Bugs in v3.0

The thread to place bug reports.
(fixed) In the unsifted (queue) the option for "hide videos you have voted on" always displays NO videos for me, with all the various sorting options. (Note: "display new submitter videos only" option works fine)
jonny says...

I don't know if it's a bug or not, but the number of votes received seems to have changed dramatically with 3.0. Has something changed with how votes are counted?

[edit] Looks like it's counting votes cast for all vids, including discarded ones.

choggie says...

and hey joe, *quality, can you answer the cheap seat question I had about how to get to one's own, queued and published viddies?? I have a sheit connection where I am at so, as few clicks possible is what I roll with, when I am not onna hardline.....(motherfuckin' hughes, satellite connection)

choggie says...

ahhh...was gonna say nevermind....queued is now called "unsifted" but....I will use the url to get there quicker...

yer quality cause yer fast like that.........

twiddles says...

Jonny, my research tells me that the votes received now includes videos in the discard pile (bug?) and down votes rightfully count as a negative against your total.

joedirt says...

No, choggie, you never said meat garden, (I don't doubt it is in your vernacular)... a certain worthless tin can did. I'll see how long it takes for others to find certain new features.

joedirt says...


I mentioned that to lucky, but he chose to ignore me. It is supposed to only calculate the votes/views once per person who viewed, but in fact, uses some dumb metric of how many times it was clicked (including by anonymous pageviews)
In fact, they DO NOT EVEN filter out googlebot, so these video views are going to be totally inflated based on time of day that google bot comes by. And yes, you can totally move stuff to bottom of queue

twiddles says...

Joe, I think I know the answer to the mystery of the empty Dead Pool. The owner has two days to fix it before it goes in the pool, so says #19 of the FAQ. So probably not a bug (yet )

joedirt says...

No, the main tabs for TOPSIFTS AND DEADPOOL are empty. I dead'd a video and it showed up under a profile dead videos, but not the DEADPOOL tab. Ok, Instead of a discard, a dead video might end up in the deadpool after two days, but then WHY is a dead video immediately removed from sifted? It goes into limbo before showing up in dead pool? I thought it was discarded after two days.

twiddles says...

TOPSIFTS appears to have a problem with understanding what 24 hours means. There is video in there now (published less than an hour ago) and if you change the time period to a week lots more show up that were published less than a day ago. So offhand I'm guessing 1 hour is being substituted for 1 day.

twiddles says...

Yes Mix, I see it. When you click on the title link it then shows the correct 5 days 1 hour 47 minutes ago. ....which is beyond the 4 day limit... someone wake siftbot up.

edit: By the way I'm very impressed that Lucky was planning for videos to be around decades later

lucky760 says...

>>In the unsifted (queue) the option for "hide videos you have voted on" always displays NO videos for me, with all the various sorting options.

>>Don't know if you would call this a bug, but you can force a video down in the queue by reloading it multiple times. Shouldn't you only count one view per member?
Actually, you can't. Only one view is counted toward the queue ranking.

>>I even put out a few dead vids, but they are not showing up in DEAD POOL
Haven't you read the faq?

>>And yes, you can totally move stuff to bottom of queue
Again, only one view counts towards the ordering now, so no, you cannot totally move stuff to the bottom of the queue.

>>Holy Time Warp, Siftbot!
That was a really weird situation. The video was not a video but a Sift Talk post. Dag happened to try to push it in the queue so it became some kind of deformed half-breed. Only solution was a discard. The date wasn't set for the queue (it was zero), which is why it was calculated to 3 decades ago.

>>Then WHY is a dead video immediately removed from sifted?
Because that's where people go to watch videos and they should not go there to watch dead videos.

>>TOPSIFTS appears to have a problem with understanding what 24 hours means.

twiddles says...

Lucky I don't want to sound like I'm telling you how your program works, but I can totally increase the number of views by reloading the video's page. And that affects the order in which the videos are displayed in the "worst votes-to-views ratio" view when I refresh the Unsifted page. Am I interpreting something you've said wrong?

lucky760 says...

