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The Disneyland Corn Dog Story

kronosposeidon says...

It doesn't surprise me at all about the customers' reactions to the change in corn dog taste. It's the same reason people go to McDonald's when they're on vacation. Yeah, they might have traveled a thousand miles for a change of scenery, but familiar tastes are comforting at a primal level.

On an almost completely unrelated note, have you ever seen The Corndog Man? If you want to see something bizarre and wickedly funny, then you might like it. I emphasize might because it's gotten mixed reviews from the people I've known who've seen it. For example, one friend of mine loved it, but his wife fucking hated it. I mean she was mad at him for even renting it. So be warned. YMMV

Driver somehow fails to see a fairly large roundabout

PoweredBySoy (Member Profile)

xcalibur2k says...

I hear ya, It's nauseating how irresponsible and short sited man kind can be. Make me ashamed not only to be american but human in general sometimes. 90% of the worlds people are completely ignorant to the long term effects of our lifestyle choices, the longer we keep this shit up the more likely we are to drive ourselves to extinction.

In reply to this comment by PoweredBySoy:
Sometimes I really fucking hate humans.

Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Forecast

AVAILABLE NOW! Jason Mattera's New Book: "Obama Zombies"

NordlichReiter says...


No in-fact I am in favor of the

It is my understanding that Federal Law protects Parental Leave.

Perhaps you did not read my whole comment, only part of it?

"Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too."

I only have objection to the Jungle Gyms, only because I fucking hated those things in school! I perferred the jump ropes, hockey, and field days.

The Bill Hicks Story - Official Trailer

Wilhelm: The New Channel in town and a new invocation too! (Happy Talk Post)

Get a job sparkling wiggle!

Regarding the comment quoting system that debuted in VS4... (User Poll by xxovercastxx)

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^choggie:

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!
I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"
Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

Oh, the irony.

Regarding the comment quoting system that debuted in VS4... (User Poll by xxovercastxx)

Stormsinger says...

>> ^choggie:

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!
I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"
Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

In a short sidetrack, any idea when we can expect "ignore" to start working again? I'm getting really tired of seeing this kind of crap...

Regarding the comment quoting system that debuted in VS4... (User Poll by xxovercastxx)

gwiz665 says...

>> ^choggie:

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!
I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"
Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

Bull shit.

Regarding the comment quoting system that debuted in VS4... (User Poll by xxovercastxx)

choggie says...

how about, "fuck comment voting!"....look in a mirror or at your own dick if you want some validation for your "world of the self" disorder....or better yet, go try to have an actual conversation with like-minded or influential you really need to look at yourself in the mirror as you masturbate?
Fucking hate, hated, hating, could care less for, , and have always hated, the widget that is, COMMENT VOTING....Most of you, if you will be real (honest) with yourselves... could give a fiddlers fuck what someone anon thinks that what you ejaculated yesterday, is clever, EVER!

I vote to banish comment voting as the schism that reeks of cancer that it is/has become, forever on this site...let yer sifting and votes speak tomes ya bunch a jiz-shooting males who have a say in your own trajectory.....use a tissue and not an old t-shirt ya buncha "never gonna breed motherfuckers!"

Don't really see, and ain't gonna, the few women that haven't been scared away from the site or hold out against all odds, chiming in here ...........Why?? Cause they are smarter than the internet, ya fuckin' buncha dick-less males.

Obama Confronts Heckler Demanding Public Option

WOBBLEGIRL - This is how you dance to dubstep

reiwan says...

Learn to read the summary.
>> ^choggie:

:^^: yeah, tasteless and not very well done-I fucking hate pharmy companies and most of the work they have done to utterly fuck the planet....that includes keeping too many humans alive past their operating prime, and providing the masses with brain-deadening anti-anxiety and antiderpressants, with a doctor's sanctioning.
The girl's story is tragic, and there are certain subjects you simply don't push the envelop with, with and expect anything but a visceral discomfort.

WOBBLEGIRL - This is how you dance to dubstep

choggie says...

:^^: yeah, tasteless and not very well done-I fucking hate pharmy companies and most of the work they have done to utterly fuck the planet....that includes keeping too many humans alive past their operating prime, and providing the masses with brain-deadening anti-anxiety and antiderpressants, with a doctor's sanctioning.

The girl's story is tragic, and there are certain subjects you simply don't push the envelop with, with and expect anything but a visceral discomfort.

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