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Stewart Lee Fucking Hates Top Gear

Fuck You, George Lucas!

25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Films

budzos says...

I hate improvised scenes in movies for the most part. Everybody get so actory-y.

I fucking hate Matt Damon's stupid monologue about home life in Saving Private Ryan. I like Damon as an actor. I like the movie as a whole. But I hate that scene and now I know why it always bothered me so much.

Why you should be republican (Election Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

Texas has open primaries. I've decided if I might actually get off my ass and vote for Paul this year, even though I think voting is completely pointless and stupid. But... I might feel like a vote for Paul is a way for me to register my dissatisfaction with the corporately owned toads on the rest of the ballot. I haven't decided.

i'm also making up a ton of campaign signs that say "nobody for president 2012". everyone should do the same. i want to see these fuckers everywhere.

btw, don't let the hype about perry fool you, everyone in texas FUCKING HATES HIM. he's the worst governor in history, and he's only in power because he is entirely funded bt big oil and gas and the evangelicals who've silently taken over all of our local elections in the last decade or so. seriously, i have no idea how he actually pulled off winning the R gubernatorial primary, other than voting is totally rigged. i do not know one single person who approves of him. luckily, the governor of texas doesn't actually have a whole lot of power. id say the primary is totally between him and romney. and id also say romney actually stands a chance against obama (because EVERYONE HATES rick perry). but then again, id also say it doesnt really matter who wins because theyre just 2 public faces of the same corporately owned and minted coin. theyre going to talk about how wonderful the economy in texas is! its kind of bullshit. we might have more jobs readily available than most states, but they're minimum wage jobs and rent (not property values, rental values) is skyrocketing because everyone is moving here rapidly. soooo you can't afford to rent an apartment with your fancy new low wage job so you have to come live on my couch for a while. we also have a regressive taxation system and a subsequent $27 billion budget gap, which we're making old people and poor people and young people pay for. oh and we have worse air quality than all the other 49 states AND puerto rico... AND we have the most uninsured people... and possibly one of the fastest growing drop out and teenage pregnancy rates... oooh and we teach our kids a batshit evangelical version of history, math and science. we also refuse to teach our kids about sex. so when they go off to college they have no idea how condoms work and think if you have unprotected sex you need to drink bleach afterwards.

also, all of the above horrible things i've said about texas..... all happened under consecutive bush-perry leadership.

everyone in texas mourns the death of ann richards on a daily basis. we're thinking of digging her corpse up and making it run for office next election.

Alzheimer's Disease Shines Humanity

EMPIRE says...

i fucking hate Alzheimer's disease so, so so much, and I never even had to deal with a loved one being diagnosed.

There is no other disease that pisses me off and scares me so much at the same time.
Alzheimer steals a person away for years on end, until in the end, when you die, you die not yourself, but an empty shell not even able to say goodbye to your loved ones.

*shakes fist at the screen

Vegetable Garden in Front Yard Brings Wrath of City

residue says...

I was fined for parking in my yard a few years ago when people across the street have been doing it for years. The reason I was fined? Obstructing the sidewalk. There's no sidewalk in my yard, it stops about a block before my house. When I brought this to the attention of the local courthouse they told me that I was fined because if there would have been a sidewalk there, I would have been blocking it

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I fucking hate shit like this. I recently received a notice of violation from the city regarding my car being parked in my front year. How much grass do you see in any of the front yards here? None. All the yards here are rock and gravel. It's too costly and wasteful to maintain grass in 115 degree summers. Keep in mind it's not some shitty, broken-down car on blocks. It's an 04 Volvo S60 that's in perfect running order with no cosmetic damage. It's my fucking yard. I should be able to park my car there. I understand that the intent of the law is to keep heaps of junk from being stashed there, but fuck.

Vegetable Garden in Front Yard Brings Wrath of City

handmethekeysyou says...

Yeah, the intent of the law is to legislate against poor people, but apparently we can't make a law against being poor. Maybe some day congress will get its shit together.>> ^MarineGunrock:

I fucking hate shit like this. I recently received a notice of violation from the city regarding my car being parked in my front year. How much grass do you see in any of the front yards here? None. All the yards here are rock and gravel. It's too costly and wasteful to maintain grass in 115 degree summers. Keep in mind it's not some shitty, broken-down car on blocks. It's an 04 Volvo S60 that's in perfect running order with no cosmetic damage. It's my fucking yard. I should be able to park my car there. I understand that the intent of the law is to keep heaps of junk from being stashed there, but fuck.

Vegetable Garden in Front Yard Brings Wrath of City

KnivesOut says...

Mwahahaha and now I know where @MarineGunrock LIVES!

