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Lewis Black - america does not understand teachers

JiggaJonson says...

Meh. I don't even like that there is a cultural stigma associated with just admitting that teaching is a hard job and you can't mention that without attaching the disclaimer of "Well there ARE bad teachers who do _______ and that's bad."

Here's some food for thought: There is ALWAYS a self-check in place to guard against bad teachers, an army of people who will complain about said teacher constantly and actively work to remove that teacher from the position, the students. Students love complaining about teachers that they don't like, or they let it slip in different ways. "I love that sub, he let us do whatever we wanted."

Other professionals in education quickly zero in on comments from students and, with reliable accuracy, can identify problems with colleagues. I, myself, overheard a conversation students were having about another teacher stumbling around 'acting drunk and swearing' and went over to ask about it. I was shocked when I was shown a video shot from under a desk of this happening, stopped what I was doing, grabbed the principal who conveniently was in the hall, and that was the last day that person was in our building.

I'm fairly confident; in spite of morale being low, teachers being bashed in the news, students suffering from more problems than I can count, and being forced to teach to a standardized test; damn-near every person in my school is doing the best they can.

p.s. the pay sucks too.

kceaton1 said:

Something tells me he knew someone as a teacher. My Mother is a teacher (retired now) and let me say, that is one of the most selfless jobs in the world--IF you decide to make it that way. There are some teachers that truly do ride on the coattails of others.

But, the majority (especially Elementary) need a huge amount of preparation to get anything done. The digital age will help this, a bit. The real problem is lack of funds (along with not buying adequate resource materials), lack of pay, and BY FAR the biggest issue is classroom size...

Mechanic Saves Damage To Classic Car TWICE.

Payback says...

I've nightmares of this.

It works out ok though, turns out the classic car I'm running to save turns out to just be a little toy car which turns out to be a desk in my grade 3 class. That desk did a lot of damage to the refrigerator though.

What narcolepsy really looks like

lucybmartinez3 says...

I also have narcolepsy, but without the cataplexy, for which I am most grateful! I also had blephorospasms, which is when my eyes close unexpectedly, without the sleep. It was quite frightening, as it happened a number of times while I was driving. I saw a neurologist soon after these symptoms began, and it has been controlled quite well, with Botox injections around the outer edges of my eyes. This is very different from the Botox which is used on wrinkles. Within a month or so, those disappeared, although my eyelids are often heavy and I find it more comfortable to keep them closed, whenever possible. The narcolepsy is still with me: I take a medication called Provigil, when certainly helps. But I have a hard time making myself go to bed, when I begin feeling sleepy. I often fall asleep at my desk top computer with my head falling on the keyboard, leaving the strangest comments, which I enjoy posting, much to people's confusion. I have also often fallen out of my chair, and been rudely awakened by the sudden stop. Fortunately, I never been seriously hurt, and that hasn't happened for many months. I'm an older woman of 79, with osteoporosis, but I haven't broken anything in these unexpected naps, as I call them. The young woman in the video, who is a dancer and making a teaching video, it seems, is a much worse situation that I, for which I am grateful. I have here seen this site before, and I hope I'm not intruding...just thought folks might like to hear another perspective.

crafting a Patek Philippe 5175R Grandmaster Chime Watch

artician says...

The Gist:

Guy in business suit looking thoughtfully out of window.
(Doubtful anyone who designs fine consumer goods, *actually designs consumer goods*, wears a suit). Maybe its supposed to be you! You avant-garde millionaire, you!

Person sketching watch designs. This is probably semi-close to reality, though they don’t show the hundreds of designs the visual designer creates that are dismissed at whim by the aforementioned, assumed (but inevitable even if not shown) suits.

People fiddling with plastic representations of what one would assume as the model for said watch design. Maybe realistic, though with the caveat that two people are sitting there going over said physical design, in any serious discussion concerning the actual physics of the end product. I can *not* imagine that nearly the entirety of this process today, both visual and mechanical design, are not done digitally.

