New Logo Submissions

The new VideoSift, is getting really close. We've had some great logo submissions, and I wanted to put them before you all for feedback. Click on the image above for a larger version. Please mention the logo number in your feedback.

Update:ladyBug has added her worthy submission here and may have one more on the way. Thanks LB.

daphne says...

I'll be sad if the sift isn't kept in. Even just a representation...or hidden in the logo like Nina in a Hirshfeld. ;-)

They all look nice, but I'm attached to 3.

swampgirl says...

I'd miss the sifter too. I like the font of 2 though. The sifter in place of the play button on number 2. Wait...that would make it look almost like the one that's here now wouldn't it? :::red faced:::

They're all very nice, dag.

dotdude says...

I like "1" of the two hive designs. I like that it is a uniform blue color matching the new interface. The hive is appealing because all the members help build the site by posting and voting videos.

"2"appeals to me too because of its simplicity.

The only other thought I had was playing with the dots in the "i's". One could be a triangle (play) and the other could be the two rectangles (stop). Or the dots could be the up and down vote triangles - maybe having an upside down "i".

joedirt says...

I'm surprised no one likes 6. I think I like 3 and 6 best. Though 3 needs some color and font adjustment cause I like VS as one word.

I really think the new logo has to communicate something, you want to get the essence of videos and sifting. As stupid as it sounds, even abstract images showing what something does are cool. I like the globe, but I'm not sure what the arrow is doing.

LadyBug says...

well ... this is my $0.02 on the subject. i wonder how many internet users would actually recognize a 'sift' or 'sifter' upon first glance. example #2 is great because they used the universal 'play' sign (as did #1 & #4, but i find the honeycombs a bit out of place).

logos don't necessarily have to depict what the product/company is. google is simply a G in a box, yahoo is a red Y, stumble upon is a connected SU in a circle ... you get the idea. you don't want a logo that's too 'busy'.

i know we're all 'attached' to the sift ... we could try to keep it, as daphne suggested, something like:

*flutters off*

daphne says...

Oh, I love the sifter on the "i" dot! That's clever.

What about an artistic representation of a minimalist swaths. Less is more, and it does have to fit in the small space above.

And while the "play" button is clever, it makes the name look like "Vide Sift" with a button in between.

Farhad2000 says...

I understand LadyBug's point and Dag's presuasive arguement, however the sifter signifies something that many such video sifting sites lack. A central identity. A centralized idea which encompasses the entire purpose of this site.

Everytime I see a sifter now I can't help but think of VideoSift. It's unique, simple and unforgettable.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Wow Farhad, very well put - I think that is the way I feel too in my heart of hearts. LadyBug, I do like that sifter you have there - it looks less like a "rusty old paint bucket". Where did you get it?

SnakePlissken says...

Hey how about this...

You pick the logo you like best out of five or six on your options screen, and that's your logo on your computer.

That way, people who need to see the sift can see it, and people who prefer something else can have what they want.

I'm growing very attached to the globe with the arrow and I think it could be the start of something special.

oohahh says...

Here's a vote for 1 and 4. Depending on the theme of the rest of the site, consider adding more color.

3 gets an honorable mention.

In all three cases, I'd like to see the logo enlarged and bled off the box, so that it runs over the bottom-left rounded corner.

ren says...

Woooh back from my short hols and there have been some really nice logo submissions.

I got a bit sick so had to cancel my evening plans, and in my boredom I made these extra logos for consideration as my old ones are starting to annoy me.

I also made a 3d model of a flour sifter with the videosift name on it if anyone wants to use or play with it it's here

joedirt says...

If you are serious, you need one logo. one easily represented symbol for your site that places like URLpop can use. You could set it in your user profile, but I'm not so keen on that.

You could have different themes for the subcategory pages. Like Music Videos page has a different logo and color scheme, (looking forward to alpha -> production)

SnakePlissken says...

Yeah, as stated there'd be a "default" logo for non-members and for logo awareness outside VS, but members could choose one from a selection of variations to have on their own screen.

Personalization... What could possibly be wrong with that?

ren says...

Why don't we make new sections called LogoSift(tm) and TextSift(c) and have an upvote/downvote option for all the different little image logos, then a seperate page for all the different versions of the videosift name.

Then hey presto you got your final combo.

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