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one of the many faces of racism in america
What a racist, disgusting thought.
So, you're saying all black men and women are publicly disgusting people that need their actions hidden to be employable?!?
Er Mer Gerd! Did you REALLY just write that? Do you really think that? No wonder you're defending the racist douchebag."
I am not sure how defending minorities got turned into a racist statement...first, I said that our criminal justice system forever holds records against people (Ie., when they apply for a job, benefits, etc.) I stated I disagree with that because it's racist. This is because blacks are targeted by the law to a far greater rate than whites--even doing the same crimes.
Second, this was because you said the racist's viewpoints should be held indefinitely against him. Since we could apply "crimes" against blacks, that logic is what our system uses to be racist. It should discontinue in all forms.
Third, this was all pretty crystal clear. Often you have these fits, and blame them on my lack of clarity. (Kind of like how you blame me for assuming but never consider your assumptions as possibly incorrect.) This is obviously not the case here because there is no way I reasonable said anything close to what you read. I, therefore, assume, based on your past misconstrued responses, you simply want to start this shit.
(I find it funny, when I engage Choas, he can understand when he makes mistakes in reading my posts, and he apologizes, and he rarely does it...)
one of the many faces of racism in america
What a racist, disgusting thought.
So, you're saying all black men and women are publicly disgusting people that need their actions hidden to be employable?!?
Er Mer Gerd! Did you REALLY just write that? Do you really think that? No wonder you're defending the racist douchebag.
To your other 'point'.
How can I tell he 's taking my tax dollars for certain...I can't...but it's insanely more likely that he is, being unemployed and unemployable, taking unemployment than it is that the protesters are (like he claims). Most ridiculous asshats like this want to THINK they are 'too proud' to take what they call a 'handout', right until that second it's available to them, then it's 'free money they'd be stupid to not take'. The states with the most hard core, anti welfare right wingers are also ALWAYS the states that take the most tax dollars and give the fewest. These 'hard working proud' people ARE the welfare queens they complain about.
EDIT:And can you please explain how one kind of 'tax dollar' is different from another 'tax dollar'? All public programs are paid into by tax payers. Public 'unemployment insurance' is no different from any other 'welfare''re forced to pay in, you're allowed to take out if you prove you qualify. That silly thinking is how idiots convince themselves that THEY are hard working upright people and THOSE PEOPLE are just lazy takers, when they are all doing the exact same thing, taking from the public fund for their personal needs.
"Absolutely it's fair to expose people's public actions and tie it to them personally. 100% fair and proper. Period. People should own their actions, some need to be forced to own them."
Newt, this is a racists dream come's what's keeping black men and women (who predominately are abused into our criminal justice system) unable to be productive citizens. This grudge holding helps no one.
Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator
Dude...can you read? Please try again. I did not say it was racist. I said things do not have to be racist to be disgusting. Just wow. Talk about low reading comprehension.
If you only believe the cop testimony, perhaps. Since the DA threw the grand jury case, we'll never know, because it will never see a court room. That's not the series of events reports say the other 38 witnesses testified to seeing.
Songs laughing about killing unarmed people, and comparing them to road kill is only entertainment for disgusting people. Odd that all the cops found it entertaining...or perhaps it's not.
They should be upset because making fun of killing other people is disgusting, especially in the current climate where cops are trying to look human and humane, this shows their true colors when they think no one is watching, they laugh at killing unarmed people and take pleasure in it while dehumanizing the dead victims and their families. That's why any thinking person with a conscience would be upset. Duh.
I brought up the NY mayor because you brought up the NYPD cops. The way the cops are treating the mayor, who is not anti cop, but is simply not 100% behind every cop action, is infantile and disgusting. It shows how they can't accept any criticism without completely over-reacting in the worst ways, like big babies with guns.
Oh Bob. You might want to back off on the attempted insults and stick to the topic. (It just so happens that I'm fixed, not neutered, please learn the difference. Neutered males do not 'grow a pair' back, fixed males still have their testicles.) Your attempt at insult failed miserably on all fronts, but I'll still give you 'credit' for trying to be smarmy and clever.
