28 Reasons To Hug A Black Guy Today - SNL

In honor of Black History Month, here are 28 reasons to hug a Black guy today. -yt

so predictable racist bob. Is it possible for you to not make a comment in a sift involving black people?

people don't get over being...owned, very quickly, nor do they get over being treated like 2nd class citizens by pathetic people such as yourself.


Nobody has been "owned " for generations.
To hang onto the past is to self enslave oneself.

Grow up, look to the future, not the past.


so predictable racist bob. Is it possible for you to not make a comment in a sift involving black people?

people don't get over being...owned, very quickly, nor do they get over being treated like 2nd class citizens by pathetic people such as yourself.


Not surprisingly, you didn't deny the second part of my statement. Which is why discrimination from bigots like yourself still exist.


Nobody has been "owned " for generations.
To hang onto the past is to self enslave oneself.

Grow up, look to the future, not the past.


I can never fathom why descendants of slaves aren't also incredibly pissed off at Africans. It was mostly Africans that captured, then sold them into slavery. Why do the one's that captured and sold them get a free pass, but the one's that bought them (and their descendants) are unforgiveable asshats for eternity? I just don't understand (and I'm not being silly or joking, I really don't get it).
I also have to agree, living in the past means you can't move on to the future. I feel it would be beneficial to forgive the dead their crimes, but not forget. I don't feel like this has happened to a large degree. When you hold onto anger, it usually only hurts yourself, the one's you're angry with usually don't know and often wouldn't care if they knew.
This is a different discussion from entrenched racism, which seems to be on the decline but is not yet absent. Sadly, it does seem that racism is on the rise and considered acceptable in much of the black community, and often excused with the ridiculous sentiment 'black people CAN'T be racist' which I like to counter with 'why not, they have a race don't they?'. (similar to the reply to 'you can't hit a girl in the face') :-}


In addition, you are quite incorrect as usual. People today are still being kidnapped and enslaved. As usual, it's the bigot who thinks racism and slavery are over


Nobody has been "owned " for generations.
To hang onto the past is to self enslave oneself.

Grow up, look to the future, not the past.


Yes I know people are being enslaved every day. But we are talking about slavery in this country that occurred long ago.

Grow up get a life
You are such a bitter little man. You must be a follower of MSNBC.


In addition, you are quite incorrect as usual. People today are still being kidnapped and enslaved. As usual, it's the bigot who thinks racism and slavery are over


oh so enslaving black people is different from enslaving other people.


You just can't help discriminating, can you?


Yes I know people are being enslaved every day. But we are talking about slavery in this country that occurred long ago.

Grow up get a life
You are such a bitter little man. You must be a follower of MSNBC.


Always wondered what fucking oneself felt like...have to try that sometime


oh so enslaving black people is different from enslaving other people.


You just can't help discriminating, can you?


and more gibberish from the counter-culture wannabe attention-starved one

can't have a single sift thread without ching-jacking now can we?

trolls, racists. yep...it's all tolerated here at videosift. what a wonderful community.


Always wondered what fucking oneself felt like...have to try that sometime


i dont understand you sometimes man.

how has ching hi-jacked this thread..in particular?
i will concede that he has in the past but how does that translate to this thread?
because it appears to me ching just poked his nose into you berating @bobknight33 as a bigot and a racist.

is bob a racist?
i dont know if i would call his comments here racist.maybe insensitive,even callous in regards to americas past history of slavery.

now i would see this as an opportunity to converse and communicate.
maybe learn from each other.
or at the very least UNDERSTAND why bob feels/thinks the way he does.

but you dont do that.
you ridicule and belittle him.

and then when ching chimes in pointing out that we are ALL slaves.
you cry foul and that bob is just a racist and ching is a troll.
musing dreamily of an internet community that could be rid of such parasites.
basically your own little fiefdom where everybody thinks like you.you know,the RIGHT way of thinking.

or are you not aware of the hypocrisy at work here?

i could go on but i fear you will inject intention into my commentary and perceive me as some sort of enemy.
which i am not.

i am not attacking you brother.
i am just trying to point out that our community is diverse,and bob has just as much a right to speak as you do.
as does ching.
but to cry foul after consecutively bashing bob and bemoan your suffering for having to endure those you disagree and how they besmirch your community...is..well...weak.

i disagree with bob often.
ok,almost always.
but i have to give that boy props for engaging on a secular left site when he is obviously a christian rightwinger.

