Five Dudes Impress the Ladies by Humping A Footstool

[still photos until 0:13] Unintentionally hilarious and slightly disturbing video that a bunch of teenaged playaz made of themselves demonstrating their "technique" on a small cushiony piece of furniture.

hmm, jonny's right, this vid is already posted (in queue right now actually). that said, it looks like the other iteration might die in the queue (4 votes w/ 1 day remaining) while mine is doing fairly well (4 votes, 3 days remaining). so question is, what happens? if I discard mine and the other one dies that's not ideal either.... suggestions / guidance please.


ahaha, from YT commenter:

irasemi07 (19 hours ago)
what the fuck was that
i wet my panties from laughin so hard
are u gay????????????

Not the sort of wet panties they were after, assuredly


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