It seems you're going the way of Chingalera here...and we all know what happened when he put the Newt in his mouthy parts. (it's the same thing that happens to anything that tries to bite a Newt, we just come crawling back out of your dead mouth unharmed!) He thought he was a big man too, with his smarmy insulting nastiness...didn't work out too well for him.
Considering how you see 'reality', I sure hope I look to be on the wrong side to you. I would hate to think I'm somehow in step with you or @Trancecoach. Many thinking people here do not have the highest opinions of your ilk.
EDIT: If Bill Burr told this story, he would not have talked about Michael Brown in those disgusting, degrading, dehumanizing ways. Bill is not an asshole. He might have found a way to make it funny, but not degrading or dehumanizing. This guy is no Bill Burr.
Your not Newtboy you neutered boy. Time for you to grow up and grow a pair.
No it is not Racist not one bit racist. Bad taste maybe but not racist.
Michael Brown was a thug that struggled with a cop for his gun and it went off. The gentle giant then ran 30 ft got shot then charged back towards then cop and received some corrective measures for failing to stop charging the cop that lead to to his justified death.
The song, depending which side of the fence you are on can be disgusting or funny entertainment.
Like Ding Dong the witch is dead. is not appealing to witches but fun for all others to sing.
If Bill Burr told this story like the song you would be laughing you ass off.
Bill Burr - Helicopter Rides
AS for the room fool of cops not dissenting. How dumb can you be. Why on earth should they be upset?
Why bring up the NY mayor? He is an anti cop fool, elected by fools.
Man up Neutered Boy. Your on the loosing side of reality.
Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.
Exactly, you didn't get the point. It isn't about punishing people for being hypocritical idiots, it's about calling them out for it and making clear that behaviour isn't ok.
Let's stick with the wedding cake example for a moment. It's not about forcing somebody to make a shitty cake a dozen other people can do as well or having them pay damages for percieved (by lawyers or pissed off grooms) emotional trauma. I would be perfectly fine with it if a judge ordered those kind of businessowners to just hang some Westboro Baptist style posters on their storefront and call it a day. At least then everybody knew with what kind of people they're dealing with.
The problem isn't that people with shitty opinions exist, they'll be always there, the problem is if we let them act as if it's normal and fine and not adress it.
You would crucify them if they'd say that sex with children is ok, you'd call them out if they were telling you black people should be glad their slave ancestors were treated so well. Shit, just try to open a mosque one block away from ground zero and someone will talk to you about that too.
Why is it wrong then if you confront them when they put gay relationships on the same level as people fucking their dogs or tell us that two fathers can't raise a son?
I was serious when I said I admire the Phelps familiy for their honesty. They're horrible, disgusting people but at least they made up their minds and stick to their beliefs. They won't come to us calling homosexuality a "controversial lifestyle" where you can have "differing opinions" than all the "gay friends they have". You fuck a bloke in the ass you go to hell, that's it. No cures, no dicussions. It's antisocial, cruel and stupid but at least, they very least, it's honest.
Those anti discrimination laws are just crude tool to protrect yourself from their stupid hatred. Not everybody lives in San Francisco where you call your transgender girlfriends for a protest sit in at the local homophobic bakery. Some people have only big brother on their side in their hometown.
It's not about getting your way, it's about stopping others from continuing taking a shit on you.
Ones' the kind of asshole that reserves the right to refuse service to someone for any reason whatsoever and the other is a type of asshole that reserves the right to sick the laws on you, sue you because the law is so fucked-up that it will let those assholes do that...I don't get your point.
Uncreative, self-centered pricks are everywhere, regardless of race, creed, color, or fucking intelligence as a whore with their fractured egos in the personality's driver's seat.
'Spoiled 14-year-old girls scream, stamp feet, tweet it, and get their way, news at fucking eleven."
Maybe someone needs to move to planet douchebag??
Just saying.
Did YOU see what I did there? I called bullshit when it screamed at me in the fucking face.
Female Supremacy
Disgusting videos made by disgusting people. These mens rights losers only appeared AFTER feminism came to exist. The reason being all these losers feel they've lost something simply because woman have caught up a little. Half of these guys are losers that don't know how to talk to woman. They call themselves the beta males and hate alpha males that have social skills and the woman that like these men. Call these loser out they shout mangina, faggot, or pussy. Fucking hilarious. Apparently if you don't hate woman, you're a 'pussy' because a pussy is bad thing to these guys. I love pussy. These guys ADORE cock.
