Expected Down Time (AKA Razzleberry) Tonight

We've had a security breach and will be taking the site offline shortly and hopefully for only a couple of hours, tops. However, there may always be unexpected issues that prolong our downage. In any case, we'll be putting the site into Razzleberry mode. For you young hipsters, that's the out of control chatroom that fills the void while we deprive you of videosift.

That is all.
Hybrid says...

There appears to be an issue with votes since VS came back online. While votes are being registered correctly, the "who voted for this video" bits are not being updated. For example, I submitted this a few hours ago, and while it has votes, I can't see from who:


Likewise, this had 4 votes before the outage, but now has 7, yet only the original 4 people are showing up at the bottom:


lucky760 says...

@Hybrid: Definitely just a caching issue. Will look into it when the computer gods allow.

@xxovercastxx: Each user has a unique salt and the password is a one-way hash based on the user's salt, password, and semi-random chunks of the password based on the password characters themselves. Even given the algorithm, salt, and hash (and even for all known users), the only way to generate the hash is by using the original password. I'll give you mine, for instance:
44f451e233b51d98ce53ba39f1f732335de3be4b0e86c92b9cfb9b38b03a9a94 (split into two lines)

@blankfist: Actually, the key is frogrape.

Deano says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Good, good, good. I mean, I don't use the password I use here for anything important, but it would still be a potential pain in the ass if someone had access to all the unimportant sites I visit.

I'm using Lastpass for all sites. That way I have unique passwords for everything.

lucky760 says...

For all of you who have been wondering what happened to the "Who Voted" listing on videos, it's fixed now. During our upgrade last night, a newer version of some software was installed, but in that version the cache deleting mechanism is busted.

kronosposeidon says...

Something still isn't right. This video only shows 14 voters, but the vote tally says 25 on my Firefox browser and only 10 on my Chrome and Opera browsers. I don't know whcih number is right, but in both cases the tally doesn't match the number of voters.

Also, search doesn't work.

Observe: http://videosift.com/video/Nirvana-Come-As-You-Are is perfectly good, yet check out what shows up in search: http://videosift.com/search?q=nirvana+come+as+you+are

Not even (0) shows up in any category.

EDIT: Both problems seem to be resolved now. Thank you. >> ^lucky760:

For all of you who have been wondering what happened to the "Who Voted" listing on videos, it's fixed now. During our upgrade last night, a newer version of some software was installed, but in that version the cache deleting mechanism is busted.

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