And then I woke up in China
Jet lag is a hell of a drug.
2012 has been a pretty incredible year for me. I spent the first half of it in beautiful Quebec City, then returned to my native Halifax, Canada, only to spend the summer preparing for a bigger move--to Beijing. I arrived there with my wife only two nights ago. We will be working in a English language high school just a short walk from The Forbidden City.
We're still getting adjusted to the 11-hour time difference and have been hard at work getting things done to get settled. We haven't done any touring, or even made the walk to nearby landmarks. The air in Beijing is humid, and there is much less wind than I am used to.
Right now I'm using the (not very fast) hotel wi-fi. I am quite pleased that I can access the sift, though my experience will be crippled by the Great Firewall. Many of the websites I frequented before are also a no go. The blog I had set up to document my year here is blocked. We may try to find a way around all that, but not before we have an apartment set up. At least I can still use instagram...
Last week, we flew from Halifax to Vancouver, where I was faced with the beauty of the Rocky Mountains kissing the Pacific Ocean. I was sad to leave that place, but excited to take the sky-train back to the airport. One 8,500km flight later, we walked off the plane, through Chinese customs and spent the night in the hotel set up by our school. The next morning, I woke up, and I was in China.
2012 has been a pretty incredible year for me. I spent the first half of it in beautiful Quebec City, then returned to my native Halifax, Canada, only to spend the summer preparing for a bigger move--to Beijing. I arrived there with my wife only two nights ago. We will be working in a English language high school just a short walk from The Forbidden City.
We're still getting adjusted to the 11-hour time difference and have been hard at work getting things done to get settled. We haven't done any touring, or even made the walk to nearby landmarks. The air in Beijing is humid, and there is much less wind than I am used to.
Right now I'm using the (not very fast) hotel wi-fi. I am quite pleased that I can access the sift, though my experience will be crippled by the Great Firewall. Many of the websites I frequented before are also a no go. The blog I had set up to document my year here is blocked. We may try to find a way around all that, but not before we have an apartment set up. At least I can still use instagram...
Last week, we flew from Halifax to Vancouver, where I was faced with the beauty of the Rocky Mountains kissing the Pacific Ocean. I was sad to leave that place, but excited to take the sky-train back to the airport. One 8,500km flight later, we walked off the plane, through Chinese customs and spent the night in the hotel set up by our school. The next morning, I woke up, and I was in China.
This would be a perfect time to upgrade to charter and use your blog on the Sift to document your adventure!
i agree with @critical_d. if you do find a new blog service let us know. thanks for keeping us informed of your new location.
I look forward to hearing about more of your adventures!
From a fellow Halifax / Dartmouth native who also recently visited Vancouver and Vancouver Island, I feel your pain. Although, I'm now in North Carolina rather than China, even this relatively small geographic hop makes me feel out of place at times.
I hope all goes well with your move and you can continue to contribute to the sift. Good luck!
Yo, is blocked on the mainland??? I'd like to rescue a few of them factory workers...Hafta switch to Mormon though....
Thanks for all of your kind comments! I managed to get onto a (fast-as-slugs!) proxy to check to see if some of my images had been sneaking through the cracks and... success! You can see my recent 'phonetography' on the tumblr blog I set up. I'll try to post things more as I find time to get to wifi zones. In the mean time, you can see a few recent images from my trip from

Let me know what you think.
@zombieater: I didn't know you were from the East Coast. Nice to meet another Maritimer!
@chingalera redirects to a Chinese version of the site. I can read nothing.
Sounds like a great adventure. Let the sift talk can be your blog.
Is it still smoggy over there?
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