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5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

bcglorf says...

I think you're missing my point.

My point is, I just hopped over to MSNBC, and reading from the top of the page, 18 of the 21 top headlines were about either Trump, Guiliani or Hunter Biden. They are obsessing and distracting their 'blue' base with all the same garbage as Fox, but they are better because they are pointing out the wrongs.

Maybe a better analogy, MSNBC is like Dr. Phil bringing on the worst examples of humanity and letting the audience rage bait and feel superior to the horrible humans on display. Trump has been the perfect recurring guest for a never ending MSNBC parade of horrible behaviour.

I'm not against calling out that behaviour, I'm in favour of it. I'm just calling it rather dishonest to have 99% of your airtime and coverage all focused on nothing else, and then spend the last 1% complaining about the other side obsessing...

newtboy said:

You’ve got to be kidding.
Pointing out fake manufactured crises (that are invariably rooted in xenophobic hatred) and educating is the same thing as manufacturing a fake crisis? 🤦‍♂️

Please point to 5 major manufactured crises the left is trying to play off right now…how about 5 the party has floated in let’s say the last 5 years, since you are attempting to “both sides” the issue.

Reminding your base how unserious and infantile the “other” is is perfectly reasonable when there’s no choice but to deal with the dishonest infants making up fake crises chock full of lies daily. Debunking idiotic nonsense is a public service.
Reminding people that, like in the case of “woke”, the right has decided that “being aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)” is the worst thing possible and have intentionally with malice and forethought abused the term to improperly equate it with anything they irrationally hate, which itself is a racist action….that’s a good thing, a positive for society.

Again, since you are both siding this issue, put up or shut up….please list 5 fake crises the left floated to distract from actual crises in the last 5 years, should be a no brainer, right? (Accusations that end in convictions don’t count, those aren’t fake)

It’s really more like the house is on fire, the guy in the red shirt holding a lit flare with singed clothes and eyebrows says throw this gasoline on it, the guy in the blue shirt is trying to offer a hose but the guy in the red shirt is standing on it and poking holes in the hose while shouting “Don’t take that, that hose is full of fire!” You say neither put out the fire, so both are equally as useless. 🤦‍♂️

Republicans are simply not interested in feasible solutions, Democrats are (with a very few notable exceptions, most of whom switched parties like Kristen Senema or Tricia Cotham, or are utterly despised and should be tossed out of the party like Manchin).

The Republican Party platform in the last presidential election simply didn’t exist, they had NONE AT ALL. Verbally it was nothing but “we hate the left unconditionally”, literally, in writing they had nada, nothing, zip.
Conversely, the left actually has consistently had a written public party platform with positive goals for the nation and a roadmap to reach them.

RC Rock Crawler Sumo

cloudballoon says...

I don't remember the model my brothers & I had anymore, as it was like over 3 decades ago, but they were analog Tamiyas. In addition to being analog sticks, there were sliders that I can fine tune acceleration limits on every axis (can control helicopters too). And that was then. Can't imagine entering these competition without these type of advanced controls with if you have a in-it-to-win-it mentality.

newtboy said:

Easy to do with RC. The difference between enough throttle to move and way too much is minuscule…or at least was when I had RC cars.

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

newtboy says...

Do 20% of cakes just catch fire in the oven with a good chance of ruining the oven if not the entire house and cook?
Do 3%+ catch fire, endangering the oven and cook, then “survive” (even if the cook doesn’t) as terrified burnt blobs of bread suffering in agony while the cooks waste their lives taking care of those inedible unwanted suffering cakes?
How many cakes are forced on cooks against their will?
Pretty weak analogy, Bill….and Bob.

At least HE admits he just thinks it’s a baby, but he doesn’t know. If only fascist team anti-choice anti-freedom anti-autonomy could.

I do agree with the too many fucking people part, and anything that helps with that without causing suffering is a good thing. Abortion is firmly in that category. Edit: so is birth control, another thing the right opposes.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

bcglorf says...


A company cancelling a multi-billion dollar project means multi-billion dollars not spent on the work of the project, that many jobs out of the economy. Exactly the same as a car manufacturer shutting down for a week, by your logic nothing was lost, the company just stopped spending money for a couple days...

I only support the groups right to protest, and not to illegally block roads or borders. I stand by my wish is for their prompt arrest when illegal blocking roads, borders or places of business.