Okay, there’s some CG. Because CG is the next step, rather than the first, least expensive step in any design process today. Who wants to quickly model everything in a matter of hours when you can fabricate expensive, physical material for iterative testing?

Holy shit, was that guy just looking at a wood cutout? I can’t even think of a shitty, sarcastic/realistic remark about that one. I might have misunderstood that shot.

Alright, now we’re machining shit. You can’t really fake that with a few grand for marketing. That’s the real stuff. (1.5m in)

No, they don’t sand/polish things by hand during the fabrication phase. That’s entirely too inaccurate and subjective to the assembler to leave up to human hands. (But hey: it’s a 2.5 million dollar piece of metal, so lets make those buyers feel good about their money spent).

Oh look: gemstones! (???) That's kingly.

More faux machining that is veritably inferior to quality mechanical assembly.

Oh shit, someone just turned a nob!

3.5 minutes in, and we see some actual hand-polished work that is legitimately viable to perform by hand.

Hey lets sand those nodules off the finished pieces, and micro-inspect those printed markings, because nothing about us says “accuracy” without a fallible human to do it. Also: what are they printing shit on there for? Was it pushing the price to $3mil to engrave the timestamps on the faces? That better be the highest quality electroplated coating, but even then I can't imagine that's superior than a tactile, physical representation.

Now they’re hand-engraving the sculpted ornamentation, but it’s one more point I can gladly give them because those kinds of human touches let you know at least some sort of artisan was involved. I can appreciate that, though realizing what I just said causes me to reflect on the inaccuracies of mass-production, and why we would take one over the other…

More microscopes. (Because if one notch is off, it’s back to the furnace for you!)

Awe shit, payday. A guy in a suit looking confident is walking towards your building!

Finally, the gear assembly. It certainly looks fantastic, photographically speaking. I can’t help but notice that all that detail is lost to hundreds of textural indentations or are due to stylized alternating polish/grinding. However, I’m confident that spending $2.5mil on this product would get me the absolute, most accurate, unnoticeable details (hand-made!) within a micro-millimeter of accuracy. Those indentations are like chrome on a street-racer in the 90’s: the more you have, the greater they perform.

@~8min, I’m pretty sure no one works like that at their desk. That posture would kill you in a month.

They know you can’t spin the head of a watch while it’s on your wrist, right?

Awe! It’s got 5 ringtones! That’s way more than any other watch I’ve even heard of! Except everything that doesn’t cost $2.5mil.

If I can take anything away from this that’s even remotely positive, it’s that at least millionaire shitheads are now being just as suckered as the rest of the consumer base. Let me sell ONE of those watches, and I would have enough money to overtake their business within a year, except for that I don't have the greed, dishonesty, and overall lack of morals that it would take to set up a quality factory, and trick such dickheads into buying (even superior BS) products.

Brittany Maynard - Death with Dignity

Sniper007 says...

On published research:

'Well, here’s a medical expert. For 20 years, she had a front-row seat that very few doctors or researchers ever occupy. Thousands of medical studies arrived at her desk. She was a “queen of judgment.”

She is Dr. Marcia Angell. She was the editor of the most prestigious medical journal in the world, The New England Journal of Medicine.

On January 15, 2009, the NY Review of Books published Dr. Angell’s devastating assessment of medical literature:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” —(Marcia Angell, MD, “Drug Companies and Doctors: A story of Corruption.” NY Review of Books, Jan. 15, 2009.)'

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

VoodooV says...

To be fair to lantern, he said "smash his face in" in reference to me in the lounge when I wasn't there. So it wasn't like it was a direct threat, so I apologize for embellishing a bit. but yeah. Lantern obviously forgot that the Lounge is recorded for everyone to see for many days. He also seems to forget that everyone can see his comment history and all the other retarded and racist things he has said over the years.

So while it MAY NOT have been a "threat" per se. It shows a propensity for violence when mere words are exchanged.

