God Damn It (profile spamming)

If you're going to whore your videos/talk posts/whatever this way could you please remember to tick private so it doesn't screw up recent comments?

Or just don't do it. I don't care that your gay little friend got his silver star.
gorillaman says...

Okay dickwads, a lot of people use the recent comments as their primary means of browsing the site. Having to click through ten pages of bullshit every time you want just one more vote for a video that probably doesn't deserve to get published fucks that up. It's not a question of keeping my precious profile in order.

kronosposeidon says...

Well it looks like your going to have to adapt then, ya big fluffy-wuffy gowilla, because I have no intention of changing the way I invite people to Sift Talk posts. If others wish to bend to your will, so be it. But not me. And if everyone else wants to check 'private' for ALL their profile comments just to keep you from crying in Sift Talk, that's fine. But not me.

BTW, do you you routinely call strangers "dickwad" in person, or do you reserve your tough talk just for the internet? I'm just wondering if you're just as big and bad as your avatar suggests. Please, don't fly across the Atlantic to whip my ass! You'll only end up on Homeland Security's "Watch List." But then I suppose there's no force on Earth as powerful as a big bad gorillaman.

Oops! Yet another comment to screw up "recent comments." Now where is that 'private' box...

laura says...

I peruse the recent comments all the time...
and I like to see what all's goin' on...s'pecially when there's a party to congratulate someone, because I like it when people gratulate me so I ass-u-me they would like it too. It's called a community. The recent comments are like back when there were "party lines" out where the phone service sucked.

I'm in on the group hug...everybody here needs it bad!
***** H U G *******

gorillaman says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
BTW, do you you routinely call strangers "dickwad" in person, or do you reserve your tough talk just for the internet?

When they're acting like dickwads I do. You're behaving ridiculously. If you'd put your puffed-up ego away for a second you'd realise that you're arguing in favor of spam.

By refusing to click that private box you're deliberately filling up the recent comments with your whoring because your posts are SO much more important than everybody else's.

kronosposeidon says...

^If you put your egocentric world view aside for a second, what you consider "spam" isn't necessarily "spam" to someone else.

Next time your boss is acting like a dickwad, you make sure you tell him or her that, just for me, okay? Or if I cop pisses you off, also call him a dickwad. Or if you run into Hulk Hogan and he looks at you the wrong way, call him a dickwad too. Because you make no exceptions, correct?

(And if you're self-employed, there's no doubt that the boss does act like a dickwad. Give him what for, tip tip.)

gorillaman says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
^If you put your egocentric world view aside for a second, what you consider "spam" isn't necessarily "spam" to someone else.

You show me a world view where shoving the same message in everyone's face fifty times in a row isn't spam. If you want to solicit votes and views like an idiot you go right ahead, all I want you to do is hit 'private' instead of being such a dickwad.

kronosposeidon says...

A lot of people like those invitations, gorilla-child. In fact when I send out 30 invitations or so I usually get over 90% of those people showing up. In other words, those people don't mind receiving them, and many actually look forward to getting them. Therefore it's not spam to them. Don't you get it?

All I want YOU to do is treat the people here with some manners. Have you considered that I MIGHT have responded differently had you framed your request in a pleasant way? I'm not talking about saying "please" while cupping my testes, but maybe something like:

I know that many of you like to send out many invitations to congratulatory posts, but if you do could you please check the "private" box? I, along with others, like to view "recent comments" to find interesting videos, but when there are dozens of identical invitations in a row to the same Sift Talk post, it inhibits our ability to see where the action is.

So if you could please the check the "private" box for each invitation you send out, it would be greatly appreciated. It only takes a fraction of a second, and it would benefit everyone greatly.

Thank you in advance.

See, that wasn't lengthy, and it certainly wasn't Shakespeare, but I know it would have been a lot more effective than your whiny and insulting little rant. It's simply AMAZING how far good manners go. So when you tell us about our "gay little friends," quite frankly that rubs many people the wrong way, especially me.

Have you ever done the exact opposite of what someone requested because he or she was an asshole when they made the request? Do you see where I'm going with this?


rottenseed says...

Or just don't do it. I don't care that your gay little friend got his silver star.

HAHAHA I haven't read anything that funny for days!

PS: Lest we forget so quickly. I know it was like a year and a half ago but there was a point when it was your party.

Kevlar says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
A lot of people like those invitations, gorilla-child. In fact when I send out 30 invitations or so I usually get over 90% of those people showing up. In other words, those people don't mind receiving them, and many actually look forward to getting them. Therefore it's not spam to them. Don't you get it?

I never mind receiving when KP's the one to give. Oh, wait, right - I don't have a silver star yet.

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