I'm gonna poop in his yard!>> ^MarineGunrock:

I fucking hate shit like this. I recently received a notice of violation from the city regarding my car being parked in my front year. How much grass do you see in any of the front yards here? None. All the yards here are rock and gravel. It's too costly and wasteful to maintain grass in 115 degree summers. Keep in mind it's not some shitty, broken-down car on blocks. It's an 04 Volvo S60 that's in perfect running order with no cosmetic damage. It's my fucking yard. I should be able to park my car there. I understand that the intent of the law is to keep heaps of junk from being stashed there, but fuck.

Vegetable Garden in Front Yard Brings Wrath of City

MarineGunrock says...

I fucking hate shit like this. I recently received a notice of violation from the city regarding my car being parked in my front year. How much grass do you see in any of the front yards here? None. All the yards here are rock and gravel. It's too costly and wasteful to maintain grass in 115 degree summers. Keep in mind it's not some shitty, broken-down car on blocks. It's an 04 Volvo S60 that's in perfect running order with no cosmetic damage. It's my fucking yard. I should be able to park my car there. I understand that the intent of the law is to keep heaps of junk from being stashed there, but fuck.

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

marbles (Member Profile)

marbles says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Said black man is indeed pissed off at the racism that runs rampant and unchecked on this site. I don't condone his actions in instabanning -- I fully support, share and understand his anger however.
The rest of your comment to me is more of the stupid, insensitive, immature, asshole douchery that I fucking hate on this site and ignore as best I can.
As I said before, I am not interested in continuing this conversation. I have seen enough of this stupid, insensitive, immature asshole douchery to know that it isn't going to end, that you have no intention of having an adult exchange, that your sole purpose is to be stupid, insensitive, immature and an asshole douche.
I will not respond to anything else you write me on this topic.
I look forward to reading other comments you make around the Sift -- I am sure I have upvoted some here and there. I look forward to reading other posts with pleasure.
In reply to this comment by marbles:
Given that said black man is immature and has a racial chip on his shoulder, I would venture to say that gives your argument even less credence.
So how do you know bk33 isn't a black man?
In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
Given that a black man read bk33 comment and instabanned him because he was so enraged, I would venture to say that I am right and you are wrong.
I can tell that this conversation has already devolved into an ugliness that I don't enjoy. So I'm done here.

Why do you insist on talking out both sides of your mouth? Why respond in the first place if you can't articulate your position? What makes the original comment racist? You still haven't explained that.

While you're at it, maybe you can explain how asking: So how do you know bk33 isn't a black man? is "stupid, insensitive, immature, asshole douchery". And what does that make your first response: A black man "was so enraged [...] I'm done here."

You've failed to answer every single question I proposed yet I'm the one with "no intention of having an adult exchange".

So keep crying about nothing. Stay trapped in your imaginary world where the black man has to endure rampant unchecked racism on videosift and where passive aggressive nonsense will save the day.

marbles (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Said black man is indeed pissed off at the racism that runs rampant and unchecked on this site. I don't condone his actions in instabanning -- I fully support, share and understand his anger however.

The rest of your comment to me is more of the stupid, insensitive, immature, asshole douchery that I fucking hate on this site and ignore as best I can.

As I said before, I am not interested in continuing this conversation. I have seen enough of this stupid, insensitive, immature asshole douchery to know that it isn't going to end, that you have no intention of having an adult exchange, that your sole purpose is to be stupid, insensitive, immature and an asshole douche.

I will not respond to anything else you write me on this topic.

I look forward to reading other comments you make around the Sift -- I am sure I have upvoted some here and there. I look forward to reading other posts with pleasure.

In reply to this comment by marbles:
Given that said black man is immature and has a racial chip on his shoulder, I would venture to say that gives your argument even less credence.

So how do you know bk33 isn't a black man?

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
Given that a black man read bk33 comment and instabanned him because he was so enraged, I would venture to say that I am right and you are wrong.

I can tell that this conversation has already devolved into an ugliness that I don't enjoy. So I'm done here.

Nyan Cat

Russell Brand Hilarious on Chelsea Lately


Ryjkyj says...

>> ^sirex:

>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^sirex:
"ever notice feminists are always people you wouldnt wanna f anyway?" - george carlin.

God I fucking hate it when people misquote Carlin.

o_O That comment was 4 years ago. Anyhow I looked this up, and it's "Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place, man" So yes, you are arguably right. This may have been was mixed up with "feminists want to control your language".
On the other hand, this was from his shows like in 1997 or so. Memory isn't infallible.

Wow, I didn't even realize you weren't a long-gone lurker or something. Sorry about that, I get confused with the sheer number of people that comment here.

Now, I apologize for beating a dead horse, but the quote is, "Why is it that most PEOPLE who are against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?" It's from "Back in Town" (1997) and even though memory might be fallible, Videosift isn't:

I just wanted to point it out because George Carlin was absolutely a feminist, even though I'm sure he would hate the label. That said, I can't stand this video.

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