That said, I believe it also wrong of me to fail to point out that our federal government has continually refused to act as I would wish in promptly shutting down illegal blockades. This is the very first instance were they've shown any interest in a prompt police enforced end, and they've in fact jump much further to invoking a declaration of national emergency so they can also target protesters bank accounts directly and without court orders.

An analogy would be someone that supports arresting people for possession of marijuana. The government then proceeds to only selectively enforce that law, say only acting to make arrests when people are a particular creed or color. It's perfectly consistent to believe the government arrests are wrong and unfair, and to NOT support them, while at the same time still believing the idea of the rule applied fairly being a good idea.

One side is about what I think the line for protest should be:
-I believe the right to protest should be independent of creed or belief, and should only be restricted when actions taken are illegal.(Ideally illegal being defined as impeding on freedoms of others)

By that, the convoy blockade of border or streets should have led to immediate arrests.

In the eye of fairness though, the last two years have already seen at a minimum 3 major protests, that included illegal blockades of work sites and railways and those were ALL allowed to run for weeks and in 2 cases months. The government of the day even tripped over themselves to message their support for the overall causes of the protestors.

In that light, it's wrong to simply ignore the fact that the first protest that is likely to vote conservative is the ONLY one where the government immediately condemns everything about them and feels compelled to intervene urgently.

Churches were literally burning last summer, and our PM's public statements spent most of their time sympathizing with the anger before pleading that burning churches isn't helpful. Where'd all that compassion for folks that you disagree with go when it meant a small number of downtown Ottawa business shutdown and horns honking go. Now our PM invokes terrorizing of the populace.

Trudeau's actions have been distressingly similar to Trump's as the division in our country grows, he's using his words to reach out to the extreme end of his side of the aisle, while tossing gasoline and vitriol onto his opposition. It's making things worse in the worst possible way when we need leaders uniting instead of stoking further division.

GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary

StukaFox says...


It would require a fairly intensive refactor to get it to work. The hardest part would be figuring out how to shoehorn GOTO into a modern BASIC interpreter since that command was taken out back and shot in the head -- and for good reason -- but with the memory and processor restrictions of computers at the time, GOTO was necessary because GOSUB required 4 bytes of stored information and a bit more processing power. There's also a number of functions that are exclusive to TRS-DOS BASIC and the Model III in particular.

At one point, I thought about moving the code from BASIC to Z-80 Assembler, but by then the first PC Jr. clones were out (I had a TRS Model 1000 and it was GREAT!) and it no longer made sense to continue doing anything on the Model III.

The worst loss is the database data, which was all the room and pathing descriptions, as well as part of the warm storage for the games. That's the part that breaks my heart to have lost.

That said, the sound over an acoustic coupler of an analog modem making a 300 bps connection is still makes me smile.

ant said:

Do you still have them? If so, then revive for the Internet!

So this float showed up at the Popcorn festival/ parade

newtboy says...

@JiggaJonson I agree yesterday was definitely celebrating an attack against America, but I think the same could reasonably said of a float depicting the capitol smashed and ransacked, covered with with stop the steal graffiti, and with a gallows out front, which I think is more analogous. If they excused that by saying it's intended to memorialize the dead officers, I think that excuse would seem ridiculous and hollow....but that's just, like, my opinion, man.

Why I Give Abortions

luxintenebris says...

what is this 'deed'?

get it straight willie. contraception isn't perfect. sex isn't a crime.

a bank? the vault of her body? she is blowing it open so she can - what - burn the money? what is a crime is that analogy.

it's personal. it's their responsibility. it's personal responibility.

bobknight33 said:

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

KO'ed Fighter gets choked out by ref when he keeps attacking

jimnms says...

Do you think this is normal in this sport? You're absurd analogies have nothing in common here. They don't pose a threat to anyone, but a trained fighter can still be a threat even when they are knocked silly. Do you think the ref should just sit there and get beat up?

I have seen a few times where a KO'd fighter gets up and tries to keep fighting thinking the ref is the opponent, but I've never seen a ref choke out the fighter before though. Refs are trained to handle these situations, and usually defend themselves from the fighter until they come to their senses or the corner team get there. Choking the fighter out may have been a bit extreme, but he stopped the fighter without causing harm the fighter.

vil said:

How much more stupid and absurd can this "sport" be?

Brian Stelter Gets HUMILIATED by His Own Guest

JiggaJonson says...

