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FCKH8 - Cause To Support Gay Marriage

80-year-old lady WOWS Britain's Got Talent

EMPIRE says...

no regrets??? blasphemy... It's Non, Je ne regrette rien, DAMN IT!

i don't mind covers, as there are pretty decent ones. But I fucking HATE translated songs.

But the old lady sang ok I guess.

G.A.Y.S. (Guys Against You Serving)

TYT: Beck Warns of Economic "Holocaust"

pho3n1x says...

while i don't agree with everything he says, and i don't like him at all (he makes rush limbaugh look sane)...

you can't really zone in on comparing things to the holocaust.

speaker: i need a word that means my subject is going to be really really bad.
advisor: like a murder?
speaker: no, way worse than that.
advisor: rape. or rape and murder...
speaker: no seriously, really bad.
advisor: the end of the world.
speaker: okay, maybe not quite that bad. what's slightly less intense?
advisor: the black plague.
speaker: no, that could be seen as racist.
advisor: the holocaust?
speaker: nearly everyone was white, right? yeah, let's go with that.
Godwin: toldja...

no, but seriously. i fucking hate glenn beck.

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^blankfist:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since May 3rd, 2010" href="">Lawdeedaw, but that's my point. Your take on public schools sounds like a monolithic one-size-fits-all system. That's what it means, it seems, when people say "it takes a society" to raise the kids. But does it? I thought it took the parents. They decided to have the children; I didn't. No other person was responsible for them having their kids. On that point, I don't have children, so don't you think I should have ZERO say in how a school system is structured?
You want "good, fair and harsh" discipline for those who fail, but what about parents (or teenager students for that matter) who don't want that type of discipline? Certainly we should have individual choice how our kids are disciplined, let alone how and what we teach them. Some parents believe in corporal punishment while others do not. Should one group's wishes outweigh the next?
But a public school system is a one-size-fits-all system where the larger group's wishes outweighs the smaller group's wishes. It's always been that way. When I was in school at an early age, teachers were allowed to paddle us, and the parents had no say in the matter. Was it fair that parents and children had to accept public school paddling without any recourse at all? What if a teacher had a grudge against a kid? What if a teacher got off on spanking children? What if the teacher left bruises and welts?
The reason I believe we should get rid of public school is because it's a terrible failure. And it doesn't address the individual needs of parents and children. What if a kid knew what they wanted to be, or at least had a strong interest in some field or industry (medicine, filmmaking, etc.), wouldn't it be cool if there were schools (or tutors) that catered to that without having to teach the horrible 'no kid left behind' one-size-fits-all curriculum passed down by the Dept. of Education? I think so.

Let me give a recent example of no-responsibility members of society fucking things up for parents. My brother does not want children nor can he even stand them. I have three children, all girls 3 and under. Well, my mom got remarried and her dictate was for all the children to have fun during the reception. Fine and well.

They were having a blast. They were screaming and running as kids do, and my brother got furious. Mom was cool with it, even if her wedding had been very formal. My brother said, "If I wanted fucking screaming, I would have went to god damn Jumberee." I said, bro, calm down and watch your tounge when you speak about my kids. "No, I fucking hate kids."

Now, knowing my brother was speaking directly about all children, including my own, I almost punched his face off his chin. That would have had me in cuffs and would have certainly affected how I raise my children and how my children would have saw me. His responsibility was to not attend the wedding if he had a problem with children---or he could have shut up. Period. But since he has a responsibility-free mindset, that it is not his problem but he can interject his opinion where it is not wanted or relevant, I have to suffer.

His mindset is, “Why should I not attend my mother’s wedding because of your kids? And why should I have to put up with their screaming?” Well, you don’t raise my kids, don’t love them or care for them, so stfu bro. Mom invited me and my kids, so put up with them. If you demand they change bro, then put in some fucking effort and teach them! You cannot have it both ways.

The Daily Show: I Give Up - 9/11 Responders Bill

Yogi says...

I fucking hate this...I just fucking hate this soo fucking much. We have billions to give to the banks...we can't spend it on our heros. OUR HEROS because that's what they are.

Why should anyone lift a finger in this country to help anyone else ever again? You don't get taken care of, if anything you get destroyed by chemicals and financially bankrupt with medical bills. Why would anyone in this country bother to help anyone when they know stuff like this happens?

The answer is because it's right, it's the right thing to do just like the right thing to do is to support people who do that right thing. We don't do that in this country, we basically don't have a country anymore. It's not ours, it's something else entirely.

Stein Brewing: An Extinct Beer Brewing Process (Now Revived)

westy says...

I wish these people could do what they do without been so full of shit.

Fucking everything is potentaily art , especaily if your going to use a liberal definatoin of what art is that modern art galleries use.

thus making it a redundent statment saying "this is art" allso Who gives a fuck , if the beer is good its good beer i fucking hate people that sprinkle shit on things.

ITs a shame they have this fucktard talking over this , would have been an infinatly better video if it just went over the process and how that process impacted the flavor.

Hot For Words Is On Vacation

ForgedReality says...

I fucking HATE HATE HATE HATE those STUPID fucking, idiotic, retarded looking sunglasses. Good lord. Nobody should ever wear anything that Paris Hilton's dumb ass wears.

God. When will these sunglasses go away? They don't look good on anybody.

Permanently banned from the Metrorail for Taking Photos

Fletch says...

OMFG, if a terrorist wanted to take pictures, they could. This is ridiculous. I fucking hate cops. And then a Homeland Security guy shows up to verify they aren't on a watch list? WTF is happening in this country? "Terrorism" is being used to justify just about any action a cop/rent-a-cop wants to take. Too many cops in this country. Too goddamned many cops. Look at the way they all puff up, as if they are truly making a difference, and not just feeding their egos.

It's time for a bloody revolution. This shit has to end.

geo321 (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Don't take the comment too seriously. Thomas is a liberal hack, neither exceptionally bright nor dumb, and has had a few good moments. I like Furby, there's no need for this Furbish violence. PS. WTF Bullet Clown? That's freaky good.

In reply to this comment by geo321:
I'm sorry that't a horrible thing to say. Such a bright woman. I don't know how you could have hatred to such a woman. But If you have hatred can you magnify it into microwaving Furby. I fucking hate Furby.

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:
"I'm 100! 100-years-old!"

Her longevity is proof God is in no hurry to deal with another liberal, even for 5 minutes.

God hates lady gaga

EMPIRE says...

I do fucking hate Lady Gaga, but I hate westboro baptist church oh so much more!

Wait... let me rephrase that. I hate her music and what she represents. I have nothing against her as a person obviously.

Stephen Fry: "What I wish I'd known when I was 18"

Stephen Fry: "What I wish I'd known when I was 18"

Stephen Fry: "What I wish I'd known when I was 18"

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

I actually have heard of it and someone had recommended that I see it. I think it is on streaming Netflix, so I'll be sure to check it out.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
It doesn't surprise me at all about the customers' reactions to the change in corn dog taste. It's the same reason people go to McDonald's when they're on vacation. Yeah, they might have traveled a thousand miles for a change of scenery, but familiar tastes are comforting at a primal level.

On an almost completely unrelated note, have you ever seen The Corndog Man? If you want to see something bizarre and wickedly funny, then you might like it. I emphasize might because it's gotten mixed reviews from the people I've known who've seen it. For example, one friend of mine loved it, but his wife fucking hated it. I mean she was mad at him for even renting it. So be warned. YMMV

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