holy shit. Does any other aircraft, military or civilian, have six engines? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
Sarcasm Fail?
B-52, B-36, Corvair XC-99, The Spruce Goose, B-47 - there are truckloads of 6 and 8 engine military and civilian planes out there. This has massive lift capacity but by no means thrust dominance.
Guess that's what I get for joining the Navy.
E_Nygmai think someone hijacked mink's account...
>> ^MINK:
come on haters, it's a plane that can carry a train ffs, that's literally awesome.
mrk871says...I don't get how anyone can tell this is big from this video?
I mean I don't doubt that it's big, but really it's just some arbitrary distance away from the camera. Maybe if there were a cow flying along side it so I can get a sense of perspective then I'd know, but until I see that I can't be amazed by this video.
At the moment it could be almost immediately above the camera and hence not that big, or it could be two miles in the air in which case I cannot even begin to imagine how big it would be.
Either way we need livestock in the air before I'll be surprised
BoneyDShe's built like a steak-house, but she handles like a bistro.
oohahh>> ^MINK:
come on haters, it's a plane that can carry a train ffs, that's literally awesome.
Moreover, it's a plane that can carry a train that can carry an automobile.
Movie reference achieved.
KrupoAm I the only person who was both shocked and impressed by how many wheels that thing has in its landing geer? It's not a surprise, just a shock.

>> ^spawnflagger:
that's a big plane.
I couldn't even count how many wheels it had.
I wonder how much it would cost in fuel to transport a 150 ton payload?
No, I guess I'm not the only one.
Will mintbbb or anyone else for that matter spaz out if we put this in the Wheels channel?
Friesiansays...>> ^BoneyD:
She's built like a steak-house, but she handles like a bistro.
She's out of control! You win again, gravity!
ponceleonReminds me of the planes from Nausicaa.
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