Twiddles, only your first view of a queued video applies toward it's "ranking" in the queue. So, that first view could definitely apply toward moving a video down, but subsequent loads have no effect. You mean that you've reloaded a video a few times and it kept moving in the queue? If that's the case, please inform which video so I can investigate. Thanks.

And to reiterate our mantra, we're working very hard day and night at getting the site back up to speed. Thanks for bearing with us, friends.

twiddles says...

Lucky, this video: http://www.videosift.com/video/Irwin-Allen-The-Master-of-Disaster-1009

I probably have accounted for around 10 views in this one. I just verified it again loading the video and the count went from 14 to 15 and it moved down one in the queue. Immediately reloaded again sending view count to 16 and it moved down one more in the queue.

(Sorry dotdude didn't mean to harm your video)

Oh and thanks for looking into it Lucky. The speed is getting better and the new format is growing on me.

ant says...

Not really a bug. Since the VS was down and unusable for a day for the upgrade, can we get an extra day for charter membership (for subscribers) and queue?

joedirt says...

Twiddles, only your first view of a queued video applies toward it's "ranking" in the queue. So, that first view could definitely apply toward moving a video down, but subsequent loads have no effect. You mean that you've reloaded a video a few times and it kept moving in the queue? If that's the case, please inform which video so I can investigate. Thanks.

Lucky, I just did more investigations. It appears your latest change groups vote/views as follows:
(1) All "9" vote videos by number of views
(2) All "8" vote videos by number of views

By "viewing" any video repeatedly, you can DEFINATELY move it to the bottom of the "9" vote list. So, just take the top "8" vote video in the queue. Note it's position. Hold ctrl and open like 10 tabs of that video. (Check the number of views is now say 14 instead of 4.) Reload the UNSIFTED page, and notice that video is now at the bottom of the "8" vote pile. Works the same if you load the javascript "view video" from UNSIFTED page.

It is real, and the sorting is based on the displayed "views"

lucky760 says...

Ah, I was overlooking something. All the calculations are being done correctly as I was so certain, but it's just the actual sorting I had to address.

Your multiple views weren't necessarily moving the videos down in the overall queue, just in relation to videos with the same votes-to-views ratio. In other words, they were being sorted by the ratio then, if that was equal, by total views. I removed that so overall views will never be a factor and it'll just be ordered simply by ratio then by last queue date.

jonny says...

The 'hide voted on' option is not working. It doesn't display an empty queue anymore, but it doesn't filter any videos either.

On the number of views per user, another oddity (intentional?) is that no matter how many times I view my own submissions, it doesn't change the view count. Also, shouldn't all submissions start with 1 view - presumably the poster has watched it?

Regardless of how many views per user get counted, I'm wondering if the way the queue is being sorted is the intended behavior. It's definitely not sorted by votes/view. As noted, all videos with the same number of votes are grouped, then those are sorted by # of views and age. But even this seems to break down towards the back of the queue. It seems like posts with zero views are put at the back, but a number of posts with several views and votes are mixed in back there as well. Those latter posts are all ones I haven't viewed yet, and if I do view them and reload the unsifted page, they get grouped with the other posts with the same number of votes. I thought the idea was to put lesser viewed videos at the top of the queue.

[update] Explicitly using "order=forward" in the URL yields a different sort order than the default. When "order" is specified, posts are listed in order of age then # of views (within a group with equal # votes). The default order is # views, then age.

lucky760 says...

>>The 'hide voted on' option is not working.
Seems to be working for me.

>>no matter how many times I view my own submissions, it doesn't change the view count
This is intentional. It makes more sense to not count a person who views their own post over and over.

>>When "order" is specified, posts are listed in order of age then # of views
Oops. Fixed.

>>I invoked "findthumb", but nothing happened. Should it be instantaneous?
Yes, it should be. I invoked successfully after a couple of failed attempts from a database error while the request was being processed, which is likely why yours seemed to do nothing.

jonny says...

    >>The 'hide voted on' option is not working.
    Seems to be working for me.

Weird - I just tried it again and it has no effect. Anyone else?

