dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hee-hee. I love how they call us a "major site" and list us before YouTube. (if only they knew) ;-)

Hey, if anyone has a subscription and would like to send me a PDF of the whole article ... I wouldn't accept it, because that's a copyright violation. (email's in my profile)

daphne says...

Hey! We get a mention, too! He says we "tend to be extremely passionate about online video."


Thanks for the linky poo, James.

Krupo says...

Yay us: "VideoSift, the newest of the sites monitored by the Internet TV Charts, rewards members who find entertaining clips with extra moderating powers. As a result, Mr. Klive believes, its members ..." (do what daphne just said).

Interestingly there's a typo on page 3.

And WSJ gives the so-called Weiner dog a shout out: http://www.videosift.com/story.php?id=7980
Doubly interesting, one of our lowest ranked published vids is on the guy's Fav list.
http://www.videosift.com/story.php?id=4491 (Barbie Girl synched by Lynne and Tessa)

Ryan vs Dorkman also refers to a vid we have sifted pretty high up.

Anyway, that's my sifting for the night, later all.

joedirt says...

I just was poking around and came up with these stats.
VS has over 200 users with 100+ votes, and 400 users with 25+ votes. (and 80 folks with 10+ published videos)

It'd be interesting to know stuff like how many submitted per week and published per week and also how many votes, etc.

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