that takes balls.
so kudos to you @bobknight33

love your commentary voodoo
hate your high horse.


seriously dude, you're sometimes worse than both of them.

because you enable them. you defend known racists and trolls. you come in here with your fake-conciliatory "lets all be friends, everyone's opinions are valid" bullshit. It's like you come into every sift, pick out the worst posts..and start defending them.

you're like the media. you take absolutely indefensible arguments of others and try to pretend they're equally valid to stoke the flames. What? you didn't think we noticed you working overtime to defend ching lately during his latest off his meds episode? not surprised at all that you're now swooping in to defend another shithead of the sift.

it's so fake and so transparent.

you're another bad symptom of a site that refuses to have moderators and lets known troublemakers back on that's devolved into just noise and incoherency


i dont understand you sometimes man.

how has ching hi-jacked this thread..in particular?
i will concede that he has in the past but how does that translate to this thread?
because it appears to me ching just poked his nose into you berating @bobknight33 as a bigot and a racist.

is bob a racist?
i dont know if i would call his comments here racist.maybe insensitive,even callous in regards to americas past history of slavery.

now i would see this as an opportunity to converse and communicate.
maybe learn from each other.
or at the very least UNDERSTAND why bob feels/thinks the way he does.

but you dont do that.
you ridicule and belittle him.

and then when ching chimes in pointing out that we are ALL slaves.
you cry foul and that bob is just a racist and ching is a troll.
musing dreamily of an internet community that could be rid of such parasites.
basically your own little fiefdom where everybody thinks like you.you know,the RIGHT way of thinking.

or are you not aware of the hypocrisy at work here?

i could go on but i fear you will inject intention into my commentary and perceive me as some sort of enemy.
which i am not.

i am not attacking you brother.
i am just trying to point out that our community is diverse,and bob has just as much a right to speak as you do.
as does ching.
but to cry foul after consecutively bashing bob and bemoan your suffering for having to endure those you disagree and how they besmirch your community...is..well...weak.

i disagree with bob often.
ok,almost always.
but i have to give that boy props for engaging on a secular left site when he is obviously a christian rightwinger.

that takes balls.
so kudos to you @bobknight33

love your commentary voodoo
hate your high horse.


as i suspected.
you interject your own subjective and limited understandings into my words.
thats pretty weak-minded.

but an even BIGGER offense is that somehow my plea can be translated into validating anothers argument.
i never validated any one of either chings nor bobs arguments.
i was defending their right to be here.
thats all.

and then to top off even that major breach of basic dichotomy,you put words in my mouth.

you are a hypocrite.
the sad thing is you are totally unaware of that fact.
blinded by your own smug arrogance.

and who is this "we"?
do you speak for others?
who are these other people that share your supposed understandings of my intentions?

fake and transparent?
are you so caught up in your own little ego-driven world as to be so arrogant to KNOW my intentions?

fuck you buddy.you dont know me.
you dont like me?
i dont care.

feel free to have the last word.


but...but...but, aren't all opinions valid?

What happened to mister "lets all be friends?" What happened to calling me brother and "loving my commentary?"

You just got exposed as being completely two-faced, "brother"

Don't worry. If the sift ever gangs up on me, I know that I can count on you to swoop to my defense in order to fan the controversy.

oh and btw, there is no right to be on a private website, but I'm pretty sure you already knew that.


as i suspected.
you interject your own subjective and limited understandings into my words.
thats pretty weak-minded.

but an even BIGGER offense is that somehow my plea can be translated into validating anothers argument.
i never validated any one of either chings nor bobs arguments.
i was defending their right to be here.
thats all.

and then to top off even that major breach of basic dichotomy,you put words in my mouth.

you are a hypocrite.
the sad thing is you are totally unaware of that fact.
blinded by your own smug arrogance.

and who is this "we"?
do you speak for others?
who are these other people that share your supposed understandings of my intentions?

fake and transparent?
are you so caught up in your own little ego-driven world as to be so arrogant to KNOW my intentions?

fuck you buddy.you dont know me.
you dont like me?
i dont care.

feel free to have the last word.


You entered into a discussion with a closed minded fool.

I respect you with the fact that you disagree with me, even mostly all the time.

Don't worry about Vodoo calling me a racist he been falsely doing that for years. He is in his own world. Still its nice to poke him with a stick once in a while.

