Fantastic Louie C.K Interview with Marc Maron

I know there are a lot of Louie C.K. fans on the Sift - so I thought I would commend to you this fantastic interview on Marc Maron's WTF podcast. Here's the link. This is a big "get" for Marc because although they were evidently best friends in their early 20s - Marc and Louie fell out. The two hour, 2 part podcast is an amazing, warm, real hashing out of their differences that I found fascinating.

On a sidenote, I'm also almost through with season 1 of Louie's new show - and love it.
budzos says...

I've listened to about three quarters of WTF with Marc Maron, and almost every guest appearance starts with Marc revealing he has been a fuckhead towards the person. I love it.

rottenseed says...

>> ^dag:

How come?
>> ^rottenseed:
Thanks man! I fell out with WTFPodcast.

I was pissed after his snooty interview with Dane Cook. I'm not really a Dane Cook fan, but Marc wasn't being a cordial host to the comedian. His disdain for Dane Cook came out and I thought that was unprofessional. That and he hasn't had a lot of talent on that I want to hear from lately.

Also I've been getting into Bill Burr's podcast.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I thought he was decent to Dane Cook- it was more like "there's this perception of you out there that ..." I don't remember anything particularly rude.

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^dag:
How come?
>> ^rottenseed:
Thanks man! I fell out with WTFPodcast.

I was pissed after his snooty interview with Dane Cook. I'm not really a Dane Cook fan, but Marc wasn't being a cordial host to the comedian. His disdain for Dane Cook came out and I thought that was unprofessional. That and he hasn't had a lot of talent on that I want to hear from lately.
Also I've been getting into Bill Burr's podcast.

rottenseed says...

>> ^dag:

I thought he was decent to Dane Cook- it was more like "there's this perception of you out there that ..." I don't remember anything particularly rude.
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^dag:
How come?
>> ^rottenseed:
Thanks man! I fell out with WTFPodcast.

I was pissed after his snooty interview with Dane Cook. I'm not really a Dane Cook fan, but Marc wasn't being a cordial host to the comedian. His disdain for Dane Cook came out and I thought that was unprofessional. That and he hasn't had a lot of talent on that I want to hear from lately.
Also I've been getting into Bill Burr's podcast.

Marc came off as condescending, to me. He was openly mocking Cook's situation with comedian Steve Byrne where Dane Cook says that Steve "stole his essence". Now, that does sound like a strange accusation, but I did notice that Steve Byrne's delivery, timing and energy were exactly that of Dane Cook (before I had heard of any interaction between the two). I think as a respectable, interviewer, Marc should have viewed Steve's act to see exactly what Dane was talking about. He obviously did not, as it is unmistakable. As somebody who understands joke theft, he should understand that a comedians identity is more than just his jokes.

Interestingly, I've seen Steve Byrne's newer routine's since the conference between Dane and himself and his act has changed a lot. He's finding his own voice.

spoco2 says...

This is the first time I've listened to Marc, and his personality in the lead in bits is so obnoxious, don't like him.

But in the interview, it's great. He lets Louis talk, and their friendship is evident. And when Louie breaks down when talking about his first daughter he confirms what I thought about him and his kids, they have touched him like kids do with any good parent, and really changed him. (don't make that a dirty comment )

As much as he says that the divorce is a good thing, it really makes me sad that he doesn't get to have the whole kids/mother happy package, sad

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I know what you mean about Maron, he's kind of an exposed wire of neuroses and complexes - and comes acrross as a bit of a dick at times - but for his faults - he does damn good interviews that always seem to get to the heart of the matter - he's disarming in a way that makes people open up and be themselves. That's his real talent.>> ^spoco2:

This is the first time I've listened to Marc, and his personality in the lead in bits is so obnoxious, don't like him.
But in the interview, it's great. He lets Louis talk, and their friendship is evident. And when Louie breaks down when talking about his first daughter he confirms what I thought about him and his kids, they have touched him like kids do with any good parent, and really changed him. (don't make that a dirty comment )
As much as he says that the divorce is a good thing, it really makes me sad that he doesn't get to have the whole kids/mother happy package, sad

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