Would it be possible to add a "Hide videos you have viewed" option?

sometimes says...

the "terrible" collective is not showing up for me in the "Channels Listed Alphabetically" section here: http://www.videosift.com/channels

is this because it is my channel? does it show up for other people?

it appears on my "Personal Top Channels", but no where else.

WTF does requeue do, and under what conditions is is available?

why does the list of possible invocations list "SAVE" as an option for one of my own discarded videos? is it now possible to save your own posts?
out of curiosity, I tried to SAVE one of my own posts, and nothing happened. no change in status, and no subsequent comment from siftbot telling me what happened, or why nothing could happen.

joedirt says...

sometimes, read the Welcome to 3.0 on requeue. It allows you to "save" a video and put it back at the top of the queue (from day 2 until day4 when it would be tossed) and reset the clock.

You can't save your own videos. Save is listed just because YOU have a save available. Same with promote, but it would be probably more work that it is worth just to remove those option when you are viewing your own videos.

Terrible does show up.
That's terrible! Who gave that a green l

joedirt says...

I agree, siftbot says he put Uke-man Jake back on frontpage, but I can't find it.

I think it is because we made lucky change the displayed date in the beta. It used to promote fine, but displayed todays date. Now it displays original date, but may not be sorting on the front page.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Actually, I think if it shows up in your "Personal Top Channels" it doesn't show up in alphabetical, but that's probably a bit confusing. We'll look at that.

sometimes says...


unless I'm completely missing something, requeue is not mentioned in the http://www.videosift.com/talk/Welcome-to-VideoSift-30 page. the link to the new invocations there goes to the page I mentioned in my earlier post, which right now does not mention requeue. I recall having seen a description that was a little unclear, but implied that you could extend the queue length of a post, but now it's not there.

I don't get why save and promote are not greyed out for one's own videos when they aren't available. there is complicated logic available for other invocations that affects if they are greyed or not.

weird about the "Terrible" bit. does "election 2008" show up in your alphabetical chanel list? for me, the lack of "terrible" looks like this:

Sci-Fi Fandom • Spanning Time • Sports Sift • Standup Comedy

The Clouds and Beyond

Video (game) Sift

one more bug:
in http://www.videosift.com/talk/Welcome-to-VideoSift-30 it says
"Five applauds of a great comment gives the commenter a star point."

then down in the comments we see that it is impossible to get 5 applauds on a comment when in says
"dag has already been awarded a star point for this post - ignoring quality request by bluecliff."

joedirt says...

Ok, Dag mentioned this. Terrible doesn't show up for you because it is in your top list of MOST OFTEN USED. This will probably be fixed at some point. (ie it is because it is in your top ten list of channels, not because you are owner)

Requeue is just that. For those that want to submit one video and let it hang around cause it might eventually get enough votes, you can requeue it to start fresh again after two days and save it from the back of the queue dolrums and also being discarded.

Saves and promotes are not greyed out just because. Why code something for logged in users viewing their own videos? Personally I think the save and promote shouldn't EVER best listed and save some small amount of CPU cycles when generating your dynamic page.

And *quality is once per sifttalk. "applauds" are per comment (every comment everywhere) where any gold can applaud a comment. They are a diluted point so active commenters can work their way up the ladder even if they can't get any videos out of the queue.

ant says...

Rendering problems on slow machines.

On my old Athlon 64 3200+ (single core) with Debian/Linux, 1 GB of RAM, latest NVIDIA driver for 6800 AGP card, and SeaMonkey/IceApe v1.1.4, I noticed some really slow rendering issues. Logging in with the fade effects. VERY slow. CPU usage spike up for like five seconds.

Comment system with a lot of comments, slow too. Rendering took like 15 seconds for this SiftTalk.

Old VS v2.5 did not have this problem. We need to improve this for low-end computer users.

lucky760 says...

>>Where do promoted videos go? They used to go to the front page.

Fixed this. Jake's currently on the front page.

>>Logging in with the fade effects. VERY slow.

Maybe we'll stop the fading and just have it pop-up in an already faded state.

ant says...


