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Most vocals you hear are fake

criticalthud says...

shiiiit. sure everything is stitched together. that's the modern digital audio workstation (DAW).
What folks don't realize is that Anteres Autotune is THE standard in the studio. Every pop star and song gets their dose.
That, ultra compression on everything and ultra repetition in production, gone are the days of creamy analog bliss by good musicians, performing a well-written song actually written by the artists.
Now everything is done post-production, and Autotune is 'the sound' of today's pop. The writing is done by teams of "producers" who have mastered today's pop sound and format.

And then LAWYERS.
For hip hop, in the 2000's lawyers began suing the shit out of anyone who sampled old stuff. Today, an artist can use samples, but they must PAY quite a bit. So, only artists with labels behind them can AFFORD to sample. Hence, Bruno Mars can sample everything, and steal everything, then autotune the shit out of it. And wha-laa - he's got a super-produced, money-backed hit where his producers just copy the shit out of everyone.
And in the end, Bruno Mars is the P.F. Changs of music - white appropriation all-dressed up, pre-packaged and sold.

Cat Reacts to Emergency Warning Alert System

drradon says...

This is a pretty good analog to how Hawaii reacted to their (false alarm) ballistic missile warning... although the cats missed the final step of scratching the eyes out of the people responsible for it...

Gun Control Explained With Cats

Oxen_Morale says...

Good analogy except isn't there is a real purpose for having a bad cat. To effectively defend yourself from criminals or what the 2nd amendment meant to defend yourself from a bad government. Now where the line is that prevents us from driving around in tanks or having missiles to just owning a cute little kitten is... I cannot say but I would think having a standard issue combat rifle (ar-15) is within the reasonable limits. Just my take on it.

Brian Cox explains Entropy

Payback says...

Analogies should never be taken literally. They're never exact, otherwise they'd be proof.

Sagemind said:

Well, the wind could NOT EVER blow the wind into the shape of a sand Castle, because both the Humidity and Gravity are working against it. Even if there was rain or moisture that perfectly conditioned the sand to stick to itelf in the perfect consistency, then the wind couldn't quite blow it around in the way it would need to. And of course Gravity would always cause the sand to fall to it's lowest points.

I know I'm being picky here, but this just stood out to me.
Everything else in the video was engaging.

the value of whataboutism

bcglorf says...

Back to the video then, Jeremy Scahill is absolutely declaring how evil and horrific GW's foreign policy was, but never makes mention of anything but American evil acts and nothing about their opposition, nor anything about any positives. Analogous to the black violence website proclaiming that blacks are violent because of the evidence presented. If we can agree one is unquestionably false and unethical, they both are.

greatgooglymoogly said:

If a website wants to only publish about black on white crime, I'm fine with that, as long as they aren't saying they are publishing stories about crime in general. Specialization can be a good thing, allowing people to become an expert through time, repetition, and pattern recognition. Talking about all the other bad countries and dictators around the globe can be done by others, it's fine to focus your attention on one, which also happens to be the one we have the best ability to change(ie voting)

Dad, we've been through this

newtboy says...

What wires do you have crossed that you can't comprehend a simple analogy/simile? You can't be that just can't, but you come across that way.

So you can understand, I'll break it down to grade school level. Most police, not all, lie in their job (or worse). Most heroin addicts, not all, steal. Just as you would prudently protect yourself from an addict by assuming they might steal, you should protect yourself from dishonest cops by assuming anything they tell you might be a lie.

Jebus Christ, you people are exhausting.

I have nothing to apologize to them for, certainly not for my opinion. If anything, I'm due a few apologies by dishonest powertripping police for their inexcusable behaviors and actions.

That is all, I'm done with this b.s.. Good day, sir.

Anom212325 said:

What wires do you have crossed to compare a police officer with a drug addict ? You come off as a very hateful person. Remember this whole discussion if ever you need help and apologize to the one helping you.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

JiggaJonson says...

