New Feature: Manual Thumbnail Replacement

In the wake of all the blank thumbnails in the past couple of days (and the frequently futile attempts to make siftbot *findthumb), we've implemented a long-needed feature, the ability to edit video thumbnails.

For any video, the edit form now has a pair of fields that allow you to either specify a remote URL (for images that are stored online) or upload an image file (for images stored on your computer).

We've done some light testing and it seems to work fine, but if you have any issues with it, please let us know here.

Now get out there and start fixing up all those videos without a meaningful thumbnail!

You should keep the shape of your image as close to a 4:3 (or 1.333:1) ratio as possible. If it is out of proportion, it will be cropped and/or stretched to fit.

This new ability is restricted to Bronze Star members and above.

Do not misuse this feature or you may be banned. All thumbnails must always correspond to content contained in the video.
lucky760 says...

At present, the feature is only available to non-proby and the non-hobbled (though we may bump it up to Bronze Star members). Obviously, if anyone abuses the feature by inserting inappropriate content (or content that is not part of the video) they will be punished at least by losing the privilege and at most with banination.

In the case of valid NSFW images, the post should be flagged NSFW, so it's thumbnail will be hidden to users with their NSFW filter on.

rottenseed says...

>> ^lucky760:

At present, the feature is only available to non-proby and the non-hobbled (though we may bump it up to Bronze Star members). Obviously, if anyone abuses the feature by inserting inappropriate content (or content that is not part of the video) they will be punished at least by losing the privilege and at most with banination.
In the case of valid NSFW images, the post should be flagged NSFW, so it's thumbnail will be hidden to users with their NSFW filter on. picture of my penis?

ant says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^lucky760:
At present, the feature is only available to non-proby and the non-hobbled (though we may bump it up to Bronze Star members). Obviously, if anyone abuses the feature by inserting inappropriate content (or content that is not part of the video) they will be punished at least by losing the privilege and at most with banination.
In the case of valid NSFW images, the post should be flagged NSFW, so it's thumbnail will be hidden to users with their NSFW filter on. picture of my penis?

Yeah, we don't want to see your blue penis like Dr. Manhattan's.

rottenseed says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^lucky760:
At present, the feature is only available to non-proby and the non-hobbled (though we may bump it up to Bronze Star members). Obviously, if anyone abuses the feature by inserting inappropriate content (or content that is not part of the video) they will be punished at least by losing the privilege and at most with banination.
In the case of valid NSFW images, the post should be flagged NSFW, so it's thumbnail will be hidden to users with their NSFW filter on. picture of my penis?

Yeah, we don't want to see your blue penis like Dr. Manhattan's.

That part of the movie turned me on

ant says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^ant:
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^lucky760:
At present, the feature is only available to non-proby and the non-hobbled (though we may bump it up to Bronze Star members). Obviously, if anyone abuses the feature by inserting inappropriate content (or content that is not part of the video) they will be punished at least by losing the privilege and at most with banination.
In the case of valid NSFW images, the post should be flagged NSFW, so it's thumbnail will be hidden to users with their NSFW filter on. picture of my penis?

Yeah, we don't want to see your blue penis like Dr. Manhattan's.

That part of the movie turned me on

So you're ghey? [grin]

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