Just to clear I believe everyone is racist/bigot to an extent.

Still don't know how to do the @Vodoo to show up as a link else I would.


as i suspected.
you interject your own subjective and limited understandings into my words.
thats pretty weak-minded.

but an even BIGGER offense is that somehow my plea can be translated into validating anothers argument.
i never validated any one of either chings nor bobs arguments.
i was defending their right to be here.
thats all.

and then to top off even that major breach of basic dichotomy,you put words in my mouth.

you are a hypocrite.
the sad thing is you are totally unaware of that fact.
blinded by your own smug arrogance.

and who is this "we"?
do you speak for others?
who are these other people that share your supposed understandings of my intentions?

fake and transparent?
are you so caught up in your own little ego-driven world as to be so arrogant to KNOW my intentions?

fuck you buddy.you dont know me.
you dont like me?
i dont care.

feel free to have the last word.



the first requirement is that you have to be able to spell correctly @bobknight33 Scratch that, even spelling correctly isn't a requirement. you just have to be able to see a name and copy the letters.

Holy cow, a five year old could do it. So I can understand how that would be extremely difficult, if not impossible for you.

That's pretty hilarious that you're trying to deny your racist past when anyone can read your post history and see that you've been reprimanded for racist posts. I know you have a difficulty with reading and writing, but other people don't and they can see first hand your post history and how you've gotten trouble in the past for blatant racist remarks. 2nd and 3rd pages of your profile page, right there in black and white.


*edit>>Dude!!...check with a family member? Consult one who has bothered to do the work on your own genealogy? You've got a racist past my friend and if not, you're from some other, fucking planet. I would be willing to guess that it's a certainty you yourself have a bitch somewhere in your immediate family. (better?)

WOW! < Sarcasm intended
chides user on spelling
follows with insult
rewinds history of user's past input to hold them accountable when argument fails to satisfy ego

Who's the troll whose shit don't stank? *edit (your bullshit is stacked just as high as anyone else)

I always discriminate against asshole, especially when i recognize the asshole in myself....It's called daily self-correction, and it's a full-time fucking job.



the first requirement is that you have to be able to spell correctly @bobknight33 Scratch that, even spelling correctly isn't a requirement. you just have to be able to see a name and copy the letters.

Holy cow, a five year old could do it. So I can understand how that would be extremely difficult, if not impossible for you.

That's pretty hilarious that you're trying to deny your racist past when anyone can read your post history and see that you've been reprimanded for racist posts. I know you have a difficulty with reading and writing, but other people don't and they can see first hand your post history and how you've gotten trouble in the past for blatant racist remarks. 2nd and 3rd pages of your profile page, right there in black and white.




Dude-Check with a family member? One who's bothered to do the work on a genealogy? You've got a racist past my friend, if not, you're from some other, fucking planet. Can reckon it's a dead certainty that you have a bitch somewhere in the immediate family history

WOW! < Sarcasm intended



My friend you are looking through rose color glasses. You and many more at this site.

From you left leaning perspective everything that a conservative says is looked at from is racist point of view.

And that is just wrong. But I can't make a fools take off their glasses.

From your point of view.
The 1% are racist because they are 1%
Whites are racist because they are white.
Men are sexist because they are men.
Capitalist are evil because they make money.
Republicans are evil because they believe is self empowerment.
GOD does not exist
Muslims are nice people.

Take off you glasses and look again.



That's pretty hilarious that you're trying to deny your racist past when anyone can read your post history and see that you've been reprimanded for racist posts. I know you have a difficulty with reading and writing, but other people don't and they can see first hand your post history and how you've gotten trouble in the past for blatant racist remarks. 2nd and 3rd pages of your profile page, right there in black and white.


My bad. Woke up to this thread of more annoying comments(imo) and killed the video immediately in frustration and annoyance. Not a good reason acceptable to sift me thinks. If I'm going to expect others to adhere to the rules then I must also. Sorry and @lucky760 can you please remove my kill from this video. Thanks and my apologies.


In the immortal words of the Olsen twins on Full House...

You got it, dude!


My bad. Woke up to this thread of more annoying comments(imo) and killed the video immediately in frustration and annoyance. Not a good reason acceptable to sift me thinks. If I'm going to expect others to adhere to the rules then I must also. Sorry and @lucky760 can you please remove my kill from this video. Thanks and my apologies.

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