Alex Jones Says Star Wars Is 'State-Funded' Propaganda

Alex Jones claims that the newest installment in the Star Wars franchise, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” is “state-sponsored” brainwashing of the American public.

Sate sponsored means made by Trump and Republicans now, does Jones not know that?

This...THIS is the man Trump respects and believes over our professional intelligence community, and where he gets 1/3 of his "news". We are so incredibly fucked.


Do I have to watch it? This vid, I mean?

Star Wars is about rebels fighting a powerful empire that governs the galaxy. It glorifies taking down the establishment by a group of (well funded) gun-toting terrorists.

I suppose you could draw a parallel to the American war of independence against the British...

But in a modern context this would be like a group of domestic insurgents blowing up an aircraft carrier ("Death Star") while staging an armed rebellion against the US government (now a subsidiarity of "Gov-co," a joint venture of the Disney, Viacom, Lockheed Martin, JP Morgan Chase, and Koch Bros. companies).

Simply put, that's just not going to happen.


edit: Okay I just watched the above clip. That guy made even less sense than the BS that I just made up.


- bitches about Carrie Fischer's appearance
- talks about a relationship that doesn't exist
- "but, my manhood!"
- Russians aren't our enemies
- brings up Eric Trump for some fucking reason
- complains about Twitter

newtboyjokingly says...

Hilariously, he brings up Eric to say he's like Kylo Ren, a pasty faced, whining, backstabbing Sith on the dark side. This is a comparison I can get if he would just go ahead and murder his father.


- bitches about Carrie Fischer's appearance
- talks about a relationship that doesn't exist
- "but, my manhood!"
- Russians aren't our enemies
- brings up Eric Trump for some fucking reason
- complains about Twitter


Pfsh, at least Kylo Ren actually achieved something.... WTF has Eric ever done?

<seth meyers>nooo faaaather! looooove me</seth meyers>


Hilariously, he brings up Eric to say he's like Kylo Ren, a pasty faced, whining, backstabbing Sith on the dark side. This is a comparison I can get if he would just go ahead and murder his father.


If it was Eric, the movie would be over in about 30 seconds


Hilariously, he brings up Eric to say he's like Kylo Ren, a pasty faced, whining, backstabbing Sith on the dark side. This is a comparison I can get if he would just go ahead and murder his father.


...err... okay, I've only watched the movie once so far, I'm sure I'll watch it several more times (at least once more in the theaters most likely). I didn't get the idea that Laura Dern's character and Leia were lovers... at all...
I personally put the movie in my top two Star Wars films.


They weren’t.

The concept of friendship is just utterly foreign to Jones


...err... okay, I've only watched the movie once so far, I'm sure I'll watch it several more times (at least once more in the theaters most likely). I didn't get the idea that Laura Dern's character and Leia were lovers... at all...
I personally put the movie in my top two Star Wars films.


The question is what is he using this as advertising to sell? He doesn't spout this bullshit without using it to sell one of his products.

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