Eh, at some point very early on, Stelter should have realized the man had a genuine complaint. He really wasn't being listened to. If someone questioned my integrity like that I would lay out my research process bare and say "We do get it wrong sometimes, and it's important to acknowledge and correct it when we do, but we also don't always get that perfect! But we're willing to make corrections when we have it wrong. That is paramount to becoming a trusted source of information."

That sentiment seems far from conception here, which is concerning. If he's going to laugh off what seemed like a very sober book salesman...who accuses him of not listening...and he just laughs and barely recognizes the accusation for what it is...

His journalistic integrity was being called into question by a man wanting to be taken seriously. He should have said - "Pick a story we got wrong and show me where we're mixed up."

Or maybe an analogy; if you got pulled over and the cop in the window said "You don't have a license!" You'd probably just pull your license out to prove you had it. You wouldn't just laugh at him. (scenario requires a response here to illustrate the point, police are not part of the metaphor)

And I understand that he's not actually levying anything but a cursory very generalized complaint. It's just, whatever he thinks the show gets wrong over and over, i believe he believes it and was being serious.

newtboy said:

Title should be “book salesman humiliates himself on Brian Stelter by rambling nonsense”

Poor little sellout snowflake.

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

bobknight33 says...

Your stupid analogy is just like you.

That of a well read foolish liberal idiot.

What is wrong with America is that it is littered with liberal fools like you.

newtboy said:

Mosquitoes have heartbeats. You kill them. MURDERER! (Pretty fucking stupid argument, isn't it?)

Did you just say no? Have you only ever had sex when trying to get some poor woman pregnant? Did you just say no to any sex not intended to end with children? Guaranteed not, hypocrite.

Are you an uneducated product of right wing or religious "education" and don't know what sex is or that it leads to pregnancy which leads to giving birth? Many are. How would they even know to say no?

To be clear, this law you're supporting makes no distinctions for rape or incest. None. If you're an 11 year old girl who doesn't even know what pregnancy is, pregnant after being raped by daddy ..too fucking bad, have your mutant rape baby or try suicide, only options. That's pure evil....and what this law calls for with no exceptions.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

Mordhaus says...

What we are still talking about is your opinion. You feel that him removing the GHSB led to all of the pandemic deaths. I understand that and you have the right to have that opinion.

I am going off the report that was made by the Lancet Journal. The Lancet is one of the two oldest, most respected and most widely read medical journals in the world. They were established in 1823 and are ranked often first or second among general-interest medical journals by their “impact factor,” the frequency with which their studies are cited in other research.

They said 40% and that is also influenced by the state our health system was already in when he became President.

I will give you an analogy. If 97% of the world's climate scientists believe that, based on science, we have man made climate change, it really doesn't matter what the opinions of the other 3% are. We have man made climate change.

I respect you, but I disagree with your opinion. OTOH, I agree that Bob is an ass for even posting this. Trump fucked up and arguing it is pointless at this time.

newtboy said:

I thought I addressed that. Travel was also open between states, and many countries with "free travel amongst nations" had no-travel/stay at home orders in place, unlike the U.S., and afaik, mandatory quarantine for all international travelers.

Again, because he eradicated the international Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, I can legitimately ascribe every single non Chinese death and most Chinese deaths to his actions directly. A pandemic on this level WAS foreseen after SARS, Ebola, and Swine Flu, it's why we created the GHSB. It's why we had a pandemic response plan that Trump completely ignored and actually denied it existed for months and months.

I also am going by facts. My facts say that at least four things Trump did against professional advice took us from prepared to minimise any pandemic to at worst a foreign epidemic to a place where months after pandemics start our leader denied any danger and made no moves to stop it.
1) Eradication of the GHSB, missed opportunity one to have zero US cases and avoid a pandemic completely.
2) Repeated early public denial of the danger while encouraging others to do the same and go about business as usual, missed opportunity two to have zero US cases, and a missed opportunity to minimize any spread if quarantining travelers (something else he failed miserably to even consider early on) failed.
3) Encouragement of those who trust him to ignore all mitigation efforts, don't mask, don't social distance, don't shut down non essential businesses, don't close schools, don't listen to medical professionals....missed opportunity number three to minimize US infections to thousands instead of hundreds of thousands. Remember the many months he said grandma would gladly die to get people back to work, pretending many months in that only feeble octogenarians get sick?
4) Denial of a prepared response plan, never following it and claiming total ignorance, missed opportunity number four to follow prepared plans based on science from day one, missing the opportunity to keep our infection rate at S Korean levels.

