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The origins of oil falsely defined in 1892

How Much Solar Energy is Needed to Power Earth?

drradon says...

why is it that all these renewable energy prosthelytizers can never articulate a coherent solution/end game? He is right, the number of pv cells needed to generate the required electrical energy is irrelevant - that is only a part - and possibly only a small part - of the problem. He gets us to all the required PV panels, but glosses over the question of storage, hydrogen, how hydrogen can be stored, air transport, etc. etc. etc. What's the point of a video like this? Waste of time and electrons...

How China Broke the World's Recycling

drradon says...

Idiot. He completely lost any credibility with me with the statement that "you can only solve an economic problem with economics". Really? I can think of a lot of economic problems that have been solved with chemistry, physics, and engineering - because the underlying problem is one of chemistry, physics, or engineering. When the economics dictates that it's worth investing in the chemistry, physics, or engineering to solve a problem, then that work will be done - either by private enterprise or by government sponsored research.

The problem could also be greatly solved by the using public - if they properly sorted their plastic recylcables, then there would be much less of the waste plastic - but they are too Fing lazy to do that. I would respond to the diatribe against the plastics industry with an old Pogo quote: "we have met the enemy, and he is US..."

Flushing 240lbs of liquid mercury

drradon says...

this guy is looking to have his very own superfund site. have to wonder how he manages to "clean up" and what he does with the waste products...

How Simon and Garfunkel Created a Timeless Song

drradon says...

At the time this song was most popular, there was much discussion of the meaning of refrain - parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. One interpretation was that it was a nonsense phrase substituting for "sober and grave, grows merry with time" - as applied to the loss of a lover (or a lovers') affection (s/he'll get over it...) but contrasted with the clearly mournful tone of the song suggesting that this lover didn't....

Ecuador The Equator - Water Demonstration - Coriolis Effect

drradon says...

completely bogus demonstration: if you look carefully, you will see that the water in the basin for the first demonstration was completely still - and drained straight down. But for the north and south demonstrations, she poured the water into the basin at one side of the basin - setting up circulation in the basin - and immediately pulled the plug. What she was demonstrating was conservation of angular momentum, not the coriolis effect.

How tax breaks help the rich

drradon says...

An extraordinarily simplistic and misleading discussion of tax laws. They very cleverly point out the disparity between the benefits of tax deductions between those with annual incomes over $400K and those below, but neglect to mention what fraction of the total tax payments each group provides.

Also suffers from the implied perspective that all the money actually belongs to the government and it's the government's right and duty to determine how much of it you get to have...

Authentic Medieval Sword Techniques

Why isn't science enough?

drradon says...

Unfortunately, everyone on this is wrong - I don't agree with transmorpher so much, but if we don't get population growth under control, all the green energy in the world won't be enough. Which is why the Pope pontificating on planetary stewardship is nothing short of obscene. When the Catholic Church starts making birth control a mandatory practice for good Catholics, then I'll start believing his advice on global stewardship is sincere.

World's Most Dangerous Job

drradon says...

Idiot narrator/narration. The gases discharged there are dominantly sulfur dioxide - not hydrogen sulfide. There is a difference - and each has a different physiologic impact on human health. Clearly these people are being impacted by the sulfur dioxide...
These so-called science videos should really try harder to get their science correct.

When Magma Meets Water

drradon says...

Understand that there is a difference between phreatic and phreato-magmatic eruptions... Wohletz and Heiken are referring to well blow-outs that can occur when the well casing or cement bond between the casing and the formation fails (it's also true that, if the well is cemented in poorly consolidated formation, the formation around the cemented well can fail and allow steam to rise to the surface). Those events could, arguably, be referred to as phreatic eruptions. But most geothermal wells are not drilled into molten magma - as I noted in my original comment, that has occurred rarely but, when it has, it has not triggered a phreato-magmatic eruption.

When Magma Meets Water

drradon says...

I'm sorry, this is silly science. Maybe I'm jaded, but if you want to study the reaction of lava going into water, this is happening every day (now) at Kilauea. But the ending piece of alarmism over phreatomagmatic explosions being triggered by water injected into magma is nonsense - researchers and private sector drillers have drilled into magma in Hawaii and in Iceland with no adverse affect at the surface.

Adam FAILED to Ruin Tesla

drradon says...

These guys make a start at assessing the energy/carbon cost, but stop well short of completing the job. What is the life-cycle carbon cost of PV cells used to produce the electrons; what is the life-cycle cost of the storage of electrons prior to going into the EV, etc. Only then can you make an honest carbon balance sheet.

Is Organic Food Worse For You?

drradon says...

Thank you... You noted the number of recalls of organic foods; would have been even more valuable with a comparison of proportional illnesses/deaths resulting from organic versus conventionally produced foods.

What If All The Ice Melted On Earth? ft. Bill Nye

drradon jokingly says...

Not at all sure what the excitement is about regarding a 10 m sea level rise. By the time that happens most ecosystems and climate regimes in agricultural areas will be so disrupted that at least 20% of the population will be dead from starvation or starvation induced warfare.

There really is only one environmental issue: there are too many humans occupying the planet. It may be that the only solution, in the absence of pro-active birth control will be retroactive birth control imposed by a failed agricultural system.

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