Standard Internet Tough Guy syndrome.

It doesn't even matter if he is a cop or not. Either way it makes him look bad. Either he's lying about being a cop. Or he is a cop and he's just a desk jockey talking tough. Or he is actually on the streets and we've seen first hand how quick to anger and racist he is (not to mention insecure). No scenario paints him in a good light.

And this is why you don't make appeals to authority. It's a logical fallacy in the first place and when you try to bring RL into an internet debate without using the disclaimer that it's all anecdotal anyway (there's that word again Lantern, maybe you really should look it up), it usually means your arguments don't have their own merits and it just devolves into "my dad can beat up your dad" mentality which pretty much means you've lost.

dannym3141 said:

Seriously? Threatening someone over the internet is a sign of the kind of person who has a lot of front but no follow up. The kind of person that might try to intimidate someone but immediately relieve themselves in their trousers when they get called out on it. A weak person with a complex about inadequacy.

Having now watched the video, it fills me with dread to know that there are people like @lantern53 and @bobknight33 that would, with their head held high, say that they stand with the kind of police that i just saw say, on video, "bring it you animals" in any context to anyone or anything.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

VoodooV says...

Yet you keep responding. I must be pushing your buttons again ☺

If a guy like me on the Internet can make you angry so easily and make you lose your cool, I'm going go ahead and say you're not a cop, or a very bad one, or just a fucking desk jockey. In either case, the instant you try to bring your rl into an Internet argument, you've lost because you can't stand on your arguments merits and you try (and fail) to make appeals to your "authority"

Hell if you are a cop, you've threatened on sift lounge to smash my face in... So can I have your name and badge number so I can make some phone calls?

Didn't think so. So not only are you a violent cop, you're a coward

It's interesting that you called me a punk instead of a thug. Obviously you think I'm white then.

lantern53 said:

You are just a trolling punk, so why waste my time?

Also, I am still a cop, so...wrong again.

Key & Peele: Office Homophobe

xxovercastxx says...

I'm not defining what is and is not gay, I'm saying that "one who is sexually attracted to those of one's own sex" is how we define homosexual and 'gay' is just a slang term for that. I'm just citing the definition, not deciding what it is. If you don't feel that 'gay' is synonymous with 'homosexual' in this context, then we won't be able to have this debate.

To address your claims about me, no, I'm not saying I'm only willing to tolerate a plain vanilla male personality. I don't mind a guy wearing a pink shirt; I don't mind an effeminate guy; I don't mind a gay guy; and I don't mind any combination of these things.

However, if he shoves a picture of his asshole in my face, unprompted and at work no less, then he's an asshole. If he accuses me of being homophobic just because I don't like him, then he's an asshole.

If this character was a straight woman with penis paraphernalia all over her desk, a picture of her asshole on her phone, and detailed genital descriptions of the guy she slept with last night, I wouldn't like her either.

scottishmartialarts said:

Says who? What authority do you have to define what is and what is not gay? Your essentially saying that gays can only be gay in respect to whom they are attracted to. Anything else which deviates from mainstream heterosexual norms is "immature" and the mark of an "asshole". In other words you're only willing to tolerate difference so long as it's in a way that's acceptable to you. Who is the asshole again?

Again, the flamboyant character is caricature and much of his behavior is not work approrpriate. But it's entirely possible for a gay man to be effeminate and still be professional. According to you and this video however, once a gay man crosses the line into effeminancy, and starts to be different in a way that's harder to understand, then he deserves what's coming. I have a problem with that.

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

TheFreak says...

With respect, I believe the point of this video is to point out "calculated intent".

When the individuals who are unable to use the power they are give wisely are positioned high enough up the command chain, you have an institutionalized problem. Evidence of this is given in the video: small town police forces with tanks, uncontrolled use of high impact tactics in low threat situations, the ubiquitous "temporary desk duty" punishment for criminal acts...

