Some Youtube Videos Not Playing in Opera

Has anyone else been having this problem? You click the yt vid's "play" button and are given a black screen with a 0:00 counter and cannot watch the video: (screenshot)

It seems to only affect some yt embeds, and since I can open them in Chrome I'm guessing it's Opera's fault... any idea how to fix it?

Edit: @Porksandwich's trick of clearing the cookies did the trick for me, yay!
Fantomas says...

I'm also having this issue in Firefox 12, but not in Chrome.
Interestingly the player in Firefox looks different to the Chrome one. In Firefox it is a dark grey bar and black play button, while in Chrome it is a light grey bar and red play button.

jonny says...

Just here in my case, and it's not every youtube embed. I couldn't find the commonality in the embeds that didn't work, though.
>> ^dag:

Is it happening just on our site - or with the YouTube site as well?

Porksandwich says...

I had the problem. Remove your cookies and it seems to fix the embeds. Worked for me at least. I was having the problems only on embeds and only about half of those......some would work some wouldnt. No idea why. Clearing cookies worked.

Porksandwich says...

Did clearing cookies work for anyone else? Just wondering if it's universally working or if maybe I didn't find a permanent solution. So far I've only had one video not play, but it wouldn't play directly on youtube either.

hpqp says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

Did clearing cookies work for anyone else? Just wondering if it's universally working or if maybe I didn't find a permanent solution. So far I've only had one video not play, but it wouldn't play directly on youtube either.

Eeeeyup, clearing out the cookies did the trick for me, thank you muchly @Porksandwich!

luxury_pie says...

I'm having this problem with embeds from youtube on every site I visit. Not all of the embeds, but 60% are not working. I have to go to the youtube page. Which requires SECONDS! How am I supposed to cope with that? Diablo III ? Oh well...

No seriously, it's a problem.

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