Down Vote Comment

I was looking at alot of vids and i realised that there's not many downvotes, but where there are, there's usually no comment to explain why and i sometimes wonder why this is. Would it be possible to add a page that you are directed to when you downvote and you have to leave a comment to downvote. The the comment would be put on the comments page with a subtitle saying "Down Vote Reason" or something like that.
benjee says...

I agree that a comment on down-voting would be helpful; I've had two so far (that I've noticed) without any kind of explanation. I think one may have been accidental (farhads down-vote for Adam & Joes Bobby Deniro - unless he really didn't like it!) And the other one, I guess; because Ant doesn't like the Aphex Twin Windowlicker video (not to everyones taste).

I've not used a down-vote so far (not deliberately anyway!) - but when I do I'll be posting why. Although, I think an earlier Sift Talk post suggested a mandatory comment for reasoning - but as the FAQ doesn't say you have to give a reason: it wouldn't be implemented (I think it's just Sifting etiquette).

James Roe says...

benjee, you can't down vote yet anyway. ;-) You have to have at least a bronze star before you can wield such heady powers. As for the forced comment, I think it adds a little hassle to the feature. Many people do comment, and when people don't I think it's best to not take it personally. In those cases it is usually just a matter of them having differing tastes.

benjee says...

Ahh - good (about the down-voting): just another three published posts to go! Although it will have to be seriously offensive for me to down-vote: I believe in ignoring things you don't like (in general!) I also don't take any difference in opinion seriously, although the Bobby DeNiro one did baffle me for lack of offensiveness...

benjee says...

Sorry to Darksun (for hijacking his Sift Talk post) and to Ant (for any offence caused)! I'm not attempting to judge or 'name & shame' anyone here - just passing my own opinion/experience on; in the same way we all do here on Sift via votes or comments etc. Anyone with a Gold has obviously put the time in to searching & submitting the content here, so deserves to do what they want with SiftBot. Just saying: when I get the ability: I'll be posting why I'm using it (if I don't - it'll be a miss-click).

firefly says...

I'm with darksun and 'sil, there have been a few times where I was wondering something was downvoted too. Some sifters leave comments, most others don't.
Instead of requiring folks to write out their reasons, would it be possible for a small window to appear once the downvote is selected, and simple check boxes could be used. For example--

Reason for downvote:
_Poor audio/video quality
_This is a dupe
_I found this offensive
_Possible Self-Link

Plus, if it turns out the downvote was clicked accidentally, this could invoke ant's suggestion and cancel the downvote altogether.
Of course, I don't know how complicated this would be to program, or if it would even be possible. just a thought...

joedirt says...

OMG, boo-fing-who.. So and so click a button, and it makes baby jebus cry.

The following people downvoted my video, "Funny things hit into crotches" So I need to make everyone aware of their lack of understanding. Please waste a post explaining your voting to me. That way I can respond and write a page of why your reason doesn't make sense. Then I can post a blog post about why so-and-so never responded to me, they just rudely wrote "This video is dumb" and never answered me!

Here, autofill in this in your form:
__ Because I felt like it

pho3n1x says...

it's been discussed before, but never implemented because sometimes people just don't want to give a reason. to be fair, all it needs is a countervote from another member. if someone downvotes your vid because they didn't like it, tough cookies. chalk it up to free speech (of sorts). i consider the voting buttons to be "i liked it" and "i didn't like it". so if someone doesn't like it, they don't really need a reason, and if anyone is intrigued enough by the downvote to ask, then you just kinda have to hope the downvoter replies. such is the internet.

Farhad2000 says...

I downvote videos so you wake up sweating in the middle night and wander why. LOL

No honestly I didn't find the Bobby Deniro bit funny or entertianing. So I expressed my view, but just my down to up vote ratio is 1 to 10.

Interms of leaving a comment about it, I don't think it's really neccessary, people have different tastes in viewing and so on. Like Wumpus would downvote any political tat. And alot of people don't like military war posts. etc etc.

Sorry if I offended you Benjee, I always think your submissions are great.

benjee says...

No farhad - you've not offended me at all; none of my downs have! I was just confused at 1st: as I couldn't see anything nasty in it & seemed weird as it's one of the three you've not upped! Thanks very much for all those votes, if anything!

My original comment was about me personally wanting to use the down-vote with offensive vids & commenting why - as I mostly ignore ones that don't interest me. As my second post said: I think anyone with the extra functions should do what they want with 'em (may change my mind after getting them anyway!) Was just writing on my opinion & brief experience/history of posting (been voting much longer).

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