Comedy Central removing all vids from YouTube

October 30, 2006 -- THOUSANDS of video clips from Jon Stew art's "Daily Show" and Stephen Colbert's "Colbert Report" were yanked off the popular YouTube website over the weekend.

Apparently, a copyright claim from Comedy Central, the cable channel that airs the two news spoof shows, forced YouTube to take down what may be the most heavily watched videos on the site.

Clips too from "South Park" - another Comedy Central show -were gone.

Instead, when people clicked on links for those clips, they got a stark message: "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."...
mauz15 says...

You can still watch some of the segments in the Comedy Central website, but their player sucks and you have to bear with the video ads.
It is obvious that this was going to occur, but now that Google bought youtube everything is going to be removed more rapidly.

benjee says...

Well, the end is nigh for Daily Show / Colbert domination of the Sift (two of my favourite US shows, but I overdose on it every time I logon here). P.S. I'm such a hypocrite for posting a Daily Show yesterday!

James Roe says...

Yeah, this was a pretty awful pr move on the part of comedy central. The "mother load" is a load alright, but I would be more likely to associate words like steaming, and dung, rather than quaint gold rush terminology.

Farhad2000 says...

James Roe, I think Comedy Central did whats best for it's own interests. Most of the clips on Youtube tend to cover too much of the show and are captured poorly (usually audio wise), Comedy Central clearly wants to divert this traffic from Youtube back to which also covers TDS clips. Am more glad then sad about this, the Sift has been too much of a Comedy Central marketing firm. Hopefully this would mean more rare and unique treasures will be uploaded to Youtube.

LadyBug says...

i can't say that i won't be sorry to see those shows go from youtube and consequently VS. i'm with farhad on this one ... there were just too many here.

on another note ... what does this mean for sifters when a video gets discarded ... do they lose the votes said video garnered?? i hope the top 15 ranks don't slide all over the place! eeek!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's correct - discarded videos do indeed lose points. I think that has something to do with my rapid decline.

I think that the only good thing I can say about this is, at least we are spread across a few videohosts. If YouTube died tomorrow, VideoSift would still be around, although in a greatly reduced state. mmmm. Time to add new hosts!

winkler1 says...

YouTube Pulling Comedy Central Clips? Not Necessarily

FishbowlNY spent about 25 minutes on YouTube this afternoon, and the news of an all-out purge seems to have been a bit premature. For instance, a user named "SouthParkSeason10" reports he "just recently got suspended," yet his "Director's Channel" page continues to play clips of the show.

A simple search for "south park" turned up 6,714 results — and not one of the handful of clips we checked [including the one above] had been pulled.

According to some users, it appears that clips under 5 minutes in were not removed. Those over 5 minutes were.

YouTube has yet to respond to FishbowlNY's e-mails seeking comment.


choggie says...

.....shank god, raze allah, also, spank Zarathustra, Yes!! Now, perhaps, folks will go back to the cathode ray nipple, or god forbid, submit some public domain posts and provide, THEIR editorials, instead of a bunch of writers with agendas-and the amount of toilet references should drop, with southpark gone....

boo booo hooo and good riddance, comedy central....

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