Griefer_Queafer gets his silver 50 star!

He got his first silver star on the old Sift just over a month ago but he already collects his second one, now for

Griefer Queafer has some really great sifts. And like he says himself: "Please Love My Pqueues ;(" - please do!.
Great work! Congratulations!
Congrats, GQ! I had no idea that GQ magazine had anything to do with queafing.
Congrats Griefer Queafer on the silver star...again.
LOL..i thought GQ was already a am king of suck.
gratz man,you have a knack for finding great material.
i love your posts!
i found some powerpoints *promote
Self promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by original submitter paul4dirt.
Woohoo! Way to go Dave Chappelle!
Congrats Griefer
I'd like to make a joke that references your name, but I can't really think of one. So instead I'm going to blow air in your face by squeezing an inflatable vagina.

Jeez, what a spook... coming here and outdoing the rest of us. He sure makes me look like a piece of crap.
Good on you, GQ. Keep it up.
Good job! Please keep the sifts coming.
Gz GQ!
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Congrats and thanks for all the good posts GQ.
Keep your fachina clean, Queafer!
congratulations, g_q!
Congrats!! Since I am the inflatable vagina around here..... I guess we're best friends?
Keep sifting!!!
Good griefer, queafer - you've got a silver star! Congratulations on all your siftcess.
Griefs and Queafs for all! Congrats, GQ! WoooHOOOOO!!!! Hi Ho Silver... Away!!!!
Thanks so much all! I'm writing to you from a library, because I am on the road at the moment. These places aren't generous with the time the give out on these crappy machines. All I can say is thanks so much (especially to that kindly Hollander who created this post).
VS is reallly the only online community I have and ever really want to be involved in. Great vibes and awesome content. Thanks for making this place so special, folks.
Congrats, you big wet queafer.
Nice going GQ! Omar would be proud
Grats bud!
Queafer, you've definitely got the coolest avatar in these parts. Congrats on silver, it's all in the game.
Connie Grats
So did I...
Grats queef!
Bah, all the good stuff happens while I'm away! Congratulations mate, I've really enjoyed your good posts and comments.
Late to the party but wanted to add my congrats!
Ah, finalmente! GQ , I'm late too..nice small party in a restaurant,
(featured in 35 Rhums:) )
Enjoy being on the road!
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