They claim you 'can't stick up for yourself' even if you are breathing down their throats. These guys have a lunatic like men vs woman misogyny that is jaw dropping. If you're a woman and get them angry with reality, they threaten to rape, beat, and kill you. If you're a man, they claim you're a woman or that you have no balls and are controlled by woman. These animals contribute to why the world is a horrible place. Humanity is garbage because of people like this.
Girl Vanishes In Thin Air Prank
No no no no no. Those two same gags in the US and in Montreal would have gone down exactly the same way. The piss bottle gags were designed to disgust people and maybe start a confrontation with police. The disappearing girl gag was a magic trick designed to confuse, with no hint of criminality. A happy girl popping out of a basket is not evidence of pedo crimes.
ShoeNice22 eats 8oz. of playdough in under a minute (almost)
Disgusting people like this shouldn't be famous.
Behold the mesmerising power of UP's buxom charm!
>> ^SuccessullyTrolled:
@youlovemedontlie: How are boobs vulgar? They're completely smooth, round lumps of flesh. You have nipples. Are your nipples vulgar? Why is it vulgar for a woman to joke about her clothed boobs but a fat guy can take his shirt of and show his? His are hairy. Now THAT'S vulgar.
Now on that we can agree. HOWEVER, in BOTH CASES, we are talking about offensively fat people. Either way, it's vulgar, and disgusting. People don't take care of themselves and then expect others to respect them for being happy with it? Okay, then don't be the guy (or girl) who takes fifteen fucking doughnuts from the cafeteria at work on Fridays. Leave some for the rest of us, you sugar addict!
Breasts ARE beautiful, except for the kind that are unnaturally large, whether it's from body weight or from silicone. That's fucking disgusting, and flaunting it just makes you look a little pathetic.
Thunderf00t -Westboro Baptist Church (full interview)
*sigh*... Why even bother with these guys?
Why even bother?
There is no arguing with their insanity. I fully understand the belief that you can win them over with logic, because they are so obviously, screamingly wrong. I get it, I get the wish to set them straight, give them some argument that makes them go... 'oh... darn, you got me, that makes perfect sense'.
But these disgusting people just have no ability to listen at all, they just keep spouting shit with never listening at all, ever. She is a disgusting, horrible, sad, angry person.
Why bother, let her and her kind wither and die. There really is a point where you have to just let them be... ignore them. Sure take issue and battle with them in their pickets etc. But don't try to convert them.
Let them believe in their absolute drivvle, let them.
Have pity for their sad and angry lives, but don't let them rob you of time and energy.
And yes, it's hilarious that they use iPhones, that they have a website, that they use all the trappings of our scientific world and yet somehow try to say it's evil.
fear teh gay and their insidious agenda
(Ok, writing as I watch...)
Argh, they make me f*cking angry. This bullshit of a 'gay agenda'. F*ck off, it's called equality, not a 'gay agenda'.
Oh my, never! They might have books about homosexuality! Oh no, the very thought about reading about sexuality... at 13! Nooooo, not when they're going through puberty... noooo.
Wait, what, the website is called TrueTolerance!??! Talking about being 'sneaky', how is this in ANY WAY Tolerant?
Oh gee, same sex couples being thought of as 'normal' and 'worthy of being embraced'... FUCK YOU, JUST FUCK YOU ALL. Fucking hell you are disgusting. Your disgusting referring to them as less than human... argh you make my skin crawl you disgusting people.
WHAT? How are schools not accepting of 'christian values'? Huh? How is the normal 'mum,dad, kids' view of the family not the OVERWHELMING norm? How the fuck can we in any way feel accosted?
This ALL springs out of fear and insecurity on their part, they cannot possibly be exposed to ANYTHING other than the closeted little world they know because they fear that their 'faith' will not stand up to scrutiny or questioning.
They're afraid their kids will end up being better human being than they are.
Fuck fuck fuck fuckity these people are horrible, really fucking horrible people.
They never see that the things they so flippantly say like 'everyone is created by God' or the like is THEIR view. They just throw this shit out there like fact and expect it to be accepted.
Gah... must go and watch happy puppies or kittens or something.
