dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yeah, that's what I thought.

We're looking into it- but it's definitely gotten a lot worse in the past couple of days.

Not to whinge- but we get crawled mercilessly by Googlebot- often a tagteam two bots at once.

You can monitor how long it takes a page to generate in the text at the very bottom of the page.

spoco2 says...

Yeah, very slow... I thought it might be that the donations weren't enough, but is your thought dag that you are getting hammered from one or a couple of particular places, and not normal traffic at all?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

After analyzing the logs- we're not finding any one particular source that is causing the problem. We're just generally inundated with traffic. (I enjoy tailing the access log and watching the text spill up the screen almost faster than the eye can see)

I have put in a call to upgrade our database box to something much more brawny- which should help in the short term. We may need to do some optimising on the DB tables which are getting quite large- as you can imagine.

cheesemoo says...

I have also experienced slowness! 7.6 seconds to generate this page.

And has anyone tried googling for stuff stuff on Videosift? There are a ridiculous amount of pages on the sift. A google for "site:videosift.com" turns up over 800,000 pages. I'm surprised the database isn't on fire...

fizziks says...

... it's probably my fault, I've been sitting on my unsifted vids section just hitting "refresh" every 0.2 seconds... my bad!

Glad to hear it's 'just' traffic and nothing malicious. It hit a new slow for me today: 55 seconds to generate my profile page

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