Vilkommen 2009

Can you believe it? 2009 is upon us. Just 1 more year away from the fantastic space odyssey predicted by the prophet Kubrick. (NASA'd better get their nose to the grindstone if they hope to make the deadline, though if I had to guess I'd imagine google would be the one to create HAL.)

So, what are you doing new year's eve? I know most people have or go to parties to watch the ball drop, but what will you be doing when the clock strikes 2009?
dag says...

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Supposed to be hosting a street party complete with open fire mesquite spitted chickens and beef. But it's just so damn hot. Supposed to get up to 35c/95f today.

maatc says...

Dinner with a bunch of people over at a friends house, then champagne on the balcony, then maybe on to massive fire cracker wars down in the streets. Or more champagne...

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Issy and I are hosting a party. Food, drinks and perhaps a drunken jam session to ring in 2009: A Space Oddity (directed by Ewe Boll, not Kubrick). Lucky and senor blankfist are welcome to join us if they don't have anything planned.

Happy new years all.

rougy says...

Can't decide if I'll wax rhapsodic with a bottle of scotch and a twelve pack of beer, or amble down to the local watering hole with the hopes of seeing some friendly faces (and avoiding the unfriendly ones).

People around here blow up about as many fireworks on New Years Eve as they do on Independence Day.

They like shooting their guns, too. Yee-haw.

dag says...

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Happy New Year Sifters! It's 2:35 AM on January 1st 2009 here in Australia. The future is awesome. We have flying cars.

I drank too many 4X and Cheladas.

davidraine says...

Could you send us United States Sifters some of those flying cars? We're in desperate need of a new financial bubble to prop up our ridiculous economy, and being able to corner the emerging flying car market in the last six hours of 2008 will make us all billionaires overnight.

mintbbb says...

Sending NetRunner out to the chilly night to grill salmon right now at 7pm - he has amazing grilling skills! We'll have steak tomorrow! Wine and mashed potatoes with salmon, then I will probably pass out and nap until midnight =) He'll poke me awake and we'll have champagne.

Sorry, but nothing more exciting here, but to me, this is wonderful! Work has majorly sucked this week because everybody was sick and calling off, and the rest were having nervous breakdowns! BUT, surviving through this, I don't have to work until Monday! YAY! Double YAY!

Happy New Year!

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