Meh, I don't like that analogy.

If it were an accurate analogy, both people would be holding the cup of tea at the same time.

As I said, the two people are working in tandem. So she and I would be holding the tea with both hands, and we would bring the cup to her mouth to drink and then mine, and so on. Or even if only one person is holding the tea and only receiving instruction;

Think about a time when you've fed someone else food or poured a drink into someone else's mouth. Ever give them more than they wanted? Not enough? Ever spill some of it on their shirt even though you never intended for that to happen?

Remember!!! It's like a game of Operation! Don't give them a drop more or less than they want when you're pouring tea into their mouth or your entire life will be ruined.

Try pouring hot tea into someone else's mouth for them, do it deliberately and without error, and then we'll talk. Finally, consider that pouring hot tea into someone else's mouth is arguably less complicated than interpreting physical cues indicating a desire to have sex.

Those kinds of over simplifications of the nuances of human behavior are just that, over simplifications.

ChaosEngine said:

It's the "consent as a cup of tea" model.

If you ask someone if they want tea, and they do, give them tea.

If they change their mind after you've made the tea, they don't have to drink it.

If they start drinking the tea and decide they don't like this tea, don't force them to finish the cup.

Hell, if they are actually on their last sip and they don't want to swallow... they can spit it out. I mean, it's not very polite, and I'm not really sure why you'd suddenly decide you don't want tea at that point, but fundamentally it's still up to the tea drinker.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

ChaosEngine says...

Good points Bill.

Next time I'm breaking some dudes leg with a baseball bat, I'll be sure to remind him that he's not being murdered.

But hey, congrats on one thing. I was kinda unsure about Sam Bee's video until I saw this... now I'm 100% behind her.

So let me mansplain the fuck outta this.
Yes, rape is worse than groping.
No, no one gives a fuck about your opinion.
Yes, some drugs fuck you up more than others.
No, that analogy doesn't fucking apply here.

Honestly, the more I watch Maher, the more I'm convinced he's actually a fucking moron who, by sheer coincidence, happens to agree with some smart people on some things, but when left to his own devices, hasn't a fucking clue.

The senator is EXACTLY right. Right now, we don't need to have a conversation about the varying levels of how fucked up groping or harassment or rape is. If and when people are being sentenced to death and/or extreme prison terms, yeah, let's talk about proportionate response. Right now, let's just keep telling dudes (and be honest, it's mostly dudes) STOP BEING WEIRD, GROPEY OR RAPEY. It's just not fucking cool.

And if it takes "ruining someone's career" to do that... well, boo fucking hoo.

And as for the people claiming trial by media, I agree, that's fucked up. And when one of the accused people actually denies what they've done... I'll happily give them the benefit of the doubt.

Young Sheldon - Episode 1.12's Beginning: RadioShack & Tandy

Black Woman should walk a mile in a white woman’s shoes

newtboy says...

His position is 'what if a miracle happened and it reinforced my baseless position....what then?' ....what?
I prefer 'What if right wing nuts could recognize reality and switched political positions to be liberals, and we found out that they are still totally nuts?' as an analogy.

Pretty sure that most black women, given an opportunity to "live in a white woman's shoes" would stay in them....this is so common it's known as "passing"....the reverse is so rare it's known as Dolezaring.

Even they (Fox) aren't this dumb.

Dashcam Video Of Alabama Cop Who Shot Man Holding His Wallet

Khufu says...

also this guy is an idiot for getting out of his car in a traffic stop and actually pointing his black wallet at the cop and grabbing at it with his right hand unnecessarily. If you kinda squint it actually looks like he's trying to pull a gun and shoot. If this was one of those arcade games where you had to shoot the 'bad guys' and not shoot the innocent bystanders I would have totally lost a quarter there. (i realize that analogy dates me.)

Liberal Redneck - To Hell with Roy Moore

spawnflagger jokingly says...

