Nasty Gram Over Dead Fudge Packer Video

It's no lie, I HATE nastygrams. The whole war over whether or not content is copyrighted and can be put on the internet seems like a pretty trite one and it looks like traditional media is on the losing side. You would think that after the RIAA's PR implosion other industries would have learned, but no. Here is a nastygram we got today over a video that has been dead for 2 weeks. It's the first nastygram I've seen that demanded we write out a check for "losses" incurred by the rights owner, and as such I have decided to share it and my response below.

April 22, 2007

Re: “BILLY’S DAD IS A FUDGE-PACKER” Copyright Infringement Cease & Desist Letter

Professional Organization of Women in Entertainment Reaching Up (hereinafter referred to as “POWER UP”) is the sole copyright owner of all right, title and interest in and to the motion picture film entitled “BILLY’S DAD IS A FUDGE-PACKER” (“FILM”). POWER UP has recently become aware that you, including but not limited to all agents, assigns, website hosting companies, website hosting space and other facillitators (hereinafter collectively referred to as “INFRINGER”) has – without any authorization by POWER UP - made FILM available for public viewing on, at least, the YOU TUBE website. POWER UP wishes to advise INFRINGER that the FILM is not in the public domain and not authorized and, as such, INFRINGER’s offering of FILM , whether on whole or part or any materials relating to FILM infringes on POWER UP’s rights thereto.

Since INFRINGER has not been authorized by POWER UP to utilize or exploit any elements of the FILM, and to preserve POWER UP’s rights in and to the FILM, POWER UP hereby demands that INFRINGER cease and desist from further selling or proffering of any FILM product and remove all such product from INFRINGER’s website, webspace, catalog, inventory, media outlet, and/or any other offering (hereinafter collectively referred to as “WEBSITE”).

POWER UP also requests that INFRINGER deliver, within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter, the following:

1. A letter confirming that all infringing activities and uses have ceased, and will not be resumed or repeated at any time in the future;

2. A detailed statement setting forth:
a) Each and every portion of the FILM that INFRINGER is offering or has offered through its WEBSITE;

b) The quantity of recordings, DVDs, tapes or other copies, that INFRINGER has in its possession or control;

c) The period of time during which exploitation of the FILM has taken place anywhere in the world;

d) The quantity of FILM downloads, viewings, offerings, sales, etc. or other FILM products sold;

e) A full accounting of all monies received for each and every sale of the FILM or other FILM products;

f) Any and all other exploitation of any elements of the FILM in all media;

g) A certified check in the full amount of any and all monies received for each and every sale of the FILM or other FILM products;

h) All fixed incarnations of FILM (whether original or copies in any media) and all other FILM products in the possession and control of INFRINGER, all returned to the above-referenced address.

The FILM represents a valuable asset and all rights thereto are enforceable under law by POWER UP. POWER UP hopes to receive INFRINGER’s immediate and full cooperation in resolving this matter informally and to avoid legal action against INFRINGER. Nevertheless, POWER UP reserves its rights fully to protect its property rights through all available legal means.

The above is not intended to be a full recitation of all facts concerning the above-mentioned circumstances. This letter is not intended, and shall not be construed, to limit, waive or prejudice any rights or remedies that POWER UP may have at law, in equity or otherwise – whether civil or criminal, with respect to any past, present or future violations; any and all such rights and remedies are hereby expressly reserved.

If you have any questions concerning the foregoing, please contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Thank you in advance for your compliance in this matter.


(Redacted, although hilariously apropos name)

President of Film Production & Distribution

CC: Website/Webspace Hosting Company

The part at the end is probably the cutest, where they CC: our web host without actually contacting them, anyway here is my response. I wanted to be much harsher than I actually ended up being, but I think I still managed to express my anger and frustration at these asshats quite nicely.


I think you may be confused about the functioning of VideoSift. Our site never actually hosted the video in question, it was hosted on YouTube. We provided an embed link, however we were never in actual physical possession of any copy of the film. Furthermore under the DMCA act we have no obligation to pay any fines as long as we have removed the content and were not profiting directly off your media. As we never sold any copies of this film there is no profit. Beyond that I do not believe we have any legal obligation to respond to the rest of your demands however I will attempt to do so on a point by point basis below.

1. This is your letter, the video in question was pulled by YouTube, presumably in response to a similar nastygram that you sent them. Our users submit content to our website and as such the content is not under our direct editorial control. I will however keep an eye out for this film in the future and if it reappears I will remove it. I should note however that under the DMCA it is the owner of a property, in this case the film, that is required to notify sites of abuse and only after a notification that is not acted upon can you seek legal redress.


A. I have no way of knowing what portion of the film in question we were linking to because it is no longer on YouTube.

B. We never had any copies of the film in our possession, again it was hosted on YouTube.

C. It Appears the film was linked off of VideoSift for about 240 days, although I can't know for sure because I don't know the exact date you had it pulled from youtube.

D. I have no way of knowing how many times the video was viewed on VideoSift as the playback mechanism is controlled by YouTube. It received a paltry 16 votes compared to our top videos that have well over 150 so my guess would be not many, but you should talk to YouTube for exact numbers.