System Error

We apologize for the inconvenience, but an unexpected error occurred while processing your request. This may have happened either because a page was loaded by visiting a stale link or because of an internal system error. The website administrators have been informed and will research this problem as soon as possible. If this error is entirely unexpected, please wait a few moments and retry your request.

The message associated with the error is:
Unable to determine error

lucky760 says...

If you find another dead-in-limbo video (dead, not deadpool, more than 2 days old), please let me know without invoking *notdead.

>>The v2.0 default playlist "hidden from my view" is gone..
We removed it for computational performance.

>>FAQ bug

joedirt says...

looris if you said "car jumps bridge" you might be looking for a video. Good luck with AND and actually hitting the exact title. So the search returns s best match.

I think you'll find google searches are pretty loose and you can always use "search term" if you want and AND. But the advanced search is quite good.

lucky760 says...

All those old dead vids are now in the deadpool. Have at them.

>>But the advanced search is quite good.
Whaaa? A positive word from JoeDirt? Will wonders never cease...

Eklek says...

>>>The v2.0 default playlist "hidden from my view" is gone..
>>We removed it for computational performance.
Ah, ok, had some vids in the list but don't remember which ones..hope 'll unknowingly bump into them in the future..

ant says...

Everytime I submit, I get 0 votes on my video. I used to be able to get upvote when I see my video posted in queue. Also, sometimes I get an error.

choggie says...

BUG-When trying to post an embed from a favorite list on you tube, it will not validate-I CAN"T POST ALL THE PARTS IF THIS DOES NOT WORK

Here's the embed in question

looris says...

in the dead pool, would be useful to have a "show only videos you voted/bookmarked".

because if you didn't watch it, it's unlikely anyway that you may know what the clip contained exactly, right?

Fletch says...

Still would love the drop-down comments box to scale with selected resolution.

Also, the "Submit new comment" link at the top of that box... would be nice if it was also located at the bottom.

twiddles says...

Choggie the reason this doesn't work is that the width is too wide. Embeds are limited to 500 pixels. I think you'll find this code works:

Lucky, I think you need to either super bold the 500 limit text or tell people why the embed does not validate in the error.

lucky760 says...

>>Still would love the drop-down comments box to scale with selected resolution.
Still going to do that as soon as I have the time. Sorry for the delay. Busy 'round these parts.

>>Also, the "Submit new comment" link at the top of that box... would be nice if it was also located at the bottom.
Great suggestion. Added.

>>Lucky, I think you need to either super bold the 500 limit text or tell people why the embed does not validate in the error.
Good point. Will do. Thanks.

lucky760 says...

>>Still would love the drop-down comments box to scale with selected resolution.

If you do a hard reload (ctrl+shift+reload) you'll see much better sized pop-up boxes for comments and playlists.

joedirt says...


Everytime I submit, I get 0 votes on my video. I used to be able to get upvote when I see my video posted in queue. Also, sometimes I get an error.

That is because the new system is designed around your preferences. It must know that you usually downvote and got confused when you tried to upvote your own video (i kidd..)

MINK says...

sortof a bug ish:
when there are no search results, it's ugly, coz it just says 1 (space) 1.
Can't siftbot be bothered to say "sorry, found jack shit, nothing to see here"

sometimes says...

Even if the votes/views ratio thing ever gets fixed, can it simply be set so you automatically vote for the video you submitted? Why would someone NOT vote for their own video?

the best votes/view ratio seems to be labelled wrong, but at least consistent, in that it is most votes/shortest-time-in-queue. the least votes/ratio is all weird. posts with 0 votes at the top, then posts listed oldest-to-newest.

looris says...

FAQ bug:

Insure before adding any video to a channel that the video really is the type of video that belongs there by viewing the channels description (e.g., Cute.videosift.com.)

There's no description, actually. Nor in any of the channels who have always been a channel (i.e. those who were not a collective).

channels still missing description: geek, viral, comedy, animation, music, vintage, politics (maybe others)

plastiquemonkey says...

from email:

Greetings from VideoSift!

