Wilhelm: The New Channel in town and a new invocation too!
No longer do you need to say to yourself, that video needs a *wilhelm only to find we don't have a channel... Now we do.
The Wilhelm Scream Channel is now L I V E ! ! !
The Wilhelm Scream Channel is now L I V E ! ! !
I'm sorry, mate, but... seriously? (this goes out to dag as well, because he authorized it, while I was advised less than a year ago that my channel considerations, *culture (admittedly, non-feasible because of *cult anyway), *education or *water might be too niche)
Did we really need a channel this specific that it will probably end up having <100 videos in it? Couldn't you've gone with *Audio or something, at the very least? And I won't even start debating the relevance of the scream as a 2-second special effect in, let's say, a movie clip that lasts minutes. I'm really sorry, but I honestly don't think this was a channel we needed.
Adding post to channels (Cult) - requested by EDD.
While it's a super-specific channel It's going to be fun to work with. *quality
Awarding youdiejoe with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by geo321.
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It could have been a playlist- but Wilhelm has a lot of history and significance on the Sift. The fun factor is high in invoking *wilhelm.
Hahahahahahaha! Brilliant! I cannot wait to invoke this one!
For anyone who's been living under a rock:
*nochannel *wilhelm
Adding post to channels (Wilhelm) - requested by geo321.
More power to YouDieJoe, but I am probably the one person on the planet that can't stand the Wilhelm scream. Every time I hear it, I roll my eyes. And of course, it's in EVERYTHING.

Sorry but my thoughts don't go to 'tribute' when I hear it, they go to 'lazy' and
'uninspired'. And now there's a female Wilhelm I've been hearing as of late, that again, is being used as the de facto for a scream of rape, or terror, etc. Ugh.
Oh well, nothing I can do about it, so time to move on to other things...
I was told that we were cutting down on new channels but hey, good luck!
>> ^EDD:
I'm sorry, mate, but... seriously? (this goes out to dag as well, because he authorized it, while I was advised less than a year ago that my channel considerations, culture (admittedly, non-feasible because of cult anyway), education or water might be too niche)
Did we really need a channel this specific that it will probably end up having <100 videos in it? Couldn't you've gone with Audio or something, at the very least? And I won't even start debating the relevance of the scream as a 2-second special effect in, let's say, a movie clip that lasts minutes. I'm really sorry, but I honestly don't think this was a channel we needed.
I can see why it's a bit of a snub (and i really want to see a *water channel as well), but i don't think it has to be about need, just want - a meta-gag for a gag concept, to keep some levity in the channel catalog.
I always thought good channels describe the content of a video (e.g. catsanddogs) and provide a quick way for people to browse through videos of a specific kind. As far as channels go that provide neither service, I think this one takes the cake.
Well, it looks like @MarineGunrock should try getting his tech channel now, because it's a channel free-for-all.
Congrats on the channel, youdiejoe.
Well this is not response I was hoping for. Seems like a lot of people with hurt feelings is what it ended up being. Bummer.
Seems about a week late.
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If it were not for VideoSift - I would have a serious deficiency of drama in my life - I would hate that. I've posted a poll that is related to this post:
I wouldn't say its drama. It's more like a "Woah, Woah, hold up. Whatchoosay??" I'm all for broadening the channels where needed. But this? C'mon... Its a community driven site which is awesome. and its up to the community to maintain and provide quality.
What's the big deal?
How about a channel for that stupid "girl giggling" sound effect. That is my least favorite and it is also EVERYWHERE
edit: I found an example
I fucking hate it
I want a *hamsterdance channel!
It's an awesome channel, YDJ. Don't let the negative ninnies get you down.
I love it. Congrats on the new channel! It is definitely a unique idea, and who better than youdiejoe to helm it. I am personally highly irritated at the dumb responses you've gotten here in what was supposed to be a *happy announcement. GRRRRR
Adding post to channels (Happy) - requested by Issykitty.
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*doublepromote to the *frontpage!
Printing this post atop the VideoSift homepage - frontpage requested by blankfist.
Double-Promoting this Sift Talk post - doublepromote requested by blankfist.
yea I dont get it nore support it, why not have a channel dedicated to * rubberbouncingballsthatarered if you are going to have this one.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Holy smokes - way to make Siftbot bow to your will.
>> ^blankfist:
doublepromote to the frontpage!
I am blankfist's bitch.
Not a good comparison, especially since you said that you "dont get it NORE support it." *sigh*
>> ^BoneRemake:
yea I dont get it nore support it, why not have a channel dedicated to rubberbouncingballsthatarered if you are going to have this one.
>> ^Issykitty:
Not a good comparison, especially since you said that you "dont get it NORE support it." sigh
>> ^BoneRemake:
yea I dont get it nore support it, why not have a channel dedicated to rubberbouncingballsthatarered if you are going to have this one.
with respect I think you are wrong as to your assertions my suggested channel was not on par with the wilhelm scream channel. I see it as this, The wilhelm scream is just as channel'able as a rubberbouncingballthatisred because its so targeted. If you where to see a video where a red bouncy ball was present, you would invoke it, if you where to see a red ball that could be bouncy you might invoke it. You seem to hold this wilhelm scream up to some high standard because it is used in various media forms and you must consider it some sort of cinematic beacon as to its great importance to our media, just as I do with
as well , just to take it that one half inch higher, my not getting it, nor supporting it doesnt have anything to do with my comparison. what not getting it nor supporting it does it lay the foundation that I think its right stupid of a channel. the rest, is its own entity, a statment if you will. . all the power to the sift though. I dont really care all to much about it in reality, just expressing myself though the power of typed word.
Long live Wilhelm! youdiejoe has a posse.
::sniff:: thanks you guys...
Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends.. - Clarence Oddbody,AS2
Big pimpin' Wilhelm style: http://videosift.com/search?q=&t=v&u=dystopianfuturetoday&s[]=s&s[]=u&s[]=r&o=&c[]=105&vmin=&vmax=&sh=&l=&n=&b=&submit=Search
Here's the real question: are we allowed to add videos that SHOULD have the Wilhelm scream in them, but don't actually?
>> ^ponceleon:

Here's the real question: are we allowed to add videos that SHOULD have the Wilhelm scream in them, but don't actually?
More than that, how about videos regarding Wilhelm II, last emperor of Germany?
I agree with this.
>> ^Kevlar:
More than that, how about videos regarding Wilhelm II, last emperor of Germany?
Well, I never meant to bring down the party, even though some people seem to think that. I think it's probably the narrowest channel on videosift, but it's certainly gotten through the eye of the needle, and it's most definitely unique.

I'm happy for ya, youdiejoe, but if we ever have a grand restructuring of channels, I fear that this one will be on the chopping block. For now, congrats and cheers.
I have to say: I'm with EDD
Wow - 10-or-so Wilhelm videos on the front page? Didn't think I'd ever want to block a channel...but there you go.
This must be some kind of joke. An entire channel devoted to one audio clip?
"Oh, but it has history! Cultural significance!", you say... Good point, but fart sound effects have been used for ages too! Why not have a *fart channel?
Or, if it's the supposed comedic value of pointless repitition that this channel is trying to capitalize on, why not have a *rickroll channel?
But I'm still convinced this is some kind of elaborate joke played by the higher-ups to get all the other users riled up.
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