That's four well researched and vetted moronic, irrational, and irresponsible mistakes he personally made that multiplied our infection rate by 100- infinity times (if we could have had zero without his multiple massive and stupid mistakes, which is not just possible but likely, he can be said to have CAUSED every single US case, multiplying our infections by infinity.). There were more, but I'm beating a dead horse.
Remember, his real plan was natural herd immunity, with an expected 3-60 million deaths depending on who you asked.

I say if intelligent decisions could have avoided all US infections, and that's undeniable IMO, you can lay the blame for as high a percentage as you like on the leader who made bad dangerous decisions out of pure narcissistic ignorance and hatred of his predecessor...up to 100%. 80-90% still seems like I'm coddling him, at least two failures could have made cases zero, and others minimized it to under 10% of what we have. All four I listed almost certainly allowed >90% giving every doubt and giving him all possible yes, I'm satisfied I'm not exaggerating.

Obama's responsible and responsive planning and execution stopped Ebola from ever spreading here despite it making it to our shores, and it was FAR more contagious and deadly. Had we had Trump then doing the same things, there would be tens of millions dead and likely still spreading disease, imo.

Edit: let me try analogy...If a mayor removes the stop signs from 4 way highway intersections, they are responsible for every wreck that happens, even though other towns with stop signs still have wrecks at intersections. Trump pulled the signs, removed the flashing red light, and cut first responder funding, and claimed there never was a highway code to follow and he takes no responsibility for the jump in highway deaths.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

newtboy says...

I thought I addressed that. Travel was also open between states, and many countries with "free travel amongst nations" had no-travel/stay at home orders in place, unlike the U.S., and afaik, mandatory quarantine for all international travelers.

Again, because he eradicated the international Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, I can legitimately ascribe every single non Chinese death and most Chinese deaths to his actions directly. A pandemic on this level WAS foreseen after SARS, Ebola, and Swine Flu, it's why we created the GHSB. It's why we had a pandemic response plan that Trump completely ignored and actually denied it existed for months and months.

I also am going by facts. My facts say that at least four things Trump did against professional advice took us from prepared to minimise any pandemic to at worst a foreign epidemic to a place where months after pandemics start our leader denied any danger and made no moves to stop it.
1) Eradication of the GHSB, missed opportunity one to have zero US cases and avoid a pandemic completely.
2) Repeated early public denial of the danger while encouraging others to do the same and go about business as usual, missed opportunity two to have zero US cases, and a missed opportunity to minimize any spread if quarantining travelers (something else he failed miserably to even consider early on) failed.
3) Encouragement of those who trust him to ignore all mitigation efforts, don't mask, don't social distance, don't shut down non essential businesses, don't close schools, don't listen to medical professionals....missed opportunity number three to minimize US infections to thousands instead of hundreds of thousands. Remember the many months he said grandma would gladly die to get people back to work, pretending many months in that only feeble octogenarians get sick?
4) Denial of a prepared response plan, never following it and claiming total ignorance, missed opportunity number four to follow prepared plans based on science from day one, missing the opportunity to keep our infection rate at S Korean levels.

That's four well researched and vetted moronic, irrational, and irresponsible mistakes he personally made that multiplied our infection rate by 100- infinity times (if we could have had zero without his multiple massive and stupid mistakes, which is not just possible but likely, he can be said to have CAUSED every single US case, multiplying our infections by infinity.). There were more, but I'm beating a dead horse.
Remember, his real plan was natural herd immunity, with an expected 3-60 million deaths depending on who you asked.

I say if intelligent decisions could have avoided all US infections, and that's undeniable IMO, you can lay the blame for as high a percentage as you like on the leader who made bad dangerous decisions out of pure narcissistic ignorance and hatred of his predecessor...up to 100%. 80-90% still seems like I'm coddling him, at least two failures could have made cases zero, and others minimized it to under 10% of what we have. All four I listed almost certainly allowed >90% giving every doubt and giving him all possible yes, I'm satisfied I'm not exaggerating.

Obama's responsible and responsive planning and execution stopped Ebola from ever spreading here despite it making it to our shores, and it was FAR more contagious and deadly. Had we had Trump then doing the same things, there would be tens of millions dead and likely still spreading disease, imo.