This message is to inform you that the embed code for your video titled 'domino at home - japanese tv' has been flagged as being no longer functional. If you do not fix the embed code within 7 days, it will be sent to the Dead Pool

from siftbot on the video:

This published video has been declared as non-functional; embed code must fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by gorgonheap.


it's 2 days now, right?

joedirt says...

I dunno if this is a bug.. but I've noticed_really_long_comments_with_no_spaces_like_code_URLs_or_funny_hyphenated_things_like_this_comment_here_or_imagine-hypens-or-a-really-long-URL don't wrap or display gracefully.

Farhad2000 says...

Okay sometimes I put in an embed, check for dupes, up to nearly posting but then it goes back to the sumbit page with a unhelpful 'invalid entry' message, sometimes I fix some characters in the description and it accepts it. Usually stuff like ' and " from copied descriptions that get changed to something else.

LiveLeak embeds don't seem to be working for me as well.

youdiejoe says...

When viewing VS 3.0 on Firefox on my PC, I get TONS of shifting, the page literally jumps around. I have to chase buttons to click, it seems to exasterbate the problem when clicking on items or buttons. No such problems in IE 7, or Firefox on my Mac.

lucky760 says...

when there are no search results, it's ugly

Added a message.

can it simply be set so you automatically vote for the video you submitted?

I'm of the same opinion, but have been overridden by general consensus.

it's 2 days now, right?

Yep. Fixed the email message.

don't wrap or display gracefully.

This is by design of web browser implementations in accordance with W3C. If there are no spaces, it won't wrap. This is important if you're posting a url. If it's just text, the poster should insert a space. The only other option would be to make the box have a horizontal scrollbar.

Sifty seems to be suffering from cat-got-the-tongue

Was tinkering with him to make that comment include a link to the channel on subdomain names. Should be working now.

this video is published (17 votes), but the poster is still probatory member, it seems.

Good bug find. Fixed.

I get TONS of shifting, the page literally jumps around

What do you mean exactly? What is doing the shifting or being shifted? I'm on Firefox on 3 different PCs and haven't experienced such a thing. Can you take a screenshot?

looris says...

tiny bug: tooltip over (for example) my star says "76 published posts - 76 star points", actually it should say "71 published videos - 76 star points", shouldn't it?

twiddles says...

Still having performance problems? Twice I've submitted a video and received the "We apologize for the interruption in service, but an internal error has occurred while interacting with a database. (MySQL server has gone away)" error. The video really was posted however.

jonny says...

Not a bug, but unexpected functionality - The Top 10 Video list in the right column used to be Top 10 Expiring Soon if you were viewing a video in the queue. It now shows Top 10 New Sifted.

winkler1 says...

I'm getting this about 50% of the time when submitting vids, fixing vids, etc.. even though the transaction gets committed, which seems surprising given the message:

System Error
The message associated with the error is:
We apologize for the interruption in service, but an internal error has occurred while interacting with a database. (MySQL server has gone away)

winkler1 says...

Use case: I'm in SiftTalk and want to search for discussion on the Dead Pool. I see the search box - aha, bet that does it! Nope, it searches the vids. Damn. Oh look, an advanced search. Ah, ok.. that works.

:: There should be a more streamlined way to search ST, when you're in ST.

Fletch says...

Search seems way different than in v2.5. I get ridiculous numbers of returns that have nothing to do with my search terms. I can get better results by using "+", but I never had to use "+" before v3.0. Maybe the default search mode is "any", instead of "must", if that makes sense.

Does the new search scan titles, tags, and summary like in the olden days?

EDIT: Oh, and I've gotten the same error that winkler was getting, several times over the last few days, but not today (so far).
EDIT again: Never mind. Just got it submitting a video. Video posted fine, though.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

For the errors that are ocasionaly happening - these are to do with our DB. We understimated our database requirements. Because we're doing a lot more on each page - it's a bit harder on teh db.

The good new is that we have a completely new dedicated DB box coming online in the next day or so, which should clear up these intermitant errors.

choggie says...

hey, how about changing it back in this way....SO THE ORIGINAL SUBMITTER"S CHANGES TO TAGS, DO NOT SHOW UP AS COMMENTS! this kinna blows when all you wanted was a comma or letter change.....

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