67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
>> ^dannym3141:
Forget it longde - i'm metaphorically moving to the front of the bus.
You are an idiot.
Um... that's such a dick comment on what is a perfectly fine description of a point of view from dannym3141.
Those getting all twisted up over this being people being racist and thinking that they're only cheering for EBM because he is white and the other party is black are truly painful.
YES there are people who do watch this with a racist view of it, who think 'HA, that black guy is getting what he deserves because he's black'... and those people are horrendously disgusting.
There are plenty who watch this (I didn't for quite some time as I see nothing of credit in fight videos usually... but then it was being discussed so much I had to see what the fuss was about.) and just think that EBM seemed to do a reasonable job of trying to end it all by moving away, and yet the other guy confronted him and got pummeled for his troubles.
On top of that there are disgusting people on the sidelines, being the woman in the seat and the camera operator bloody screaming for blood through the whole thing.
Basically we have the aggressor trying to smack talk, a bunch of idiots wanting to see him hit the old guy, an old guy move away to try to stop it (but not being able to fully stop himself from smack talking back), and then the aggressor getting his ass handed to him and the baying women being all shocked and horrified when they would have been more than happy had it gone the other way.
So, yeah, a bunch of us take some pleasure from seeing those of greater dickheadedness get shown up... doesn't mean we applaud violence, or the overall state of this, but just feel that the right person ended up unhurt in this encounter. (While, of course, the best outcome would have been no-one hurt and misunderstandings gotten rid of).
4 Girls Falsely Cry Rape - Cabbie Has Incident On Video
I so hope he indeed does go to civil court and indeed does get $60K worth of damages out of them. I hate a litigious society as much as the next guy, but these little spoiled brats who thought their not being able to smoke in a cab was worth ruining a guy's life NEED to be hit where it hurts, and that comes in the form of money. (Unless they have rich dickhead parents who just pay it and say 'oh you poor dears, what a mean cab driver')
Really, utterly, utterly disgusting. AND as lavoll said, they're making it far harder for girls who really are molested. There's already enough of these cases for people to start to question anyone who cries rape, and this just makes it so, so much harder.
What disgusting people they are.
From Jihad to Rehab : Art Therapy in Treating Terrorism
I watched coverage of this on Al Jazeera English, but I found an equivalent video which covers the same center and program.
I don't really know how to react to this step by Saudi Arabia, but it really seems like another form of their policy to sedate and control the populace and most important of all make it clear to the outside world that it is countering fundamentalist terrorism. The Al Jazeera report went indepth on the counter-terrorist component of Saudi Arabia.
But this program is almost like a halfway house for curing terrorism by making these individuals submit utterly to the state, which provide finical help, jobs and apartment space. Everything is suddenly forgiven, one of them actually claimed that he was a victim of the suicide bomb that he himself detonated, that he did know that was going to happen, that he thought he would die fighting the enemies of Islam. That's just inexcusable, they didn't know? What did they expect? They would go to Iraq and pelt the Americans with rocks?
I can just imagine the disgust people in the west would feel seeing former terrorists playing PES 2008 on PS2, enjoying fine dining, drawing pictures and living in absolutely immaculate conditions. The defense is that these people were wholly ignorant before. But I simply cannot agree to that.
I really don't know what to think.
Doug Stanhope On Medicinal Marijuana
for the record, I don't smoke weed. In fact, based on my experiences with friends that became hardcore pot heads, I think stoners are usually lazy, filthy, disgusting people. But so are fat-asses, and who am I to stop them from eating? It's not my business. Nothing wrong with taking a hit on occasion, just like there's nothing wrong with eating appropriately. I guess the fault is when people can't moderate. Excess is the real epidemic, not drugs or obesity.
Ehren Watada refuses to de deployed to Iraq
jesus, you think i am a gulf war explosion denier?
of course there is a war, it's fucking undeclared and illegal and disgusting, people are dying for bullshit. "Britain has declared war on Germany" i can understand. "You're either with us or your with the terrorists" sounds like a kind of neverending loosely defined excuse for halliburton to make profits off the blood of brave soldiers.
"Al-Quaeda and insurgents" ... jesus.. you swallowed that one whole didn't you. I guess "CIA assets and desperately deluded poor people" doesn't sound so good, huh?