Edit: let me try analogy...If a mayor removes the stop signs from 4 way highway intersections, they are responsible for every wreck that happens, even though other towns with stop signs still have wrecks at intersections. Trump pulled the signs, removed the flashing red light, and cut first responder funding, and claimed there never was a highway code to follow and he takes no responsibility for the jump in highway deaths.

Mordhaus said:

The EU has open borders and free travel amongst the various nations if you are a citizen of a member nation. I will agree our per capita death rate is higher, but still (based on the well researched Lancet study) you cannot lay more than about 40% of the deaths at Trump's feet. I don't deny he could have handled the pandemic much better, but it has been some time since we have had a pandemic on this level. Multiple leaders have handled it differently and time will eventually label them for the history aspect of it.

I go by the facts. Not conjecture, and not opinion. I also don't consider Birx to be even remotely a good source since she rode down the trail willy nilly with the same person you are blaming all the deaths on. I will never trust or vote for Trump again, but you cannot lay the percentage you are proposing on him solely. Just like we cannot move Biden to almighty status for his handling of the situation when he is currently running a similar death rate on par with the same time last year, WHILE having massive vaccination.

Has he made steps that have helped? Certainly and I would say he is definitely doing a better job than Trump, but by your own admission almost anyone could. The fact of the matter is, as I said last year, you cannot fight a pandemic like this without having the martial law like power China had or being in a situation to isolate yourself from outside contact.

This is why we can't have nice things

DESPERATE Restaurant Owner BLOCKADES Inspector's Car

BSR says...

Actually I saw a man protesting and arguing with police, not complying, because he was going to be stopped from paying his staff and his bills and his truck payment. Something he may be facing for the first time in his life.

I make no judgment about the rest of your analogy. I'm not very good cynic.

newtboy said:

I find it the height of irony that the same person who, when innocent unarmed people are killed says they should have complied with the law, here supports this guy breaking multiple laws and arguing with police, not complying, because he was going to be stopped from breaking the law.

Bill Maher's election predictions on Jimmy Kimmel

diego says...


I would add that science/doctors have been pushed out by the administration from day one, to the point that they use it to attack biden ("he's going to listen to the scientists!")

also, the inconsistency he is referring to for example in restaurants and flights, is entirely driven by economics, not science. Those are two of the hardest hit industries worldwide, you have a president who has made it clear he prioritises business over public health, of course they made some theatrical protocol to make it seem safer when really, its not.
(same in my country, and having a bakery myself have had to do the same stupid dance).

Pointing at the survival of christie, trump or any other celebrity, no matter how overweight, old or whatever, is not analogous to the experience of normal people who cant afford that level of treatment, most wouldnt have access to it even if they could afford it. not to mention that we dont even really know long term effects for survivors, including importantly how long the immune response lasts.

That whole segment just came off as the typical selfish "i dont think this will kill me, lets get back to normal" BS. Weve known for a long time now that what makes coronavirus dangerous isnt its mortality rate, its the combination of a long asymptomatic incubation period and airbone transmission that make it highly contagious, when hospitals collapse the mortality rate spikes.

I actually agree that we have to learn to live with this because i dont think a vaccine is nowhere near close to ready for global deployment, but i thought his arguments were terrible and his focus selfish.

***finally anecdotal experience here in Chile, 3 friends have gotten covid-
44 year old, former national team field hockey, good shape
41 year old, former point guard national team basketball, good shape
38 year old, professional poker player, overweight bordering on obese.

the 44 year old was in the hospital for 12 days, no ventilator, felt aches and pains for a solid month after going home
the 41 year old was in the hospital for 28 days, ventilator (and the induced coma that comes with it), still feels physically drained
the 38 year old had a fever for 3 days and never went to the hospital, is feeling fine

Between different strains and different body/blood types, comparing one case to another doesnt seem to work

cloudballoon said:

I think Bill's attack on the science/health experts is misguided.

Not that Bill's wrong, mind you. IF you have a good internal (immune) system you'll have a better chance of fighting it off, but

1) that's NOT a guarantee you won't get sick.
2) DOESN'T mean you won't help spread it by being all gun-ho about it, and
3) USA being what it is -- the number of over-weight, obese are just staggering -- what's the point for the health experts to say/shame people with, er, "their pre-conditions" are to blame NOW? How's that gonna help?

Besides, the health experts have been promoting healthy, active living for ages. They're not "cowards" because the people don't listen to them.

It's mind-bogging to me how narcissistic and self-centered American society is. If people just pay any attention outside of American media, they should know how to handle Covid-19.

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