Will a HighTech channel overlap too much with the Geek channel?
I was encouraged by another member on the site to put this to a community vote and see what say we all after my HighTech channel got rejected by the powers that be, stating it's too close to, or overlaps too much with the Geek channel. I read the description for the Geek channel, and it does not mention anything to do with high tech gadgets or technology, etc. Which is what I was aiming for with my channel.
However, this also makes me ponder why have a Jazz, Metal, and RockNRoll channel since we already have a Music channel? Doesn't Music encompass pretty much all music genres? Also, see the kids/teen channels. Aren't teens also considered to be kids? Not to mention iea/fail, grindhouse/cinema/horrorshow channels.
Anyway, state your opinion and hopefully if it's favorable we can get the channel created. I'm not trying to be an ass, just not sure I agree with the decision to reject my channel.
I would like to see it as just "tech" - technology, but that might encroach a bit on engineering. I think it would be a good channel.
Some channels that are subsets of other channels exist because they were created as Collectives, which were independent of channels, but eventually converted to channels.
Geek was originally going to be called Tech, but we also wanted it to support videos about other aspects of geek culture, so we generalized it a little bit.
Consider it this way: Every single video that would be added to a High Tech channel would also always be in the Geek channel. That doesn't really make sense.
There are too many channels that are too much like one another. Any new channels that are now added should be as unique as possible from all others. (Truth be told, I'd like it even more if we could just be rid of all "large subset channels," and we may even consider that at some point.)
Since when do the powers that be care about overlap?
eia / fail
nature / catsanddogs
spacy / wings
comedy / standup
cult / religion
waronterror / military / politics
That makes sense Lucky. I didn't know the Geek channel was originally going to be called tech.
Kids is supposed to be videos that are suitable for kids, but it hasn't really stayed that way. Teens was what I came up with when i'd had my channel idea turned down for controversial. Which ended up being a channel anyway. And I aint complaining
There are sooo many channels needed that aren't even close to being made yet, I really think geek covers techy stuff
NO! Just because something is in the tech channel, does NOT mean it belongs in the geek channel! There's NOTHING geeky about solar heating or tidal generators. Geek is more of comic books, computers, video games, D&D and that shit.
Tech could be all KINDS of things that don't belong there!
>> ^MarineGunrock:
NO! Just because something is in the tech channel, does NOT mean it belongs in the geek channel! There's NOTHING geeky about solar heating or tidal generators. Geek is more of comic books, computers, video games, D&D and that shit.
Tech could be all KINDS of things that don't belong there!
Kinda was my thinking for the channel, high tech stuff including new/alternative energy technologies, electronic devices, robots, cars, planes, ships, spacecraft, whatever. I was also thinking video games & computers etc. but more of a new technology/cutting edge kind of stuff, not the average run-of-the-mill games/computers type stuff.
I think there should be a Meta channel.
I'm still waiting for the Ass channel.
Don't hurt 'em Gunny.
There are too many channels as it is. I agree with lucky - they need to be brought back to basics. You can use tags to describe the subsets of a channel - rock, metal, hip hop, under the "music" channel, etc. Tags have basically become pointless now, other than for humorous purposes.
If they all stay, I liked KP's idea a while back of dividing the channels into categories to make them easier to select from. It's fucking confusing now, especially for newbies who have no idea what "bravo," "woohoo" or "wildwestshow" means.
Do we really need 87+ channels?
Not at all. Geek can be entirely separated from things which are high tech. An F-22 stealth fighter is high tech, but I wouldn't consider it a geek topic. The Nissan GTR has some very high-tech features, but it would be strange to me to call it geek.
By that same token, very often things that are geek are not necessarily high tech. The two are very different descriptions.
But yes, I'd say we don't need more channels. Do we really even need channels at all?
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting Yes..
I would like to see some pruning in the channels as well, but it seems like a frivolous denial of this one, as it could easily be fixed by a re-definition of geek and a proper definition of tech.
Bah, humbug.
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