E. We didn't make any money off your film.

F. We certainly didn't try to repackage it in any way.

G. There will be no check, we made no money, and broke no laws.

H. Again we never had any physical copies of the film so I have nothing to send you.

Beyond that I have to question your tactics. Presumably this group is seeking publicity, and what greater equalizer than the internet. More than that though there is no need to be rude. I understand that in your world it might seem that legal strong arm tactics are the best way to "nip a problem in the butt." However a cursory glance at this letter reveals that you didn't even bother to look at how VideoSift might be exploiting your content. In fact under the DMCA you are required to point me to the offending content, and you failed to do so. Fortunately I have almighty Google powers and was able to resurrect the link from our database.

The non functioning video page was deleted 2 weeks ago because the YouTube link had gone dead and your legalese was therefor wasted as there is nothing for me to delete. I assume you must do this regularly and I also sympathize with the fact that it can be frustrating to see your work out in the open, unfettered by traditional media and the context that you might think it should be shown in. However, you could have sought to redress this issue with much less bravado and a degree of humanity. There are other people on the other end of these nastygrams and you do yourself nor the perception of your greedy industry any favors by needlessly targeting individuals who have committed no wrong.

For what it's worth though you will be getting some free publicity. I am going to post your nastygram (minus personal contact info) on our blog along with my response and if you would like to show up and defend yourself or spit more vitriol you can see the thread at:
Now I won't hold my breath that we will actually get anything resembling an apology BUT I just needed to share this.
James Roe says...

Anyone remember what this video is about? The title is pretty hilarious, especially in that it appears to have come from a women's empowerment group. Way to pander to stereotypes POWER UP.

Gunter says...

ROfls my ass off @ how stupid people are and how smart they think they actually are.. didnt even bother to do any research before writing that load of shit. really shows the group and or person is a fucktard.

powerup says...


You were sent a standard legal notice regarding someone who uses your site. Any professional would just remove it. Your NASTY call for insults in really unnecessary. As someone who runs a site you should be bigger than that.

If Universal Studios had sent you a notice to remove a pirated video whold you have been so insulted? And by the way no production company or studio believes stealing films is publicity.

Come on.

and thanks for acting so quickly!

James Roe says...

"You were sent a standard legal notice regarding someone who uses your site. Any professional would just remove it. Your NASTY call for insults in really unnecessary. As someone who runs a site you should be bigger than that."

Actually your letter was not a standard legal notice. It did not conform to the standards set forth in the DMCA.

"If Universal Studios had sent you a notice to remove a pirated video whold you have been so insulted?"

If they had requested monetary redress for perceived losses I would have most certainly raked them over the coals on our blog. Even a cursory glance at the site would have let you know that we don't actually host any of the content. As well as shown you that we aren't selling anything.

"And by the way no production company or studio believes stealing films is publicity."

Well that's patently untrue, Jon Stewart and Lorne Michaels, arguably two of the largest names in entertainment, both see copyright infringement, which by the way is NOT stealing as being beneficial to their business models.

"and thanks for acting so quickly!"

Well you are welcome, but you are still sort of missing the point. The video had been pulled from our archives before you ever contacted me. Our own internal moderation system had flagged the video as being dead weeks before I even got your email. In effect I did nothing but respond to your email and throw up this post. Which all sort of goes back to my whole point about you not even bothering to check out the site before you sent us that nastygram.

That said I am sorry if what I said seemed nasty to you, but you in effect sent us a drive by threat. This threat had no basis in the law and could be viewed as extortion. A simple, "Hey I don't know why this on your site but my clients are the owners of the content and we would like it taken down," would have sufficed in the place of a standard DMCA take down which would have also provoked a sift talk thread, albeit a much more mild one asking users to refrain from posting the video. Also your assertion that I should know better as someone who runs a site is a bit fallacious. If the internet community doesn't draw attention to crap like this, copywrong law in the US will never change. We are not YouTube and we have no obligation to kiss ass to content providers. We have and will continue to act hastily to respond to DMCA notices, but I will not give up my right to be indignant about such affronts to decency.

One final addendum, I used the word nastygram because it is the accepted internet vernacular for a take down notice.

Also welcome to the community, I hope you stick around and sift. We can be a surly bunch, but for the most part we are amicable.

oohahh says...

Let's all play the blame game!

First and foremost, I blame society. That's right, our overly litigious American society where any wrong can be "fixed" by lawyers. Fall on your own ass? Oh, no you didn't! Blame the city for failing to melt the ice you slipped on!

Second, I blame our misdirected Hollywood execs. Sorry, but the cat's out of the bag. I can download your video for free from a dozen websites within a week of it being released and possibly before that. Your business model has become outdated. Please find another. For bonus points: without lawyers.

Good luck and welcome to the 21st century.

wildmanBill says...

POWER UP is so pathetic they need to change their name to PUSSY DOWN. The funniest part of this whole thing was how they registered to the sift just to come back and leave the comment above. Hey, how about now that they've very weakly explained their "legal" notice, can we ban them so we don't have to suffer through more self-righteous BS?

I salute you James, don't take any guff from these swine!

rembar says...

Ahahaha....when I read this, my mind screwed up the words and all I read was "Power up Fudge Packer" I was like, terrific, we're finally throwing a VideoSift party? Sign me up!

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