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sirex says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^sirex:
"ever notice feminists are always people you wouldnt wanna f anyway?" - george carlin.

God I fucking hate it when people misquote Carlin.

o_O That comment was 4 years ago. Anyhow I looked this up, and it's "Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place, man" So yes, you are arguably right. This may have been was mixed up with "feminists want to control your language".

On the other hand, this was from his shows like in 1997 or so. Memory isn't infallible.


Kitteh takes bubble bath (and loves it)

(Un)official Horse Video Posting Day (Sift Talk Post)

Robot Chicken: The Origin of the Sundae (because of &*^$#@)

instructional video for gwiz665

peggedbea says...

to capture the attention of the target audience.

sometimes, videosift is a spellcheck away from being youtube.
sometimes, i fucking hate you all. >> ^shagen454:

What was the creep factor purpose for that whole random girl pets dog segment? CREEEEPY!

He only wanted some bacon!

MycroftHomlz says...

Dude. You can't be serious.

>> ^Pprt:

Hrm. Before Muslims arrived in the West, I don't recall Jews clamoring for Kosher KFCs. Perhaps you're underestimating how frustrating it is to sit idly by and witness Islam take over the public space, or perhaps you don't even notice.>> ^spoco2:
I fucking HATE how the comments on Youtube are, in the majority, comprised of people saying that Muslims should go back home, or that the religion as a whole is the cause of this etc. etc.
No, that's not the case. THIS dickwad has serious fucking anger management issues, is a serious shithead and cannot possibly comprehend that others may not adhere to his religious beliefs.

EVEN if the guys shooting the video went in with the intention of causing shit by asking for bacon when they knew it was a Halal KFC, EVEN if that is the case. This guy is an A-Grade angry shithead that is going to be causing a lot more grief to himself, others and especially women over the cause of his life.
So fuck those that turn this into a religious, bigoted rally cry to 'get them out of our country'. This is a video of ONE shithead (maybe two if the cameraman intended to rile him up), not a whole race or religion.

He only wanted some bacon!

Pprt says...

Hrm. Before Muslims arrived in the West, I don't recall Jews clamoring for Kosher KFCs. Perhaps you're underestimating how frustrating it is to sit idly by and witness Islam take over the public space, or perhaps you don't even notice.>> ^spoco2:

I fucking HATE how the comments on Youtube are, in the majority, comprised of people saying that Muslims should go back home, or that the religion as a whole is the cause of this etc. etc.
No, that's not the case. THIS dickwad has serious fucking anger management issues, is a serious shithead and cannot possibly comprehend that others may not adhere to his religious beliefs.

EVEN if the guys shooting the video went in with the intention of causing shit by asking for bacon when they knew it was a Halal KFC, EVEN if that is the case. This guy is an A-Grade angry shithead that is going to be causing a lot more grief to himself, others and especially women over the cause of his life.
So fuck those that turn this into a religious, bigoted rally cry to 'get them out of our country'. This is a video of ONE shithead (maybe two if the cameraman intended to rile him up), not a whole race or religion.

90 Pregnancies in One High School

peggedbea says...

can't we just find an alternate embed, without the plastered on top of the content?

seems like this would be a violation of youtube terms of service, no???

i just read the youtube comments and my heart dried up and started cracking a little bit. as much as i fucking love people, i really fucking hate people.

How UPS Deliveries Actually Work

He only wanted some bacon!

spoco2 says...

I fucking HATE how the comments on Youtube are, in the majority, comprised of people saying that Muslims should go back home, or that the religion as a whole is the cause of this etc. etc.

No, that's not the case. THIS dickwad has serious fucking anger management issues, is a serious shithead and cannot possibly comprehend that others may not adhere to his religious beliefs.

EVEN if the guys shooting the video went in with the intention of causing shit by asking for bacon when they knew it was a Halal KFC, EVEN if that is the case. This guy is an A-Grade angry shithead that is going to be causing a lot more grief to himself, others and especially women over the cause of his life.

So fuck those that turn this into a religious, bigoted rally cry to 'get them out of our country'. This is a video of ONE shithead (maybe two if the cameraman intended to rile him up), not a whole race or religion.

Famous Fat Dave's Five Borough Eating Tour

Disguised man boards Air Canada:Caucasian To Asian

westy says...

I fucking hate the news what a bunch of amiture shit .

baning on about securty thret i mean fucks sake load of stupid shit , what about the real issue why is it that sumone has to go to this effort to get out of a country ?

Its not realy that clever this technoligy has exsited for years , and when u have shit loads of people geting on planed every hour its not suprizing that this can work.

I fucking hate all this bullshit terror crap that the news reports at every opertunity , more people die from alchole , car accidents cused by bad road maintence/pore vehical laws , obcity , work place mall practice , rediculouse foghen policy, than are and pribably ever will be kille by terrorists.

I mean fucks sake evan when the IRA were bombing the fuck out of london it wasent that bad.

allso we are suposed to belive that we are in some sort of super dangerouse terroist times yet no bombs have gone off and all through history we know the goverment and secret services to be failry incompitent and over streched when it comes to stoping this sort of thing .

so eather the goverment has gotten shit hot at stoping this sort of thing , or which is more likely the case the actualy thret is minimal , it seems all the terroist activity including 911 is generaly done by random Nut jobs and thats as likely to be mental people in the country as people outside of it.

In the end im sure that most people can think of ways you could bring a country to a stand still evan ways that would do no harm to life but would cripple a city finacaily and there is no way to stop this from hapaning.

I hate the Idoicy of the news making general socity more and more stupid.

Just got to pray to allah that kids get on the internetz and that the internetz isent shut down / curpted by coperate intrest thats the only hope we have for a non retarded future.

Eastbound & Down: "Stop looking at me shit!"

rottenseed says...

Never has a show been so polarizing as far as whether or not people find it funny. I think the show is great. Then again, most people thought "Friends" was good and I fucking hated that shitty show.

Government under Satanic control from the gays

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