Discarding other people's dup posts?

Is there an official or unofficial policy regarding discarding other peoples videos in the queue if you discover it is a dup post? I've had others discard my dup posts, and I've seen others do it, but I don't know why, I just don't feel right discarding someone else's video.

In the past, I just posted a comment that it was a dup, and sometimes the original poster would self discard it, or another goldie would come along and discard it for them.

Is it OK to discard someone else's video if you discover it's a dup? What about if a dup makes it out of the queue?
gorgonheap says...

I think that the courteous thing to do would be to let the poster discard it. I know there was a clip a while ago someone called a dupe on but the two, though on the same subject, were nothing alike.

But sometimes the original submitter will not take it down or ignore it. I think the submitter should be given ample time to remove the dupe and if not done then it's ok for a goldie.

twiddles says...

With a few exceptions it seems that whenever I just give a dupe link and don't discard, the post just stays up there and people continue to vote/comment. I agree with winkler1, better to just get it over with. But only if you are sure it is an exact duplicate. If one of my videos was a dupe and someone discarded it I would not be offended as they would be doing me a favor.

blankfist says...

I agree with MG's idea to make this similar to banning. If someone finds a dupe, they should mark it as dupe, which would immediately send it to SiftTalk for discussion. Then, if someone else marks it eight, dude... I mean, if someone else marks it a dupe, then BAM! it's gone. That could help keep trigger-happy goldies from kicking out a non-duplicated dupe.

dotdude says...

When you find a dupe, and the original works, you discard the dupe. There's no reason to create more work for other people here.

We've understood this from the early days of the Sift.

There is no gray area when the original works.

Zifnab says...

I'm with dotdude on this. If I find a dupe in the queue and I'm sure it's a dupe then I will post a link to the original and * discard the dupe.

I have also seen video's that I knew were dupes and the original happened to be in the Dead Pool. I feel that the dead video should be fixed and the 'new' dupe should be discarded as well.

I've had similar experiences as twiddles as on some occasions when I have tried to be more 'polite'. When I have only posted the fact that a video is a dupe and a link to the original without discarding, a lot of times nothing will be done and I will come along later and discard anyways.

When someone does it to one of my video's I only feel bad that I didn't catch the dupe, not that someone went and discarded it on me. I'd rather it be gone quickly so as not to clog up the queue any more.

It would be nice to have a type of vote merge or something for cases when a dupe slips through and receives a lot of votes that the original didn't get...

oxdottir says...

The original poster discarded one of my posts that was a dupe (of course I had looked, but it wasn't that easy to find), and what I did in response was to thank him.

And I agree with the other person who said if you just say it's a dupe, no one does anything most of the time. When I got the power, I several times left comments saying, hey, this is a dupe, and nothing happened, until I went back and discarded it.

I don't think the system is broken, and I think anything that clutters up sifttalk more is not a good thing.

jimnms says...

"I have also seen video's that I knew were dupes and the original happened to be in the Dead Pool. I feel that the dead video should be fixed and the 'new' dupe should be discarded as well."

That brings up another question, when I go to post a video, I search for it first to make sure it hasn't already been posted. Does it search the dead pool by default or do I need to manually look there to see if it's dead.

twiddles says...

It will look in the deadpool as part of its search for similar matches to show on the submission page. But unless you search from the advanced search page, search will not return any videos in the deadpool.

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