An Ex-Microsoft Employee Describes Why He Was Fired

Isn't it fun? Bing!!!!

Edit - It really does seem to be fake. Added to viral / lies channels.

Yeah, how can this be real? It's funny, and the guy has a great way of telling a story, but surely (and call me naive) that can't happen? Maybe he got "fired" by Ballmer, but nothing actually came from it?


I don't think this is real.

If Ballmer were holding a meeting about Bing! it would be to either a small audience of high-level VPs, or a larger audience of lower-ranked personnel. In either case, there would have been other people telling this story. I've heard Ballmer's, uh, "enthusiastic" at times (like the iPhone incident during this year's all-hands at Safeco Field), but I can't seem him being this crazy.

Full disclosure: I work at Microsoft on one of the Bing verticals. I've never heard this story before this video.


I've read elsewhere that Microsoft is pretty "CYA" on hiring\firing papertrails and such - that sound about right, Stuka?

The YouTube account this was posted to is of a "Mac Consultant, Comedian", though that doesn't really seal the deal either way.


>> ^rougy:
>> ^StukaFox:
Full disclosure: I work at Microsoft on one of the Bing verticals. I've never heard this story before this video.

How does it feel to be on the dark side?

The funny thing? I'm a Linux admin at Microsoft.

Go figure.


>> ^ReverendTed:
I've read elsewhere that Microsoft is pretty "CYA" on hiring\firing papertrails and such - that sound about right, Stuka?
The YouTube account this was posted to is of a "Mac Consultant, Comedian", though that doesn't really seal the deal either way.

Yeah, MS watches its shit when it comes to termination of real employees. I can't see them opening themselves up like this.


I believe it, especially the bit about trying so hard to make it catchy in the office. Bing installed a shortcut for itself on my Blackberry, free of any request or confirmation to do so...I just noticed it one day because all icons downstream of it were moved. Can't figure out how to delete it either.

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