All too often we select the lowest common denominator, for interpersonal skills and self awareness, to place in these positions of power. Now they're stoking their own Liam Neesons fantasies by equipping themselves with military hardware. Against what threat?

Not all cops are bad. But given the opportunity to flourish, the bad elements will grow until the good actors are minimized or pushed out. If this escalation continues, it can't end well.

VoodooV said:

It's pretty easy to cherry pick instances of cops behaving badly and ignore instances of cops doing good. This sift alone has a wide variety of videos of both types of cops. So you (not implying you personally) have a rather large burden of proof to meet to make a valid claim of "fascist police state" you need to prove calculated intent. Until then, you've just got a significant number of individual cases of people who are simply unable to use the power they are given wisely and ignore the responsibility they have. Something all of us humans have been guilty of at some point in our lives.

The internet is a great tool for communication to bring stuff like this to light, but it also breeds a massive amount of armchair quarterbacking.

The Ingenuity of British Electrical Outlets

SquidCap says...

Schuko all the way, best plug on the planet (at the moment). Ground always attaches first, the socket forms a protective casing and pins can not be touched long before contact happens, is protected from elements better, latched inlets (both pins need to push on them to allow the plug thru), can be plugged in two orientations.. Seems counterintuitive that it would be the safest to have neutral and live be allowed to switch places but it prevents highly dangerous practice of connecting earth and neutral inside the appliance, 50% of the time that would short and trip the fuses. Appliance manufacturers HAS to follow basic safety quidelines. Also means onnecting a plug is easy, just breen-yellow to ground, rest is up to you which way you want them. In fact, most of use can't remembers which color is neutral and which is live as they are BOTH treated as live.

Also they don't have fuses in the plug. Again, seems counterintuitive but the fuse is meant to protect individual parts of the circuit. The fuse in the appliances them selves protect the appliance, not it's cord. The fuses on the wall sockets have to be built to protect all cabling, both in and out of the wall.

Small details but it forces buildings to be built with higher standards, less shortcuts can be made.

One feature on Schuko is that when pulled from the cable, the plug leaves the socket first. In UK plugs, you can have a situation where someone trips on a wire and the wire will leave the plug, plug stays in the wall (or wall socket is damaged too) Making the weak point the plug-socket connection, the wire will stay firmly screwed inside the plug, socket and plug will be undamaged. There are L shape plugs too with Shcuko so this is not always the case but most often, those are incased and molded: your appliance will take the hit instead and fly off the desk. Also stops dangerous cable pulling with long cables with extensions for ex in construction sites. You have to actually go and move it yourself. Safer, more work but safer (yes, there are few cases where we knot the wires to stop it happening but when done by a professional, we know how to knot them so that the force is not pulling or bending the plugs at all, otherwise they can disconnect by them selves, often modus operandi when rigging lights)

Also, the pins are round, making bent pins something that just wont happen unless you drive a truck over them. Damaged, bent pins will be destroyed in the process, preventing someone to just bend them back in shape: the tube will not be round again.. It's a genius design.

Only thing that it is horrible at is transformers, small PSUs that takes up sometimes three sockets as Shcuko is more compact, the extensions are smaller then too.. So sometimes two wall sockets can take one PSU and we end up with lots of extensions chained with half of the sockets filled (i got 600 led lights in my living room, takes 4 extensions to get them all running, half of the sockets are used....)

Hustler Photoshopped X-Rated S.E. Cupp's Image -- TYT

VoodooV says...

I was with Ana until the "But you're a man" nonsense.

She's not wrong that someone could remove the disclaimer and just post it out there. But then that's not on Hustler. Hustler did their due dilligence to put that disclaimer on there.

The internet cannot be policed like that.

Besides, S.E. Cupp cannot complain too much, she uses sex to advance her career, I've seen the clips of her with her legs on the desk showing off her assets. Very professional Ms. Cupp. If she was not a very attractive woman, I doubt she would be in the position she is.

Optical Illusion Painting

MrFisk (Member Profile)

Cinematic Table Flips Supercut

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