@2:36 that's some Clark Kent -> Superman transformation, not that he got super powers, but he looks totally different with glasses and without a hat. I know Superman doesn't wear a hat.
Yes this is a bad analogy. carry on.

Russian parents made you learn Piano? Improvise!

MilkmanDan says...

@ChaosEngine --

I've only seen one other piece by this dude, so I can't claim that I definitely "get" what he's going for, but... To me, his shtick is: "I wanted to be a rockstar / guitar hero when I was growing up, but my parents made me learn the piano instead of guitar. So, I'm going to live that rockstar dream via the piano instead of guitar, partially because I enjoy it, partially to stick it to mom and dad, and partially because other people seem to enjoy it as evidenced by views / likes / comments, etc." (And importantly, he can't play the guitar, so he uses the skill that he has available.)

I like his stuff (well, the 2 videos I've seen of his). This one is pretty reliant on bends, and to nitpick I think he should have used an analog pitch bender for that instead of the fancy touch digital one he had. On the other hand, it isn't too critical, and he seems to go for playing by ear without a lot of (maybe *any*?) practice run-throughs which would definitely be required to nail those bend sections perfectly. So, the imperfect on-hand equipment (digital vs analog) and imperfect execution don't detract much from the performance for me.

You're also correct that he played the wrong notes a few times, but in a musically acceptable way -- he was still playing chord notes in the scale and key of the song, but not exactly the same ones as in the original. So while I noticed it, that also doesn't really detract much from the performance for me either.

Taking a piece for another instrument and adapting it to a different one as opposed to trying to "imperfectly" emulate the original can also be very cool. Youtube covers of rock songs on a Korean Gayageum come to mind. BUT, I also get a kick out of my interpretation of this guy's shtick, and don't feel like he's trying to do the musical equivalent of forcing a round peg into a square hole or anything.

Definitely all subjective though.

Vox explains bump stocks

Vox explains bump stocks

Jinx says...

Why not take two steps in the right direction?

Taking the texting while drunk driving analogy - you'd ban both wouldn't you?. To simply ban the texting is surely tacit approval of the DUI.

I understand the sort of pragmatic approach and I'm not even sure I'd be against it... I just think you have to be careful not to imagine it as a step in the right direction because, frankly, it's not a step at all. To me it is closer to addressing a loophole in the preexisting law and it doesn't really facilitate or encourage further gun regulation. If banning bumpstocks is your end goal then great, but if you want more then I think you need to be asking for more, even (or perhaps especially?) if it means fighting for it.

MilkmanDan said:

I think a 10% reduction is pessimistic, 90% like newtboy mentioned is likely optimistic.

One person being killed would have been tragic. A quick search says most recent count is 58 dead, 515 injured. Tragic has been surpassed by some orders of magnitude, and I while see what you're saying, I think it would have been meaningfully "less tragic" if he had only had access to traditional semi-automatic.

He had a bunch of weapons and a bunch of ammo. Reload time was partially mitigated by the number of guns. But finger fatigue like newtboy mentioned would have made it hard to keep firing over a prolonged time (~10 minutes of active shooting time?), and the increased time between shots plus potential for fatigue would have let people make a break for cover or to get out of line of sight.

It may well have still been the deadliest mass shooting even if he only had semi-auto. Banning bump stocks (and other full-auto conversions) won't prevent the next one, but any mitigation at all is better than nothing. And I think it would have been rather more significant than that.

Is access to full-auto or generally equivalent to full-auto the main problem? No. I fully understand your reluctance here, because I agree that GOP legislators and the NRA are likely to hold up opposition to bump stocks as a more significant badge than it deserves to be. "SEE?! I did something about it! Pat me on the back!"

...But, on the other hand, it really is a step in the right direction. And there are no real downsides, aside from that concern about giving those parties a sort of political card to play. The public will just have to make it clear that this, while good, isn't enough by itself.

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